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De meningen ge-uit door medewerkers en studenten van de TU Delft en de commentaren die zijn gegeven reflecteren niet perse de mening(en) van de TU Delft. De TU Delft is dan ook niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van hetgeen op de TU Delft weblogs zichtbaar is. Wel vindt de TU Delft het belangrijk - en ook waarde toevoegend - dat medewerkers en studenten op deze, door de TU Delft gefaciliteerde, omgeving hun mening kunnen geven.

Posted in 2020

What to do in case of infection

For Dutch please scroll down

If you or one of your housemates are showing symptoms, get tested. Until the test results are known, you should observe strict home isolation and under no circumstances come to campus, however inconvenient that may be.

Write down who you have had contact with over the past few days.  This concerns people with whom you:

  • have been together for more than 15 minutes
  • had contact less than 1.5 meters away
  • have been together from 2 days before the complaints started, until the moment you stayed at home

If the test shows that you do not have Covid-19 and you are feeling well enough, you can come to campus again.

If the test shows that you do have Covid-19, the Area Health Authority GGD will contact you to start contact tracing. Pass your list of contacts to the GGD immediately. Subsequently, follow instructions of the GGD at all times. The GGD may ask you to inform your contacts (at the university) about your infection. For help you can contact the department of Safety & Security via or telephone number +31 (0)15 27 82777.

The GGD will contact the university if (clusters of) infections give reason to do so. Information about the health of employees must be handled very carefully. For privacy reasons, universities do not and may not request or share health information of employees or students, not even in the case of Covid-19.

If you, as a student, are unable to attend on campus educational activities due to home isolation, please contact your study advisor and we will try to find a fitting solution.

For information regarding Covid-19 measures please go to: > coronavirus


Wat te doen in geval van besmetting

Als jijzelf of een van je huisgenoten klachten hebben, laat je dan testen. Tot de testuitslag bekend is, is strikte thuisisolatie noodzakelijk en kun je onder geen voorwaarde naar de campus komen, hoe vervelend dat ook is.

Schrijf op met wie je de afgelopen dagen contact hebt gehad. Het gaat vooral om mensen met wie je:

  • langer dan 15 minuten samen bent geweest
  • contact had op minder dan 1,5 meter afstand
  • samen bent geweest vanaf 2 dagen voordat de klachten begonnen, tot het moment dat je thuis bleef

Als uit de test blijkt dat je geen Covid-19 hebt en je voelt je goed genoeg, kun je weer naar de campus komen.

Als uit de test wel blijkt dat je wel Covid-19 hebt, zal de GGD contact met je opnemen om een contactonderzoek op te starten. Geef je lijst met contacten direct na vaststelling door aan de GGD. Volg daarna de aanwijzingen van de GGD altijd op. Mogelijk vraagt de GGD je om zelf je contacten (op de universiteit) te informeren over je besmetting. Voor hulp kun je dan contact opnemen met de afdeling Integrale Veiligheid via of via telefoonnummer +31 (0)15 27 82777.

De GGD neemt contact op met de universiteit indien (clusters van) besmettingen hiertoe aanleiding geven. Met informatie over de gezondheid van medewerkers moet zeer secuur worden omgegaan. Universiteiten mogen om privacy-redenen geen gezondheidsinformatie van medewerkers of studenten opvragen of delen, ook niet als het over Covid gaat.

Als je als student door thuisisolatie geen campusonderwijs kan volgen, neem dan contact op met je studieadviseur, dan zal worden gezocht naar een maatwerkoplossing.

The Opening Academic Year game is now live!

The game is on! Please go to to play the game.

The game will be available from 12.00 hours to 00.00 hours on 31 August.

By playing the game you have a chance to win a great prize: one of the 3000 limited edition Academic Year 2020-2021 TU Delft hoodies!

Before you start, please read the following instructions:

How to play the game

  • Make sure you are connecting to this website via a PC or a laptop.

This game is not available for mobile devices.

  • Firefox and Chrome are the recommended browsers for playing the game.

The game is not supported by Internet Explorer and Safari.

  • Please make an account (by clicking Register) for the game with your TU Delft e-mail address and further personal details. We will use this information to contact the prize winners.
  • Make a personalized avatar by choosing from the available features and click Save. You can now commence your journey through the game.
  • Use your mouse to navigate through the game.
  • The challenge is to discover and obtain as much TU Delft flames (and knowledge) as possible, in order to have a chance at winning the prize: one of our 3000 limited edition TU Delft Academic Year 2020-2021 hoodies.
  • You can interact with your fellow players via the chat function. You will be able to see some of them walking with you through the game.
  • When you have finished the game, you have the opportunity to remain in the game and interact with fellow players. Close your browser, to exit the game.
  • If you are unable to connect to the game, please wait a few minutes. This probably means the maximum number of participants has been exceeded and you will be able to connect at a later stage. If you have further questions, please visit the support page on the website.

