And the award for TU Delft’s Best Lecturer goes to??
Calvin Rans! Calvin, assistant professor in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE), has been chosen TU Delft’s Best Lecturer of 2018.
He is well known as a very approachable and engaged lecturer, who asks students for feedback in order to further improve his lectures. His students are highly enthusiastic about the courses he lectures on: his first year course Mechanics of Materials is taught in a blended way, linking in with students’ questions, and he manages to make the ‘tough’ second-year course, Structural Analysis & Design, interesting by using examples that bring the theory to life.
Rans was named Best AE Teacher and was nominated by the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ study association for the TU Delft Best Lecturer Election, in which all eight faculties complete. A judging panel made up of Vice-President of Education Rob Mudde, members of the Student Council, the Study Associations Council and last year’s winner, chose TU Delft’s Best Lecturer from the eight lecturers nominated. The winner goes on to compete for the national title of the Teacher of the Year organised by the Dutch National Students Association (ISO), the results of which will be announced on 13 April 2019.
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