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Training & Workshops Career & Counselling Services 2-8 June

Here you can find the workshops and trainings from Career & Counselling Services for the first two weeks of June, you can find all information and enroll using Brightspace

2 June   Workshop Studieherkeuze (2 sessies 2 en 9 juni)

Twijfel over je studiekeuze? Hoe kies je eigenlijk een andere studie? Ga gestructureerd aan de slag met je keuzeproces.

3 June   10 steps to go next level, realize your ambitions and advance your career

The things you need to know to make all the difference in your performance.

4 June   Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur online (4 sessies 4,11,18,25 juni)       

Iedere donderdag lunch chat:  Stel online je vragen over studiekeuze/Master keuze/switchen en meer.

4 June   Ask the studie choice advisor online chat (4 sessions 4,11,18,25 June)   

Every thursday lunch chat about changing study direction,  how to proceed and everything else you want to know.

4 June   CV & motivation letter

Feel confident about building your CV and motivation letters. You will get tips & tricks to write effective CV and motivation letters in the future

8 June   Minor/Masterkeuze      

Bij de keuze voor een Minor of een Master spelen andere criteria een rol dan bij de Bachelorkeuze. Hoe verzamel je de informatie van voor JOU relevant is en hoe pak je het keuzeproces aan?

8 June   Activate your strengths

Learn how to spot strengths in yourself and others and how to use strengths in your studies, work, with your family and friends, and in your community..

9 June   Applying: the importance of self-awareness and knowing your intrinsic motivation

Learn about the importance of knowing yourself and having the ability to sketch your personal pathway at obtaining the job you want – by partner Lely.

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