TODAY! 15:45 watch live Opening Academic Year 2022-2023
TU Delft is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands and thus built on strong foundations. For generations our engineers have proven to be resourceful problem-solvers making a difference in many people’s lives and society as a whole through our education, research and innovations. There is a reason they say it takes a village to change the world.
That’s why we support students and staff in jointly creating and providing solutions to societal issues. At TU Delft we strive not only to be good at what we do, but what we do should also be good for something. Making contributions can take many forms and can take place everywhere. Being a Delft engineer is not something you do for a while, it leaves its mark on your life. TU Delft touches you. Where it matters and where it makes a difference. All in all we want to strengthen our commitment and make a contribution by forming lifelong lasting connections and with that a community ‘for life’.
You are warmly invited to join the opening of TU Delft’s 2022/2023 Academic Year.
TODAY Monday 5 September via either physically or online.
15.45 – 17.00 at the Aula Congress Centre (doors open at 15.15).
- Part 1: Strong foundations
Opening speech by Professor Rob Mudde, Vice-President Education TU Delft - Part 2: For generations
Within one family, whole generations often study at TU Delft. In this video portrait, (grand)parents and (grand)children talk about their student days and the impact TU Delft has (had) on their lives. - Part 3: Providing solutions
Imagine you touched the screen of your smartphone and could feel the brush strokes of Van Gogh, the fur of your beloved pet on a zoom call, fabrics in online shopping or tissues in medical images. Keynote by Yasemin Vardar, assistant professor at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR)
- Musical interlude by Ducktape, a 9-piece funk, soul and pop band from Delft.
- Part 4: Making contributions
In Delft and Rotterdam, Wouter Serdijn and Christos Strydis are collaborating on a network of sensors and stimulators for the body. By picking up signals and sending the brain a rapid wake-up call, they hope to be able to predict and prevent epileptic fits. - Part 5: Lasting connections
Over 180 years TU Delft has grown into a world class international university combining science, engineering and design. Over 110,000 Delft-educated engineers around the world use the skills and connections they developed on campus, to help build better societies.
- Closing by Professor Rob Mudde
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We hope to welcome you either physically or online!

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