Kind regards,

Opening Academic Year 2020-2021

Creating a safe and pleasant campus together

The new academic year is starting and we are very happy to see you! At TU Delft we are doing our best to ensure a safe environment and for that we need your help. Please watch carefully this video, and keep in mind your faculty might add specific measures.

Do you have more questions about the corona measures? Check > Coronavirus > students

Are you new to the University? Welcome! The website is here for all new students to help you with the start of your studies.


TU Delft Library services

Check out what TU Delft Library, the largest technical-scientific library in the Netherlands, can do for you.

TU Delft library_EN version

TU Delft library_NL versie

Measures in public spaces during the TU Delft restart

For Dutch, please scroll down

After a period in of very limited activity on the campus, from 31 August we will be coming to campus more often. The restart will begin with a maximum of 20% of the students. This means that the campus will be busier, as will the traffic to and from the campus. The 1.5-metre rule will remain in force. TU Delft is taking various measures in public spaces to be able to guarantee the health of its students, staff and visitors.

To ensure that the start of the academic year proceeds as safely as possible and that the 1.5-metre rule is adhered to, the situation on campus will be closely monitored. You will, for example, only be allowed on campus if you have your campus card with you, we are looking into a system for allowing staff to work on campus, and we placed cameras on potentially busy places to see if people can keep a distance of 1.5 meters. In addition, we will be emphasising the 1.5-metre rule.

Live monitoring on campus

From the TU Delft control room we will be monitoring whether it is possible to maintain social distancing. Images will not be recorded but can only be watched live. View the FAQs here.

Enforcing the 1.5-metre rule

Posters, stickers and signs will be used on campus to remind people of the 1.5-metre rule. Besides this, extra staff from G4S will be deployed to supervise people’s movements at bus stops and at building entrances and exits. We have also made arrangements with the municipality and public transport companies about streamlining the traffic streams to the campus and monitoring spots that might become crowded.

Going to campus?

We recommend that you continue to work from home as much as possible. If you do come to campus, please heed the following instructions:

  • Travel by bike or on foot as much as possible
  • Travelling by public transport? Then please avoid the rush hour as much as possible.
  • Check whether there are further rules that apply within your faculty or department.

Also good to know

The study associations are also doing all they can to keep the campus corona-proof. They have taken the initiative to send a letter to the participants of the OWEE calling on them to actively observe the coronavirus measures.

Activities are also developed on a scientific level. In the coming months, new research projects will start on campus, which may also support a well-informed restart. More information about this will follow at a later date.

More information

The latest information on the measures concerning the coronavirus at TU Delft can be found on this website.


Maatregelen openbare ruimte herstart TU Delft

Na een periode van zeer beperkte activiteiten op de campus zullen we vanaf 31 augustus weer vaker op de campus komen. Deze herstart begint met maximaal 20% van het aantal studenten. Dit betekent dat het drukker wordt op de campus en in het verkeer naar en van de campus. Hierbij blijft de 1,5 meter afstand van kracht.

De TU Delft neemt verschillende maatregelen in de openbare ruimte om de gezondheid van de studenten, medewerkers en bezoekers te kunnen waarborgen.

Om de start van het collegejaar zo veilig mogelijk te laten verlopen en de 1,5 meter te kunnen waarborgen wordt er veel gemonitord. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld alleen met je campuskaart naar binnen, wordt naar een systeem voor medewerkers om op de campus te kunnen werken gekeken, en zijn op potentieel drukke plekken camera’s opgehangen om te controleren of mensen 1,5 meter afstand kunnen houden. Daarnaast komt er op andere manieren veel aandacht voor de 1,5 meter regel.

Live monitoren campus

Vanuit de TU Delft meldkamer wordt meegekeken of er voldoende afstand kan worden aangehouden. Beelden worden niet opgeslagen maar kunnen uitsluitend live worden bekeken. Bekijk hier de meest gestelde vragen.

Waarborgen 1,5 meter regel

Door middel van o.a. posters, stickers en borden worden mensen op de campus herinnerd aan de 1,5 meter afstand. Daarnaast wordt extra personeel vanuit G4S ingezet om mensen te begeleiden bij bushaltes en in- en uitgangen van gebouwen. Ook zijn er afspraken gemaakt met de gemeente en het openbaar vervoer over het stroomlijnen van verkeersstromen naar de campus en het monitoren van eventuele drukke plekken.

Naar de campus?

Het advies blijft om zoveel mogelijk thuis te werken. Kom je naar de campus, houd dan rekening met de volgende adviezen:

  • Kom zo veel mogelijk met de fiets of te voet
  • Reis je met het OV? Reis dan zoveel mogelijk buiten de spits.
  • Informeer je goed of er nog meer regels gelden binnen je eigen faculteit of directie.

