Posted in 2020
Live Debate Link
Check here the live debate between ORAS and Lijst Beta
Master Event-Live chat session 14 May 15:00
Are you going to do a Master in September and do you still have some questions, then join our Master Event – Live chat session with our students on Thursday 14 May, 15:00 – 17:00.
Students of every programme/track will be available to answer your questions. We hope you will join us!
Ps. We also invite you to join our online master event on the 11th of June, during this online event you will be able to ‘visit’ the TU Delft information market, attend presentations and chat with students and staff of all the TU Delft Master Programmes. Registration for this event will open soon – we will keep you informed via email.
Live Debate Central Student Council Monday 11 May 20:00
Student Council Elections at the institutional level (central student council) and faculty level will take place 13 and 14 May.
The central student council has 10 seats: your vote will determine how many seats will go to Lijst Beta and to ORAS.
Do you know who will be getting your vote? In order to help you discover which party represents you best, there will be a LIVE DEBATE between the central student council parties ORAS and Lijst Beta.
When? Coming Monday 11 May 20:00 at
Hint! Follow @tudelftcampuslife and check its Instagram Stories for practical information.
Who are the candidates? Go to and check their short introductions. Follow the parties @oras_delft and @lijstbeta for their programs.
We wish success to all the candidates!
Restart non-selection minor registration 1 May 18:00
On the 1st of May we experienced some network and technical issues within Osiris, therefore the minor registration in Osiris was forced to close. The registration for non-selection minors will re-open on 1 May 18:00. All pre-registrations for non-selection minors have been cancelled. You will be able to select your preferences (again) until 31 May 2020.
We like to emphasize that our non-selection procedure is based on lottery draw. As a TU Delft student, you can enter up to five preferences. After the registration period has closed, a lottery draw will take place in June (before the start of the second registration period) based on the preferences you specified.
Our apologies for any inconvenience.
Temporary measure on Bachelor/Master transition because of COVID-19
Tijdelijke maatregel overgang bachelor naar master vanwege COVID-19
For English version scroll down
De zogenaamde harde knip is de wettelijke bepaling die zegt dat een student eerst de bacheloropleiding of het schakelprogramma moet afronden, voordat de student kan doorstromen naar een masteropleiding. Om mogelijke studievertraging met bijbehorende nadelige gevolgen vanwege COVID-19 te beperken, mogen universiteiten van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) een tijdelijke, zogenaamde zachte knip instellen voor de overgang van een bacheloropleiding naar een masteropleiding.
Voor bachelor- en schakelstudenten, die in het studiejaar 2019-2020 zijn ingeschreven bij de TU Delft, gelden de volgende uitgangspunten.
Voor bachelorstudenten:
- Bachelorstudenten die op 31 augustus 2020 maximaal 15 EC aan bachelorvakken van hun examenprogramma tekort komen, mogen in het studiejaar 2020-2021 mastervakken volgen en deelnemen aan tentamens van mastervakken
- Faculteiten kunnen per masteropleiding vakken als inhoudelijke ingangseis aanwijzen, bijvoorbeeld afronding van het BEP. Faculteiten informeren studenten van hun bacheloropleidingen vóór 15 mei 2020 welke inhoudelijke eisen zij stellen
- De mogelijkheid om zonder afgeronde bacheloropleiding mastervakken te mogen volgen, vervalt op 31 augustus 2021
Voor schakelstudenten:
- Schakelstudenten die op 31 augustus 2020 een tekort van maximaal 15 EC hebben in hun schakelprogramma mogen in het studiejaar 2020-2021 mastervakken volgen en deelnemen aan tentamens van mastervakken
- De mogelijkheid om zonder afgerond schakelprogramma mastervakken te mogen volgen, vervalt op 31 augustus 2021
Bovenstaande regeling geldt voor de instroom van masterstudenten binnen de TU Delft. Mogelijk wordt de regeling via landelijke afspraken uitgebreid om studenten tussen universiteiten en enkele hbo-instellingen te laten doorstromen. Informatie daarover volgt uiterlijk 15 mei 2020.
