A nifty website for every student: webprint.tudelft.nl
We’ve all had this problem, especially right before the deadline of a project or paper: how do you print while you’re on the TU Delft network? Well fear no more, webprint.tudelft.nl easily and quickly answers all your print question. You can find information about how to install a printer, printing costs, where you can upgrade your print balance, where and how you can bind your documents, how you can give a print command from your mobile device and where you can print at a larger size. All the information you need combined at one place. It’s recently been given a nice facelift too, pretty nifty right?
If you have any questions about webprint.tudelft.nl, please contact the Service Desk in your faculty (servicepunt.tudelft.nl) or any of the Student IT Desks on campus (sid.tudelft.nl).
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