In conversation with Kornelis Blok on how to accelerate the energy transition
The Honours Programme Delft would like to invite you to join us in an open, honest, and interactive conversation with Prof.dr.ir. Kornelis Blok on how we can accelerate the energy transition.
Kornelis Blok is professor of Energy Systems Analysis at the TU Delft. He has extensive research and consultancy experience in the field of energy efficiency improvement and clean energy production. Kornelis Blok is lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He played an important role in the development of international climate policies. Kornelis Blok was one of the founders of Ecofys, now part of Guidehouse. With Ecofys, he won the Erasmus award for the most innovative company of the Netherlands in 2008.
Curious to learn more on Kornelis Blok’s insights on the energy transition, his contribution on the new 6th Assesment Report by the IPCC, and what it’s like to build your own company? Sign up here
Where: Senaatszaal, Aula.
When: May 3rd, 19.00h-20.00h. (Walk in 18.45h – 19.00h)
There will be drinks afterwards in the Frans van Hasseltzaal (Aula) for some after talk (20.00h –21.00h).

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