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Posted in 2020

Training & Workshops Career & Counselling Services coming weeks

Here you can find the workshops and trainings from Career & Counselling Services for the rest of the month of June, you can find all information and enroll using Brightspace

11 June Improve your interview skills & prepare by practice

We will explore the little details that can make a big difference between a good performance and an exceptional one.

18 June Job search in the Netherlands

We will discuss the different job search strategies, look at the Dutch business culture, communication style and how those factors can play a role in the hiring process.

18 June Workshop Study choice (two sessions 18 and 25 June)      

A structures approach to find out if this is the right study, and if not how to find a better one.

23 June Online networking for job search

Start comfortably with building your network.

25 June Navigating job search and career transitions during COVID-19

A training especially designed for Alumni who find themselves in this situation.

30 June Tips&Tricks for online interviewing

How can you best prepare for these virtual meetings?

KIVI offers 3 issues of tech magazine for free when filling in survey

The KIVI (Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers) would like to improve their services and activities for technical students. For this reason they are sending the following survey .

The survey takes between 4-7 minutes to complete, and KIVI is offering all  participants 3 free issues of  “De Ingenieur”, their technical magazine.

Survey link: (see button at top right for language selection)

What is KIVI?

The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI), founded in 1847 and with almost 17.500 members, is a engineers’ community (both bachelor and master level).

How much does the student membership cost?

25 Euro per year

What does KIVI offer to students?


Training & Workshops Career & Counselling Services 2-8 June

Here you can find the workshops and trainings from Career & Counselling Services for the first two weeks of June, you can find all information and enroll using Brightspace

2 June   Workshop Studieherkeuze (2 sessies 2 en 9 juni)

Twijfel over je studiekeuze? Hoe kies je eigenlijk een andere studie? Ga gestructureerd aan de slag met je keuzeproces.

3 June   10 steps to go next level, realize your ambitions and advance your career

The things you need to know to make all the difference in your performance.

4 June   Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur online (4 sessies 4,11,18,25 juni)       

Iedere donderdag lunch chat:  Stel online je vragen over studiekeuze/Master keuze/switchen en meer.

4 June   Ask the studie choice advisor online chat (4 sessions 4,11,18,25 June)   

Every thursday lunch chat about changing study direction,  how to proceed and everything else you want to know.

4 June   CV & motivation letter

Feel confident about building your CV and motivation letters. You will get tips & tricks to write effective CV and motivation letters in the future

8 June   Minor/Masterkeuze      

Bij de keuze voor een Minor of een Master spelen andere criteria een rol dan bij de Bachelorkeuze. Hoe verzamel je de informatie van voor JOU relevant is en hoe pak je het keuzeproces aan?

8 June   Activate your strengths

Learn how to spot strengths in yourself and others and how to use strengths in your studies, work, with your family and friends, and in your community..

9 June   Applying: the importance of self-awareness and knowing your intrinsic motivation

Learn about the importance of knowing yourself and having the ability to sketch your personal pathway at obtaining the job you want – by partner Lely.

Regulation for online proctored exams

After consultation with the examination committees and with advice from the central Student Council, the Executive Board has adopted the ‘TU Delft Online Proctored Examination’ regulation that will take effect on 29 May. In the regulation you will find what responsibilities lecturers and students have in using and participating in this assessment method. You will also find more information about privacy and data security and where you as a teacher and/or student can go with questions.

Regeling online proctored tentamens

Het College van Bestuur heeft na overleg met de examencommissies en met advies van de centrale Studentenraad, de regeling ‘Online proctored tentamen TU Delft’ vastgesteld die op 29 mei ingaat. In de regeling vind je welke verantwoordelijkheden docenten en studenten hebben bij het gebruik van en deelname aan deze toetsmethode. Daarnaast vind je meer informatie over privacy en data veiligheid en waar je als docent en student terecht kunt bij vragen.


31 May deadline for pre-registration non-selection minors

You still have the opportunity to pre-register for a non-selection minor at Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam until 31 May 2020.

As a TU Delft student, you can enter up to five preferences. After the registration period has closed, a lottery draw will take place in June (before the start of the second registration period) based on the preferences you specified.

After the draw, you will either receive an e-mail informing you of the minor on which you have definitively been enrolled or an e-mail informing you that you have not been allocated a place.

