Posted in 2020
Cheating, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviour
Cheating, plagiarism, discrimination, inappropriate behaviour… How can you deal with those situations? Should you speak to someone directly? That’s not always easy. In the new TU Delft Code of Conduct you can read about how to act in sometimes complex situations according to the values we consider important at the university. The code also contains the TU Delft Declaration of Integrity, which gives you information about the rules of conduct everyone is expected to adhere to. You will also learn what is specifically expected of you as a student.
Would you like to know more? Take a look at where you will find the code of conduct and the Integrity Roadmap, a tool that shows you the paths you can take if you are faced with an (ethical) dilemma.
Interactive Theatre Play 17 & 18 March: TIME OUT before stressing out
We all experience stress now and then. It is part of our lives and has a function as it helps us to perform. There’s nothing wrong with working hard and having ambition; go for it! But what if it is too much? You probably know about mindfulness apps and self-help books. Maybe even use them. They do however only control the symptoms. The underlying question is much more important: why do you experience stress? And why is it so hard to talk about it?
Interactive Theatre Play
On 17 and 18 March, you can attend the interactive theatre play Time Out. In this play, professional actors start a dialogue about the early signs and possible solutions. It will help you recognize signals of a burn-out and lowers the threshold to talk about the subject. It will truly be a heart- and eye opener.
Afterwards, make sure to join the cafe. There, you will have the possibility to talk about the play, have a drink and get more information about dealing with stress.
Do You Need a Time Out?
Come by on 17 or 18 March! Attend the play especially made for Bachelors on 17 March, performed in Dutch, or join the one directed at Master students on 18 March performed in English.
Free entrance
19:30 – 21:00 Time Out Theatre play
21:00 – 22:00 Cafe
Aula Auditorium
This theater play is brought to you by ESA, X TU Delft, ORAS, Studium Generale and Stichting TIME OUT.
Coronavirus update
On Sunday evening 1 March TU Delft announced measures in the context of the current developments surrounding the coronavirus. We urge students and employees with respiratory complaints, coughing, shortness of breath or fever to stay at home as a precaution.
This has raised a lot of questions about how exactly to deal with compulsory educational matters such as practicals and compulsory tutorials. In particular, the question of which obligation carries more weight: the educational obligation or the coronavirus measure. We would like to underline that the coronavirus measure is and remains the overriding measure until further notice.
Solutions will be sought for students who are unable to comply with educational obligations as a result of the measure referred to above. Teachers have been asked to come up with suitable solutions wherever possible.
With regards to not being able to sit exams and interim exams, a discussion has also taken place with the chairs of examination committees, who have indicated that they understand the necessity of the measure and will go along with it. The examination committee already has sufficient powers to facilitate solutions in the event of a study delay.
It is important that students make it known in advance if they are unable to comply with educational obligations as a result of the measure, so that this can be taken into account. They must also keep an eye on what their study programme communicates on this matter.
For regularly updated FAQs and information on precautionary measures, please visit the dedicated page on the TU Delft website.
Executive Board message: coronavirus
The area health authority GGD does not currently impose any extra restrictions on TU Delft. Nevertheless, at TU Delft we choose to urge anyone with respiratory complaints, coughing, shortness of breath or fever to stay at home as a precaution – regardless of where you have been and with whom you have been in contact. We consider this measure necessary in view of our open and international character, in combination with the reality of a student infected with the coronavirus. If you have any of the aforementioned symptoms, please report them to your family doctor by telephone, stay at home and follow your doctor’s instructions.
Existing hygiene measures at TU Delft will also be expanded to include an extra measure, namely that we ask everyone not to shake hands.
Both measures apply to students, staff and visitors to our campus or our events. Finally, TU Delft is counting on students and staff to take responsibility, to help each other and to speak to each other whenever necessary.
The most important measures you can take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis
- Use hand alcohol if water and soap are unavailable
- Cough and sneeze in your elbow, not in your hand
- Use paper tissues and throw them away immediately
- Do not shake hands
Stay at home if you have symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, fever and/or lung problems and contact your family doctor by telephone.
For regularly updated FAQs and information on precautionary measures, please visit the dedicated page on the TU Delft website.
SR and FSR elections
The electing of members of the Student Council (SR) and Student Councils at faculty level (FSR) will take place online via website on Wednesday 13 May 2020 from 8.00 a.m. up to and including Thursday 14 May 2020 until 5.00 p.m.
Consulting the electoral registers
Both the electoral registers for the FSR elections and the SR can be looked into from 2 March 2020 until 9 March 2020 online via website
Interested parties may lodge objections with the Executive Board via until one week after the names have been announced.
Submission of candidate lists SR and FSR
Candidate lists may be submitted to the Student Council (SR) at institution level and to the Student Council (FSR) at faculty level from 2 March 2020 until 16 March 2020 5.00 p.m.