Ook goed om te weten

De studieverenigingen zitten ook niet stil en zetten zich in om de campus coronaproof te houden. Zij hebben daarvoor het initiatief genomen een brief te sturen naar de deelnemers van de OWEE om hen actief op te roepen zich te houden aan de coronamaatregelen.

Ook op wetenschappelijk vlak worden activiteiten ontplooid. In het najaar wordt een aantal nieuwe onderzoeken opgestart op de campus die de maatregelen mogelijk ook kracht kunnen bijzetten. Hierover volgt op een later moment meer informatie.

Meer informatie

De laatste informatie over de maatregelen rond het coronavirus op de TU Delft vind je op

Play the Opening Academic Year 2020-2021 game on 31 august 2020

The game is on! Play the Opening Academic Year 2020-2021 game on 31 august 2020 to officially start the new academic year at TU Delft! The game will be available from 12.00 hours to 00.00 hours at By playing the game you have a chance to win a great prize: a limited edition Academic Year 2020-2021 TU Delft hoodie!


Message from all Delft associations: please follow the corona measures

Here you can read a letter signed by all Delft associations,  where they encourage students to follow the COVID-19 measures. 

Dear Delft Student,

Student associations from Leiden recently issued a strong appeal to all students to persevere and keep adhering to the current restrictions. Now, at the beginning of the year, all associations from Delft also want to call on your help.

In recent months, we have had to deal with the measures surrounding the COVID-19 virus. These measures have had a huge impact on our lives. You had to follow all your lectures, and took the majority of your exams, from home. You are no longer allowed to study (together) at the TU campus and many social activities were cancelled. For a long time there were no drinks at your student association, you could no longer exercise at your sports association, and you could no longer have a drink together in the city center of Delft.

Slowly, relaxations have come. We can sport again, to physical activities and drinks at our clubs. There are more and more opportunities to study at TU Delft, to work with your project group and it is sometimes even possible to follow lectures at your faculty. More and more is allowed in our student life and we want to maintain this at all costs. We, the study, student and sports associations, therefore ask you all to stick with it.

In addition to the students who have been studying in Delft for some time, there are also the new Delft Students. They will not walk OWee as we have always known them, but will have to get to know each other and the city in an appropriate way. Together we must ensure that new students do not have to start their studies alone. Student life in Delft is also great with the current measures, you give new fellow students the opportunity to discover the beautiful student life in Delft!

In other cities we have seen that small parties and drinks can already cause enormous trouble spots. Such a local outbreak may not feel dangerous to you, but it can be very dangerous for others in your immediate area. In order to keep seeing each other physically, we will all have to obey the rules. Keep your distance when you get back together with your friends, no matter how difficult that may be. Get tested and stay at home with complaints, even if they are mild. Wash your hands well and often. Contact the GGD if there is an infection in your area, for example in your student house. Only by following the rules can we ensure that we can continue to see each other physically and keep up with the current easing.

We are Delft students. We are not only the inventors, but also the doers. Together we can ensure that we keep student life going in a responsible manner.


Pim van der Velde, Gezelschap Leeghwater

Tessa Mennink, V.S.V. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’

Marleen Hielkema, W.I.S.V Christiaan Huygens

Lianne Bruggink, Technologisch Gezelschap

Carsten van de Kamp, Vereniging voor Technische Physica

Claire Mulder, Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging

Valerie Heesakkers, D.S.B.G. Stylos

Ilse van der Zwet, Het Gezelschap Practische Studie

Hilco Smit, S.V.K.T. Variscopic

Rolf Corstjens, S.V. Life

Elise Hoffmann, Scheepsbouwkundig Gezelschap “William Froude”

Aisha So, S.V.N.B. Hooke

Juwe van Vliet, ID

S.V.T.B. Curius

Joos Vrijdag, Electrotechnische Vereeniging

This September make your knowledge travel

Why not start the new semester with a different type of exchange? Take an online course at one of our world-class university partners and get credits for your study programme. Enrolment in the Virtual Exchange Programme is still open for some courses – check out what’s on offer and apply by 1 September.

Why participate?

  • Online, flexible, free
  • Enrich your portfolio
  • Access to expertise
  • Diverse learning experience
  • Gain credits
  • Connect

See what other students say and apply today.

OSIRIS Student becomes Live as of today!

A new version of OSIRIS Student has been launched on 20 August 2020. OSIRIS Student has a completely new look and feel, in line with the MyTUDelft app. Both the desktop and mobile apps will offer the same functionalities as before.

What is changing?

  • Modern look and feel
  • More intuitive user experience
  • New URL: go to

Do I have to do something?

Go to to access the system,  and change your browser bookmark if you have one.

I am a first year student. What does this mean for me?

In you will be able to find your study results and register for exams, courses and minors.

Download the mobile version of the MyTUDelft app! For more information click here.

Do you want to be student mentor for a fellow student with a refugee background?

For the coming academic year, the UAF is looking for 80 student mentors who want to work for a fellow student with a refugee background. Interested? Click here for more information.

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