Please note: if you are allocated a place as a result of the lottery draw, your other preferences will be cancelled.

For more information, see the website

Open group discussion for students with a disability 4 June

Would you like to talk to other students with a disability, exchange experiences, ask questions about how other students deal with this and learn from each other? Sign up via this link for an open group discussion on Thursday 4 June: subscribe here or email to

Studying with a functional disability or long-term illness requires extra effort in normal times and now it is even more difficult with Corona. Many of us find it more difficult to maintain structure, depressions can be exacerbated and sometimes the extra (exam) facilities which we are entitled to are not taken into account.

Student platform Student Onbeperkt is committed to students with disabilities or long-term disorders at TU. That is why we organize an open discussion evening on Thursday 4 June at 7:30 pm. We will come together digitally in separate groups for each disability (if possible). In those groups you can exchange experiences and share tips, in a safe environment

In addition, we work together with Education and Student Affairs (ESA) to identify what people with a disability encounter and what support needs there are. ESA will include this in their plans to ensure student well-being in these difficult times.


  • A pleasant conversation with your fellow students from Delft, in small groups per disability.
  • It is on Thursday 4 June, starting at 7:30 PM.
  • Sign up at:
  • If you enter your name and email, you will receive an invitation by email with the conversation link.
  • There will be Dutch groups and English groups.
  • If you have any questions, you can email them to

Student Onbeperkt

Restart university: update 20 May

Yesterday evening the Dutch Prime Minister announced new relaxations to the coronavirus measures. These relaxations create room for some educational activities on campus.

TU Delft has already decided to organise all Q4 education and examinations online and this will remain so. However, we will now investigate whether and under what conditions we may organise small-scale practicals and graduation work on campus from 15 June.

It is still too early to say what we will be doing after Q4, as it is clear that here we will have to make choices. We are doing our best to provide more clarity in the short term.

We are currently looking at what is possible and how and when it is best to restart.

Read more in the update on the Corona webpage.

International conference: what does it feel like to study from home? 📚

How does it feel to study from home? What will lectures look like in the future? Social distancing and remote learning are something all students within Europe are currently dealing with.

IDEALiStiC (the IDEA League Student Council) is hosting a Competition & Panel discussion on Distance Teaching.

You will have the chance to join a live discussion with rectors and vice rectors of five of the best technical universities in Europe. TU Deflt’s Vice Rector Magnificus, Rob Mudde, is one of the panelists.

When: Saturday, 23 May, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom  💻

More information:

The panelists:

– Aloys Krieg, Vice Rector for Education at RWTH Aachen University

– Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson, Vice President for Education at Chalmers University of Technology

– Rob Mudde, Vice Rector for Education at Delft University of Technology

– Sarah Springman, Rector at ETH Zurich & Current President of IDEA League

– Lamberto Duò, Vice Rector for Education at Politecnico di Milano

Results Elections 2020 Central Student Council 

For Dutch scroll down

After having determined on 15 May 2020 the final results of the Central Student Council Elections, which were held on 13 and 14 May 2020, the Student Council Election Committee has declared the following candidates to be elected:

Lijst 1, ORAS:

1 Maud Adams

2 Benjamin Witmer

3 Charlotte Eijkelkamp

4 Job Vlak

5 Guus Gorsse

6 Pepijn van Sabben

7 Caroline van Winkel

Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:

1 Eva Slingerland

2 Sam Vijlbrief

3 Marijn Roelvink

Objections concerning the determination of the above results must be submitted, in writing, to the Student Council Election Committee at the latest on 25 May 2020 by e-mail to: or by mail:

TU Delft, Legal Affairs

Student Council Election Committee

Postbus 5, 2600 AA Delft

If no objections have been received on or before 25 May 2020, the results will be irreversible on 26 May 2020. The candidates receive after 27 May 2020 a message from the Student Council Election Committee if they have or have not been elected. Elected students have 1 month to accept their election.