Temporary measure on Bachelor/Master transition because of COVID-19
The Bachelor’s-before-Master’s rule (‘harde knip’ in Dutch) is the legal provision that states that a student must first complete their Bachelor’s or Pre-Master’s programme before they can move on to a Master’s programme. In order to limit possible study delays and related adverse consequences due to COVID-19, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has allowed universities to put temporary measures in place for the transition from a Bachelor’s to a Master’s programme.
For Bachelor’s students and Pre-Master’s students who are enrolled at TU Delft in the academic year 2019-2020, the following principles apply.
For bachelor students:
- Bachelor’s students who have a deficit of up 15 EC in their Bachelor’s examination programme on 31 August 2020, may enrol in Master’s subjects in the academic year 2020-2021 and participate in examinations of Master’s subjects
- Faculties may designate certain subjects as entry requirements, such as completion of the Bachelor Final Project, for each Master’s programme. Faculties shall inform students of these requirements before 15 May 2020
- The option to enrol in Master’s courses without having completed a Bachelor’s programme expires on 31 August 2021
For Pre-Master’s students:
- Pre-Master’s students who have a deficit of no more than 15 EC in their Pre-Master’s programme on 31 August 2020 may enrol in Master’s courses and participate in examinations of Master’s courses in the academic year 2020-2021
- The option to enrol in Master’s courses without having completed the Pre-Master’s programme expires on 31 August 2021
This arrangement applies to the intake of Master’s students within TU Delft. The arrangement may be extended to allow students to move between universities, as well as a number of institutes of higher professional education, once agreements on a national level have been reached. Information about this will follow no later than 15 May 2020.
Coming Friday Zoom conference 17:45 with Vice Recto Rob Mudde, subscribe now!
Let your voice be heard!
The Executive Board of TU Delft is holding coming Friday 1 May a Zoom conference talk with students. During these online session, Vice Rector Manificus Rob Mudde will listen to your remarks and answer your questions.
When? Friday 1 May. Time? 17:45 – 18:45
How to participate? Send an email to Groups will be formed in the order in which requests are received.
Student Council Elections
Student Council Elections at the institutional level and faculty level will take place 13 and 14 May. Last friday the parties officially started their campaigns. This year’s campaign can’t take place as usual on campus, so we invite you to follow @tudelftcampuslife for general information and follow the parties @oras_delft and @lijstbeta for their programs.
What is the Student Council doing? The Student Council is the legal partner of the Executive Board and represents the interests of students. This video will help you understand what they do. Click here for more information.
Who are the candidates? Go to and check their short introductions.
What are the parties’ programs? Follow the parties in their different social media.
Lijst Bèta:
We wish success to all the candidates!
Update: meeting students’ financial concerns
The measures surrounding the corona crisis are far-reaching for many of us, physically and mentally. Students have also had to deal with major money worries that sometimes even endanger the progress of their studies. The university has taken a number of measures in response to this situation.
- TU Delft will be lenient with the terms of payment of tuition fees. In principle, tuition fees will be collected at the usual times, but if collection fails, postponement is possible.
- A number of non-EEA students, who are faced with substantially higher tuition fees, will also be supported by TU Delft. This concerns non-EEA students who would have obtained their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree before 1 September 2020, but whose planned graduation is not being realised due to the corona crisis. They will be able to complete their programme during 3 months in the coming academic year (2020-2021), i.e. until 1 December 2020, at the statutory rate (instead of the higher institutional rate).
This therefore concerns only non-EEA students in the final phase of their studies, i.e. the third bachelor year or the second master year. This is the maximum that we can currently do within the legal restrictions. The fee will be adjusted automatically; the adjustment covers a maximum of 3 months, starting on 1 September – the earliest date at which this can be realised. This scheme is currently being worked out in more detail; further information will follow.
- Finally, the university is in the process of setting up a solidarity fund, which could be used to help distressing and urgent cases with contributions from third parties.
New: StayDelft community platform!
TU Delft is currently setting up StayDelft, a large online community platform where students will be able to interact with each-other, through lots of different online activities: sports, games, cooking, karaoke, art, literature, technology, innovation, practical financial matters and much more.
We are looking for individual students and associations who are interested in helping setting up the StayDelft community. Do you have an idea for an event? A passion for a certain topic? Design or marketing skills? Or do you like to bring students together again after a few weeks of separation, now online? Then join the StayDelft community now by clicking here: