‘All students count’: Alexandru Iosup Dutch Teacher of the Year!
Alexandru Iosup, lecturer at the faculty of Electronic Engineering, Maths and Computer Sciences (EEMCS), was named Dutch Teacher of the Year on Saturday 17 January. This title is awarded by the Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (Inter-City Student Consultation, or ISO) to a teacher who is known for his or her involvement, passion and innovative teaching methods. This rings true for Alexandru and his motto ‘all students count’, according to the jury.
The core tenet of Alexandru’s teaching philosophy is letting students choose their own path within his courses. He achieves this through ‘Gamification’: his courses are designed around different ‘player types’ or personalities. Achievers want to check off each part of the course, Winners want to be the best. Explorers want to see what is outside the course material and Socializers excel when working with others.
Voted by students
Alexandru was elected TU Delft Lecturer of the Year 2014 by a jury of TU Delft students and our Rector Magnificus three months ago. His students thoroughly enjoy his teaching approach where you feel challenged to learn, even in courses that previously made many students stumble. Alexandru and his Gamification give you a good reason to get out of bed and straight to class in the morning!
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