Increase of COVID-19 cases in Delft city
It is now the second week of the new academic year and we are happy to offer a mix of online and on-campus education for everyone.
At TU Delft, we have adopted various measures to create a safe study- and work environment, in accordance with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) guidelines. As you may have heard, the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the city of Delft have increased in the past days. We therefore urge you to strictly follow the general rules of conduct and, above all, to keep a 1.5 m distance from each other at all times. It’s easy to fall into our regular patterns, especially in social situations, new places, or when thinking about other things (like a new class!). Remembering to keep to the restrictions that have been put in place can be difficult, but they’re necessary to ensure the campus is as safe as possible.
Infographic: creating a safe and pleasant campus together
What to do if you or your housemates have symptoms?
If you or one of your housemates have symptoms, get tested! Until your test results are back, observe strict isolation and do not come to the campus under any circumstances, no matter how inconvenient it may be. Read more
For information regarding COVID-19 measures please go to: > coronavirus > students
By following the measures, we can work together to help keep students and employees safe and healthy!
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