Do you shave your legs? Now is the time to start!

On the 30th of May this year, The Erasmus University Rotterdam organises a cycling tour through Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam for students of all three universities. The VLS University Tour is an initiative to display the LDE (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus) collaboration the universities formed in 2012 in a fun and competative manner.
Everyone will be able to participate, with five tour distances ranging from 30 to 160 kilometers. The routes for each tour are slightly different, yet all will touch on each university campus. The mindset for each tour is different too; For the 160 kilometer tour, shaven legs could make the difference between glory and defeat. On the other end of the spectrum, the best outfit is most important during the thirty kilometer route, which is all about representing one’s university.
Interested? Find more information here (in Dutch). Subscription to the University Tour has opened on March 15th. Subscribe here!
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