Bij de uitslagbepaling op 15 mei 2020 van de verkiezingen voor de Centrale Studentenraad op instellingsniveau, gehouden op 13 en 14 mei 2020, heeft de Centrale Verkiezingscommissie de navolgende kandidaten gekozen verklaard:

Lijst 1, ORAS:              

1 Maud Adams

2 Benjamin Witmer

3 Charlotte Eijkelkamp

4 Job Vlak

5 Guus Gorsse

6 Pepijn van Sabben

7 Caroline van Winkel

Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:

1 Eva Slingerland

2 Sam Vijlbrief

3 Marijn Roelvink

Eventuele bezwaarschriften tegen de vaststelling van de uitslag van deze verkiezingen kunnen uiterlijk tot en met 25 mei 2020 schriftelijk worden ingediend bij de verkiezingscommissie via de e-mail: of per post:

TU Delft, Legal Affairs

T.a.v. verkiezingscommissie

Postbus 5, 2600 AA Delft

Indien er op of voor 25 mei 2020 geen bezwaarschriften zijn ingediend, zal de uitslag op 26 mei 2020 onaantastbaar zijn. De kandidaten ontvangen na 27 mei 2020 van de verkiezingscommissie een brief met de mededeling of zij wel of niet zijn gekozen. Gekozen studenten hebben vervolgens één maand de tijd om hun verkiezing te aanvaarden.

Student Council Election 13 and 14 May

Dear TU Delft student,                             for Dutch scroll down

The Student Council elections at the institutional level and the Student Council elections at the faculty level are due to take place on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May 2020.

The participation and representation of students is important. Student input is indispensable to the further development of the university as a leading educational and r esearch institute.  Especially now, in the special situation in which we find ourselves, the representation of our students is vital. By participating in the elections, you are able to exercise influence in a lot of ways through your

Student Council representatives at the institutional level and their respective Student Council at the faculty level. For example, you can think of student statutes, student facilities, the budget, faculty – wide regulations and educational and examination rulings as well as other  important issues that  could emerge in the coming year. Please use your right to vote!

Vote online

The voting will this year be organised on the Internet from Wednesday 13 May 2020 8:00 a.m. until Thursday 14 May 2020 5:00 p.m. via:

To log in please use your NetID. The site provides information on how to activate your NetID or reset your password, should it be necessary.

Election Rules

We have a number of rules of conduct to ensure that the elections go smoothly. These rules are included in  the section on  the Student Council Election Rules, as appendix 3.1 in  the Student Charter: Student charter. It is important that every voter ensures that he or she votes without being influenced by other voters and that he or she withholds from direct manipulation of other students.

On behalf of the Executive Board,

Prof. dr. R.F. Mudde

Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice-President Education


Beste student(e),

Op woensdag 13 en donderdag 14 mei 2020 vinden de verkiezingen van de Studentenraad op instellingsniveau (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR) plaats.

Het College van Bestuur vindt medezeggenschap belangrijk. De inbreng van studenten is voor de universiteit als vooraanstaand opleidings- en onderzoeksinstituut onmisbaar. Juist ook in  de bijzondere situatie waarin we ons nu begeven, is de medezeggenschap van onze studenten erg belangrijk. Door mee te doen aan de verkiezingen kun je via vertegenwoordigers in de SR en FSR invloed op voor jou belangrijke zaken uitoefenen. Hierbij kun je denken aan bijvoorbeeld het Studentenstatuut, de studentenvoorzieningen, de begroting, het faculteitsreglement of de onderwijs – en examenregeling. Ook komend jaar komen er onderwerpen aan de orde die voor jou va n  belang  zijn. Maak daarom gebruik van je kiesrecht en stem!

Online je stem uitbrengen

De verkiezingen vinden dit jaar plaats via het internet vanaf woensdag 13 mei 2020 8:00 uur doorlopend tot en met donderdag 14 mei 2020 17:00 uur via:

Om in te loggen dien je gebruik te maken van je NetID. Informatie over het gebruik van je NetID of het resetten van je wachtwoord vind je op de site


We hebben een aantal gedragsregels voor een zorgvuldig verloop van de verkiezingen. Deze regels zijn te vinden in het Kiesreglement voor de Studentenraad van de TU Delft: Kiesreglement TU Delft Belangrijk is dat je je stem zonder beïnvloeding van andere kiesgerechtigden uitbrengt en je  onthoudt van directe beïnvloeding van andere studenten.

Namens het College van Bestuur,

Prof. dr. R.F. Mudde

Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice-President Education

© 2011 TU Delft