MoTiv Lunch Christmas Holiday Lunch
MoTiv organizes with churches in Delft and student organizations DISS and Delft United The Christmas Holiday
It is Christmas soon, we all long for joy, connection and peace!
Covid is still among us and is still keeping (PhD) students from connecting to others.
The Christmas Holiday Lunch will help to connect people in Delft (and environment) with international (PhD) students.
You are invited to be a host or be a guest!
For hosts (families, student houses, couples etc):
You will receive 2 international (PhD) students in your house for a lunch on a day that you choose between 26 and 31 December. From 12-16 hrs or so. Host form
For international (PhD) students:
You will visit a host in Delft or environment and enjoy lunch together from 12.-16 hrs or so. You can choose a day of your preference between 26 and 31 December. Guest form
Hosts and guests will be matched by our organization MoTiv Connects and you can signup by one of the forms before Dec. 17, 6 pm.
After the 17th we will connect hosts and guests by sending you an email with name, address and phone number.
Let’s make it happen!
The organization:
Taco Smit (MoTiv)
Renske Oldenboom (MoTiv)
Delft United
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