Every student who is entitled to vote can nominate himself for the Student Council (SR) and Student Councils at faculty level (FSR). The nomination will take place as follows. To take part in the elections you have to hand in a candidate list to the secretary of the election committee. The candidate list must be supported by at least 10 persons who are eligible to vote for the Student Council (SR) and by at least 5 persons who are entitled to vote for the Student Councils at faculty level (FSR). Every candidate has to fill in a written declaration, in which he/she accepts his/her nomination on the candidate list.
The candidate proposition forms may be obtained as of 2 March 2020 from the relevant central or facultative election committee (see overview below) as below. The deadline for the submission of the candidate list is 16 March 2020 5.00 p.m. To ensure that the checking and processing of the candidate lists goes smoothly the election committee requests that the lists of candidates be handed in preferably before the final date.
The candidate lists (together with the candidates’ declarations of consent) for the SR must be personally handed in to the Central Election Committee’s office on the 5th floor of the Faculty Civil Engineering, Stevinweg 1, room 5.20 or 5.16
The candidate lists (together with the candidates’ declarations of consent) for the FSR must be personally handed in to the relevant faculty election committee (see the overview below). Dated proof of receipt will be issued to those who submit the lists.
The collecting and submitting of the SR candidate lists: Room 5.20 or 5.16, 5th floor of the Faculty Civil Engineering, Stevinweg 1
The collecting and submitting of the FSR candidate lists:
– BK: Julianalaan 134, BG. 00.Oost.110
– CiTG: Stevinweg 1, room 2.42
– EWI: Mekelweg 4, room LB 02.010
– L&R: Kluyverweg 1, room 1.60
– IO: Landbergstraat 15, room 32 C-4-070
– 3Me: Mekelweg 2, room 34-A-1-110 (HR 3mE: green)
– TBM: Jaffalaan 5, room: A2.310
– TNW: TN building, Lorentzweg 1, room A.216, 2nd floor, A-department
Verkiezingen SR en FSR
De verkiezingen van de leden van de Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR) vinden dit jaar online via de website plaats op woensdag 13 mei 2020 vanaf 8.00u doorlopend tot en met donderdag 14 mei 2020 17:00 uur.
Inzage kiesregisters
Het kiesregister kun je dit jaar vanaf 2 maart 2020 tot en met 9 maart 2020 raadplegen via de website
Belanghebbenden kunnen binnen een week na de bekendmaking bezwaar aantekenen bij het College van Bestuur via:
Indienen kandidatenlijsten SR en FSR
Vanaf 2 maart 2020 tot en met 16 maart 2020 tot 17:00 uur bestaat de mogelijkheid voor het indienen van een kandidatenlijst voor de Studentenraad op instellingsniveau (SR) en de Studentenraden op facultair niveau (FSR).
Iedere kiesgerechtigde student kan zich kandidaat stellen voor de Studentenraad op instellingsniveau (SR) en de Studentenraad op facultair niveau (FSR). De kandidaatstelling gaat als volgt. Om deel te kunnen nemen aan de verkiezingen dient een kandidatenlijst met een of meer kandidaten ingeleverd te worden bij de secretaris van de verkiezings- commissie. Deze kandidatenlijst dient ondersteund te worden door ten minste 10 kiesgerechtigden voor de SR en ten minste 5 kiesgerechtigden voor de FSR. Tevens dient iedere kandidaat een bewilligingsverklaring in te vullen, waarop hij/zij zich formeel kandidaat stelt voor de betreffende kandidatenlijst.
De kandidaatstellingsformulieren kan men vanaf 2 maart 2020 afhalen bij de betreffende centrale c.q. facultaire verkiezingscommissies (zie onderstaand overzicht). De deadline voor het indienen van de kandidatenlijsten is 16 maart 2020 om 17:00 uur. Om de controle en verwerking van de kandidatenlijsten soepel te laten verlopen verzoekt de verkiezingscommissie de kandidatenlijsten eerder in te leveren.
De kandidatenlijsten (+bewilligingsverklaringen van de kandidaten) voor de SR moeten persoonlijk worden ingeleverd bij de Centrale Verkiezingscommissie, 5e etage Faculteit Civiele Techniek, kamer 5.20 of 5.16, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft.
De kandidatenlijsten (+bewilligingsverklaringen van de kandidaten) voor de FSR moeten persoonlijk worden ingeleverd bij de betreffende facultaire verkiezingscommissie (zie onderstaand overzicht). Aan degenen die de lijsten indienen wordt een gedagtekend bewijs van ontvangst verstrekt.
Ophalen en indienen kandidatenlijsten SR:
Kamer 5.20 of 5.16, 5e etage Faculteit Civiele Techniek, Stevinweg 1 Delft
Ophalen en indienen kandidatenlijsten FSR:
– BK: Julianalaan 134, BG. Oost.110
– CiTG: Stevinweg 1, Kamer 2.42
– EWI: Mekelweg 4, kamer LB 02.010
– L&R: Kluyverweg 1, Kamer 1.60
– IO: Landbergstraat 15, Kamer 32 C-4-070
– 3Me: Mekelweg 2, 34-A-1-110 (HR 3mE: groen)
– TBM: Jaffalaan 5, Kamer: A2.310
– TNW: TN gebouw, Lorentzweg 1, kamer A.216, 2e verdieping A-vleugel
Coronavirus: Update
As you know, there has been an outbreak of the coronavirus since December 2019. The following countries/regions are currently experiencing widespread transmission of the virus:
- China (including Hong Kong and Macao)
- Singapore
- Iran
- Some municipalities in Italy: Codogno and surroundings, Sesto Cremonese, Pizzighettone, Soresina, Sesto San Giovanni, Pieve Porto Morone (Province of Lombardy) and Vo’ Euganeo, Mira (Province of Veneto).
