Posts in category General
ICT maintenance weekend on 8 and 9 October
An ICT maintenance weekend is scheduled on 8 and 9 October. This whole weekend we are working on several applications, updates on servers and databases and updates on the network devices. The maintenance starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday evening. We ask for understanding for any inconvenience.
The network (both wireless and fixed) and all basic services including printing, cash registers and pin systems, lockers, coffee and vending machines are available. The access to the buildings and their facilities is as usual during the weekend. On Saturday morning, a short network interruption in the wired and wireless network may occur in all buildings. The connected basic services will then be temporarily unavailable.
VPN connection FortiClient temporarily disconnected
Due to the maintenance, FortiClient will automatically disconnect VPN connections on Saturday morning. You can restart the connection immediately.
If you have any questions about the maintenance weekend, please contact the Service Desk in your building. If you’d like us to keep you informed about all maintenance work and possible disruptions, click here.

Sign up in time for your exams!
Make sure you register in time for your exams. If you fail to do so, you will not be able to participate. You can register up to 14 days before the examination day. To give you enough time, the exam registration opens at the beginning of each period, namely 8 weeks before the exam day.
Read more about registration for examinations.
Meld je op tijd aan voor je tentamens!
Zorg ervoor dat je je op tijd voor je tentamens inschrijft. Doe je dit niet, dan kun je niet deelnemen. Aanmelden kan tot 14 dagen voor de tentamendag. Om je voldoende tijd te geven wordt de tentamenregistratie aan het begin van elke periode geopend, namelijk 8 weken voor de tentamendag.
Lees meer over aanmelden voor tentamens.

ICT work on wireless network in 37 building (X)
From Monday 10 till 14 October, ICT will be carrying out work on the wireless network in the 37 building. We are doing this to make sure that our wireless network remains up to date and ready for the future. The work will take place during the day.
Van maandag 10 t/m 14 oktober werkt ICT aan het wifi-netwerk in gebouw 37. Dit doen we om ervoor te zorgen dat onze wifi up-to-date blijft en gereed is voor de toekomst. De werkzaamheden vinden overdag plaats.

Join the Diversity & Inclusion Week: 3-7 Oct
In honour of Diversity Day on 4 October, TU Delft will be organising the Diversity & Inclusion Week for the second time in a row.
This year’s theme is Strength & Connections. We will explore what diversity and inclusion means through lectures, workshops, (panel) debates, and more! Anyone who feels they’re a part of the TU Delft community is cordially invited to join the various events.
Go to the website to see the programme and to register.

Webinar supercomputer DelftBlue
27 September 2022, 9:30 – 12:30 – Webinar
Since June 2022, the first central supercomputer at TU Delft, DelftBlue, is available for research and education to all TU Delft staff. On you will find the documentation, system information and other useful information. Students can request an account via the Self Service Portal: request access DelftBlue.
To give you a head start on this new and exciting facility, the Delft High-Performance Computing center (DHPC) offers an online introductory course via Teams on Tuesday 27 September between 9:30 – 12:30
Learning objectives
After the short course, you should be able to:
• Understand the basic concepts of DelftBlue (shared vs. distributed memory, node types, job scheduling, managing your data, and accounting),
• Login, create a job script, start a batch or interactive job, and transfer data between DelftBlue and your local machine or network storage.
• Effectively use the documentation to familiarize yourself with the machine,
• Have a rough overview of software and programming models suitable for use on DelftBlue.
The direct link to this Teams-event: Click here
More information about the webinar.

English language courses at TU Delft
Lectures, meetings, presentations, project groups – Everything is in English!
• Do you find it difficult to follow lectures in English?
• Are you having trouble being understood in project groups?
• Are presentations in English more difficult than in your own language?
• Do you notice that you cannot say precisely what you mean during meetings?
Take an English course at TU Delft!
The English courses are available for all students and PhD candidates at TU Delft.
(Courses are free for BSc and MSc Students)
For more information on the courses please visit our website:
Don’t know which course or what level? Don’t worry. Take our Placement Test to find out which course is the best for you! (Do you want to take Writing a Master’s Thesis in English? You can just sign up for the course, no Placement Test needed!).
Placement Test
Our next Placement Tests are on:
Date | Time
Thursday 22 September | 10:45
Friday 7 October | 13:30
Wednesday 26 October | 16:45
Location: computer room B at the Faculty TPM, Jaffalaan 5, Delft (building 31)
Register now
Enrol in the Brightspace course called Placement Test English 2022-2023 and sign up.

