Make impact on a sustainable society
Do you want to make an impact on a sustainable society as part of your curriculum?
In Learning Communities you will collaborate with fellow students (HBO/WO/MBO),companies, teachers, governmental institutions and citizens to adress challenges with high impact on sustainability and the energy transition. Depending on your interests you can choose to join any Learning Community and work on a challenge as being your Minor, BEP, MSc Thesis, internship or project course.
Focus area’s:
- Developing and testing a smart power grid to share locally produced energy
- Development of an offshore wind energy farm game
- Working on prototypes for efficient and green production of hydrogen
- Testing the safety of hydrogen storage in the built environment
- Installation of solar foils in the agricultural sector
- Mapping streams of medical waste and design solutions
- Work on an emission free port
- Work on an emission free construction site
Sign up for the lunch meeting on 12 January at the Lagerhuys at 3mE – TU Delft at 12:00 (free lunch).

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