We urge people who have just returned from China not to come directly to the university but to stay at home for 14 days. If during these 14 days you get a fever with respiratory complaints (coughing or shortness of breath), please contact your family doctor by phone or the Student Health Practice (015-7999050) and follow medical advice if necessary. For further information, see the list of frequently asked questions.
Other countries
If you have recently been to one of the other countries or regions mentioned above and you have a fever with respiratory problems (coughing or shortness of breath), please contact your family doctor (by telephone) and follow any medical advice; we urgently advise you to stay at home for 14 days in this situation. Report this to your supervisor or study advisor. If you have a specific question in relation to your work or study and the coronavirus, discuss it with your supervisor or study advisor.
Information at:
TU Delft continues to actively follow the news and instructions from health authorities, makes the necessary preparations behind the scenes and provides further information when necessary. To this end, keep an eye on the list of frequently asked questions, which is regularly updated.
At the moment we strongly advise students and staff against traveling to China. Pending developments, the booking of trips to China through TU Delft has been stopped for an indefinite period of time. For current travel advice for other areas, please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Dutch); take this advice seriously.
Personal hygiene
In general, it is always advisable for everyone to maintain personal hygiene by frequently and properly washing your hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow (not your hands), and using paper handkerchiefs. TU Delft has taken additional cleaning measures, as can be read in the list of frequently asked questions.
More information
The current state of affairs for TU Delft is always communicated via the aforementioned list of frequently asked questions. You can also always call 015 278 9111.
More information can of course also be found on the RIVM website.
Join the TU Delft Impact Contest
Are you a TU Delft student full of game-changing ideas? Then make sure to join the TU Delft contest, pitch your idea, meet experts, attend workshops and bring your idea or prototype to the next level.
Entrepreneurial and Innovation Competition
The contest is an entrepreneurial and innovation competition for all students. It challenges you to create great, out-of-the-box thinking innovative solutions for societal problems and translate them into real products and business plans, while interacting and making use of the expertise from our innovative and very knowledgeable partners.
Many companies, government institutions and organisations have joined TU Delft Impact Contest. Together they make a community where innovation and co-creation are key and help you on your way to create successful innovations and begin your own start-up.
Want to join the contest? Register before 2 March.
Coronavirus updated FAQs – 24 February
On student news you can access the latest, regularly updated FAQs on the coronavirus, the precautionary measures being taken at TU Delft, and the contact details for further information.
TIME OUT before stressing out
We all experience stress now and then. It is part of our lives and has a function as it helps us to perform. There’s nothing wrong with working hard and having ambition; go for it! But what if it is too much? You probably know about mindfulness apps and self-help books. Maybe even use them. They do however only control the symptoms. The underlying question is much more important: why do you experience stress? And why is it so hard to talk about it?
Interactive Theatre Play
On 17 and 18 March, you can attend the interactive theatre play Time Out. In this play, professional actors start a dialogue about the early signs and possible solutions. It will help you recognize signals of a burn-out and lowers the threshold to talk about the subject. It will truly be a heart- and eye opener.
Afterwards, make sure to join the cafe. There, you will have the possibility to talk about the play, have a drink and get more information about dealing with stress.
Do You Need Time Out?
Come by on 17 or 18 March! Attend the play especially made for Bachelors on 17 March, performed in Dutch, or join the one directed at Master students on 18 March, performed in English.
Free entrance
19:30 – 21:00 Time Out Theatre play
21:00 – 22:00 Cafe
Aula Auditorium
More info: make sure to check the website.
This theater play is brought to you by ESA, X TU Delft, ORAS, Studium Generale and Stichting TIME OUT.
Prevent the spread of viruses
What can you do to prevent the spread of viruses, such as the Corona virus? Adopting some simple hygiene measures can help, such as the ones most of us are already familiar with:
- washing hands regularly;
- coughing and sneezing into the elbow, not into the hands;
- using disposable tissues and throwing them away.
People who choose to also wear masks over their mouths do so to help reduce the chance of being infected by random viruses. This is quite common in Asian countries, and you may have noticed students, colleagues or passers-by who have chosen to take this preventative measure. It’s worth bearing in mind that, since it is a preventative measure, wearing a mask is not a sign of someone being ill but rather of a healthy person taking steps to remain so. Let’s all continue to look after our health and each other!
If you have any questions, please contact your study advisor. You can also consult the regularly updated frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Corona virus, the precautionary measures being taken at TU Delft, and the contact details for further information.