D&I week 3 – 7 oktober: programma en aanmelden
De TU Delft Diversity & Inclusion Week staat in het thema Strength & Connections en start op maandag 3 oktober met een centrale kick-off. Onder andere Zoë Papaikonomou, Joris Luyendijk, Jens van Tricht en Everard Findlay betreden die dag het podium en geven hun perspectief op diversiteit en inclusie. Je kunt je hiervoor alvast aanmelden. De rest van de week kun je aansluiten bij events die worden georganiseerd binnen faculteiten en directies. We lichten er een aantal uit.
Lees verder
Met de D&I week vragen we aandacht voor een veilige en inclusieve campus, waar we diversiteit omarmen en zo welzijn, creativiteit en innovatie stimuleren. Een diverse gemeenschap kan ontzettend krachtig zijn: iedereen neemt eigen ideeën en kwaliteiten mee en dat kan leiden tot de meest creatieve en mooie ideeën. Maar: de verschillen kunnen ook lastig zijn, want het is allesbehalve vanzelfsprekend dat je het met elkaar eens bent. Goed samenwerken en studeren vraagt dan om open en respectvol te zijn, ook als je het niet eens wordt. Waarom is dat zo lastig en hoe ga je daarmee om? Met verschillende activiteiten en evenementen word je gevoed met informatie, perspectieven, tips en gesprekken met collega’s.
Iedereen die zich onderdeel voelt van de TU Delft-gemeenschap is van harte uitgenodigd om aan te sluiten bij de verschillende events.
Kick-off 3 oktober: Humans of the future
De Diversity & Inclusion Week wordt afgetrapt met Humans of the future, een artistieke introductie in het thema Strength & Connections. De opening van het programma wordt ingeluid door theatermaker Rikkert van Huisstede van de theatervoorstelling ‘Boys won’t be Boys’ met een artistieke boodschap over hoe binair denken ons beperkt. Verder staan op het programma:
- Jens van Tricht: Hij geeft zijn visie op de winst van gendergelijkheid
- Zoe Papaikonomou, schrijfster van het boek ‘De Inclusie Marathon’, over machtsstructuren en uitsluitingen
- Joris Luyendijk. Hij is schrijver van het boek ‘De 7 vinkjes’, en reflecteert aan de hand van persoonlijke ervaringen op privileges, en op hoe je als bewuste bondgenoot verandering teweeg kunt brengen.
- Everard Findlay, live uit New York. Hij geeft onder andere inzicht geeft in hoe sociale ongelijkheid in relatie staat tot uitdagingen op wereldniveau, zoals duurzaamheid en klimaatverandering.
De middag wordt afgesloten met een moment waarop je met de sprekers en andere aanwezigen kunt napraten. Het programma wordt ook gestreamd.
Meer informatie: alle informatie over de kick-off vind je hier.
Aanmelden: Je kunt je hier aanmelden.
Tijd: 12:00 -14:30 (incl. vegetarische Grab & Go lunch)
Locatie: Library TU Delft
Voertaal: Nederlands, live ondertiteld in het Engels
Activiteiten op faculteiten en directies
Het gehele programma en alle verdere informatie over de tijd, locatie e.d. vind je op de website, maar we doen hier alvast een greep.
- Dewis organiseert op dinsdag 4 oktober een interactief theaterstuk: ‘Danger: Implicit Bias at Work!’ met Suzanne Spliethoff en Ibo van de Poel
- X & Student Onbeperkt organiseren op woensdag 5 oktober ‘Everybody Can Dance’ met breakdancer Redouan Ait Chitt die een lezing geeft gevolgd door een ‘open talk evening’ met Student Onbeperkt.
- HR organiseert ‘Boost your conscious bias!’ op donderdag 6 oktober. Een online event van 45 minuten om meer te leren over (on)bewuste vooroordelen.
- Study Climate Programme organiseert een workshop “Intercultural Awareness” op donderdag 6 oktober
- Faculteit IDE organiseert een interactieve sessie over “How to design, research and recruit with an inclusive mind in diverse settings” op woensdag 5 oktober
- Faculteit EWI organiseert op vrijdag 7 oktober programma met als onderwerp “Harassment”
Het programma wordt nog steeds aangevuld, dus houd de website goed in de gaten.
D&I week 3 – 7 October: programme and registration.
The TU Delft Diversity & Inclusion Week is themed Strength & Connections and starts on Monday 3 October with a central kick-off. Amongst others Zoë Papaikonomou, Joris Luyendijk, Jens van Tricht and Everard Findlay will take the stage on that day and give their perspective on diversity and inclusion. You can already sign up for this. The rest of the week you can join events organised by faculties and support departments. We will highlight some of them.
Read more
With the D&I week, we draw attention to a safe and inclusive campus, where we embrace diversity and stimulate well-being, creativity and innovation. A diverse community can be incredibly powerful: everyone brings their own ideas and qualities, which can lead to the most creative and beautiful ideas. But: the differences can also be tricky, because it is anything but obvious that you agree with each other. Good cooperation and studying then requires openness and respect, even when you don’t agree. Why is this so difficult and how do you deal with it? Various activities and events will provide you with information, perspectives, tips and discussions with colleagues.
Everyone who feels part of the TU Delft community is cordially invited to join the various events.
Kick-off 3 October: Humans of the future
The Diversity & Inclusion Week will kick-off with Humans of the future, an artistic introduction to the theme Strength & Connections. The opening of the programme will be introduced by theatre maker Rikkert van Huisstede of the theatre performance ‘Boys won’t be Boys’, with an artistic message about how binary thinking limits us. Also on the programme:
- Jens van Tricht: He gives his vision on the benefits of gender equality
- Zoe Papaikonomou, writer of the book ‘The Inclusion Marathon’, about power structures and exclusion
- Joris Luyendijk. He is author of ‘The 7 check marks’, and reflects on privilege through personal experiences, and on how you can bring about change as a conscious ally.
- Everard Findlay, live from New York. Among other things, he will provide insight into how social inequality relates to global challenges such as sustainability and climate change.
The afternoon will be closed with a moment to meet and great the speakers and other attendees. The programme will also be streamed.
More information: all information on the kick-off can be found here.
Sign up: You can register here.
Time: 12:00 -14:30 (incl. vegetarian Grab & Go lunch)
Location: TU Delft Library
Language: Dutch, live subtitles in English
Activities at faculties and support departments
The complete programme and all other information about the time, location, etc. can be found on the website, but here is a small sample.
- Dewis organises an interactive theatre play on Tuesday 4 October: ‘Danger: Implicit Bias at Work!’ with Suzanne Spliethoff and Ibo van de Poel.
- X & Student Unlimited organise ‘Everybody Can Dance’ on Wednesday 5 October with breakdancer Redouan Ait Chitt giving a lecture followed by an ‘open talk evening’ with Student Unlimited.
- HR organises ‘Boost your conscious bias’ on Thursday 6 October. An online event of 45 minutes to learn more about (un)conscious bias.
- Study Climate Programme organises a workshop ‘Intercultural Awareness’ on Thursday 6 October
- Faculty IDE organises an interactive session on “How to design, research and recruit with an inclusive mind in diverse settings” on Wednesday 5 October
- The EWI faculty will organise a programme on “Harassment” on Friday 7 October.
The programme is still being updated, so keep an eye on the website.

