2023 National Student Survey Results
Zie beneden voor Nederlands
The results of the 2023 National Student Survey (NSE) are in. Over 289.000 students at universities and universities of applied sciences were asked what they thought of their current course programmes and institutions.
The results reveal that 79% of the students who participated are satisfied with the overall atmosphere of their course programme. Another aspect of their experience in higher education that students judged positively was that of engagement and contact. On this subject, questions were asked about contact with teachers, feeling at home at the institution and giving and receiving feedback.
Of all the subjects covered in the questionnaire, the information provided to students by their institutions was the aspect they were least happy with. 59% of participants indicated they were satisfied with the information they were given; 14% were not satisfied. The general satisfaction of students in higher education remains at a high level, even increasing slightly in 2023 compared to the previous year. 73% of students were happy with the course programme they chose, up from 72% last year.
Read the full news item here (the information is only available in Dutch)
Resultaten NSE 2023: Studenten meest tevreden over sfeer, minst over informatievoorziening
Ruim 289.000 hbo- en wo-studenten gaven hun mening over de opleiding en onderwijsinstelling waar ze studeren. Uit de resultaten komt naar voren dat 79 procent van de deelnemende studenten tevreden is over de sfeer op hun opleiding. Naast de sfeer worden de onderwerpen uit het onderdeel betrokkenheid en contact goed gewaardeerd. Onder dit thema vallen stellingen over contact met docenten, je thuis voelen bij je opleiding en het geven en krijgen van feedback.
Van alle onderdelen zijn de studenten het minst te spreken over de informatie vanuit de opleiding. 59 procent van de studenten geeft aan tevreden te zijn over dit onderdeel en 14 procent is ontevreden. De algemene tevredenheid onder wo- en hbo-studenten over hun opleiding blijft hoog en is dit jaar zelfs iets gestegen. 73 procent van de studenten is tevreden met de gekozen opleiding, ten opzichte van 72 procent vorig jaar.
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