Maths & Mechanics helpdesk
During the exam period the central library is offering Bachelor’s students free assistance to help them with their mathematics and mechanics exercises.
You can also use Blackboard IM to ask questions from home. The helpdesk’s name is Maths & Mechanics. Blackboard IM is the standard Instant Messenger application of TU Delft and can be found in the bottom left of your Blackboard homepage.
The mathematics and mechanics helpdesk will be open between 13:00 and 17:00 on the dates listed below. You can find the helpdesk in the Asia project room in the central library.
Week 14
- Wednesday 1 April
- Thursday 2 April
Week 4
- Tuesday 7 April
- Wednesday 8 April
- Thursday 9 April
Week 5
- Monday 13 April
- Tuesday 14 April
- Wednesday 15 April
Wiskunde- & Mechanica helpdesk
Bachelorstudenten kunnen tijdens de tentamenperiode in de centrale bibliotheek gratis hulp krijgen bij hun wiskunde- en mechanicasommen.
Vanuit huis kunnen ook vragen gesteld worden via Blackboard IM (helpdesk Maths & Mechanics). Blackboard IM is de Instant Message-applicatie van de TU Delft en is standaard links onderin je Blackboard startpagina te vinden.
De wiskunde- & mechanicahelpdesk is open tussen 13:00 en 17:00 geopend op onderstaande data. De helpdesk is te vinden in projectruimte Azië in de centrale bibliotheek.
Week 14
- Woensdag 1 April
- Donderdag 2 April
Week 4
- Dinsdag 7 April
- Woensdag 8 April
- Donderdag 9 April
Week 5
- Maandag 13 April
- Dinsdag 14 April
- Woensdag 15 April
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