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De meningen ge-uit door medewerkers en studenten van de TU Delft en de commentaren die zijn gegeven reflecteren niet perse de mening(en) van de TU Delft. De TU Delft is dan ook niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van hetgeen op de TU Delft weblogs zichtbaar is. Wel vindt de TU Delft het belangrijk - en ook waarde toevoegend - dat medewerkers en studenten op deze, door de TU Delft gefaciliteerde, omgeving hun mening kunnen geven.

Join various activities between 14 and 18 March to learn more about studying, working, and living with disabilities

From the 14th until the 18th of March, the 2nd edition of the ‘Onbeperkt Studeren Week’: ‘Enabled TU Delft’ will take place. This is an exciting informational week devoted to raising awareness around studying, working, and living with disabilities at the TU Delft. The events include among others: lectures with tools for students, discussing the way to go forward at the TU Delft together with lecturers, a pub quiz and network drink, and an exciting exhibition at the Teaching Lab where experiences of students and employees will be visualized. You can join a special, fun, and informative week with a large variety of events. Listen to people with personal experiences as well as specialists on these issues and join in debating various themes within the topic of studying and working with a disability.

Go to our website to sign up and keep an eye on the social media of Student Onbeperkt!

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