Study Abroad Week: 10-14 October
Are you considering going abroad in September 2023 as part of your study programme? Would you like to experience studying or doing your traineeship in another country?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions now is the time to inform yourself! Join the Study Abroad Week information sessions 10-14 October 2022. All the MUST KNOWS from your faculty, partner universities, application processes, and other practical issues will be talked about in this informative week.
Go to the website for more information about the Study Abroad Information sessions.

No NS trains on Friday 9 September
Dutch below
No NS trains during strike
On Friday 9 September NS train traffic will be halted throughout the Netherlands due to a regional strike. Keep this in mind if you need to travel by train that day. You can follow the latest news on the NS website. For alternative public transport options, please visit
Education on the campus will continue. If live education is not possible due to the strike, it might be held online. Keep an eye on Brightspace for the latest updates on this.
Ceremonies and promotions will continue. Graduation can be done online if necessary with the permission of the examination board.
Staking bij NS op vrijdag 9 september
Er rijden geen treinen in heel het land
Het NS-treinverkeer komt vrijdag 9 september in heel Nederland stil te liggen door een regionale staking. Houd hier rekening mee als je die dag met de trein moet reizen. Je kan op de website van NS het laatste nieuws volgen: Kijk voor alternatieve OV mogelijkheden op
De onderwijsactiviteiten op de campus gaan door. Indien live onderwijs als gevolg van de staking niet mogelijk is, zal het mogelijk online gehouden worden. Houd Brightspace in de gaten voor de laatste updates hierover.
Ceremonies en promoties gaan door. Afstuderen kan desnoods met toestemming van de examencommissie online.
Don’t forget to terminate your enrolment after the final part of your study
Don’t forget to terminate your enrolment after the final part of your study
Have you completed the final part of your study? Please be aware that you need to send a request to terminate your enrolment through Studielink as it will not be done automatically. When you terminate your enrolment at TU Delft, you are entitled to a refund of one twelfth of the annual tuition fee for each month of the academic year in which you are no longer enrolled, with the exception of termination as from July and August.
Enrolment termination with retroactive effect is not possible.