Coronavirus update: relaxation as of 5 June means big step forward for X
At the press conference of Friday 28 May, it was announced that the third step in the opening plan could be brought forward. This means that as of 5 June, X will be able to expand its offer considerably. This affects our indoor activities more particularly, as much more is now possible: we can finally start up indoor ticket hours again, associations can resume their training sessions inside, and Cafe X will be open fully.
Ticket hours
Let’s go! We are going to start up various indoor ticket hours, ranging from spinning and yoga classes to Thai boxing and MMA. In addition, we are expanding the outdoor ticket hours, in terms of both the schedule and the maximum number of participants. And if the weather is bad, classes will not have to be cancelled but can take place indoors. The new schedule with all ticket hours starts on Monday 7 June, so keep an eye on the website.
1.5-meters social distancing
As of 5 June, 1.5-meters social distancing will cease to apply to team and contact sports, for example soccer, volleyball and dancing. The 1.5-meters measure will, however, remain in force for those sports in which 1.5-meters social distancing can be maintained, such as the ticket hours for BBB, spinning, yoga, etc.
Cafe X
As of 5 June, Cafe X will be open again inside and the closing time will be extended to 22:00! In addition, up to four people will be allowed at a table, both outside on the terrace and inside. Please observe the existing corona measures.
Reserve spaces
Would you like to reserve a space for training or rehearsing as a group? Check out the options on the page Book a space as an X member.
Changing rooms, showers and lockers
The changing rooms, showers and lockers will remain out of use for the time being.
Summer programme
The relaxations will make it possible for X to offer you a fun and vibrant summer! For more information check out this page.

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