Second minor-registration period opens 1 July
Are you in your second BSc year and not yet registered for a minor next year? Make sure to apply for a thematic minor during the second minor registration period, starting 1 July.
Log into Osiris, where you will be able to see which minors still have places available. Register for one the available minors that you wish to study. You will be enrolled immediately. You also have the option to switch minors while in Osiris, but beware: canceling your registration of your minor in order to register for a new one is at your own risk. If you do not register for another minor quickly enough, places might be full and your original minor-place could have been taken up by another student. If that happens you have no claim to re-register for your old minor.
Since the first registration period has passed, minors that are still open for registration may have very limited spaces. Because of constant fluctuations in the available places, we are not able to maintain an updated accurate list of available spaces on our site. Osiris will always list the most accurate and up to date information with regards to available places. will only list the selection-minors that have definitely filled up and for which you cannot register any more. In short, check Osiris for the most up-to-date minor-availability.
The following selection minors are not available at the start of the second minor registration period, starting July 1:
Name minor | Code |
Advanced Prototyping | IO-MI-135 |
Automotive Design | IO-MI-165 |
Biomedical Engineering | BME-MI-087 |
Educatie | SEC-MI-049 |
Interactive Environments | IO-MI-124 |
International Entrepreneurship and Development | WM-MI-101 |
Mathematics and Finance | TW-MI-187 |
Robotica | WB-MI-168 |
Spaces for display: retail & exhibition design | BK-MI-145 |
Sports Innovation | IO-MI-164 |
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