Posts in category General
Echo, the sustainable education building, taken into use
On 30 May at 4 PM Vice President Education Rob Mudde and Director Education & Student Affairs Sacha Kroonenberg will officially open the new sustainable interfaculty education building Echo to invited guests. Beforehand, between 2PM and 4PM, you can take a guided tour, attend various demonstrations or take a walk around on your own along boards with lots of interesting facts about the building. Echo is open for education from 30 May and can be used by teachers and students.
A growing number of students in combination with the need for larger but also more flexible teaching spaces has led to the development of a second extra educational building: Echo. There will be a total of seven classrooms, which can largely be divided up flexibly. For example, three separate rooms can be made from the largest lecture hall of 700 places. Group work and self-study are possible in the more than 300 study places.
Sustainable building
Echo contributes to TU Delft’s sustainability ambition to operate fully sustainably by 2030. It will be an energy-reliant building, including user-related energy such as power consumption for laptops, lighting and catering. Among other things, solar panels, good insulation and a heat/cold storage system have been used in the new building. Watch the video with all sustainability aspects here.
A sustainable education building also requires sustainable furnishings. 90% of the furniture used has been reused.
Additional facilities
In addition to extra educational facilities, the building must also become an attractive place to meet. Longer opening hours and good catering facilities with various seating areas will contribute to this. The need for sufficient bicycle parking spaces has also been taken into account. There is a sunken bicycle basement under Echo with more than 600 spaces.

Results elections 2022 central student council
In determining the results of the elections for the Central Student Council on 13 May 2022, held on 11 and 12 May 2022, the Central Election Commission declares the following candidates as elected:
Lijst 1, ORAS:
- Sanne Koomans
- Bart van Koeveringe
- Isabel Mens
- Fien de Mol van Otterlo
- Marten Leenders
- Maarten de Jong
Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:
- Abdelkader Karbache
- Amy Zijlmans
- Yashasvi Aggarwal
- Lena Trotereau
The turnout rate for this year’s Central Student Council elections was 28,9%. This rate is higher than in the past two years (27,6% in 2021 and 27,9% in 2020), but lower than in the previous year (35,4% in 2019). A total of 7900 students voted for the Central Student Council in 2022.
Objections concerning the determination of the above results must be submitted, in writing, to the Student Council Election Committee at the latest on 20 May 2022 by e-mail to: or by mail:
TU Delft
Legal Affairs
Student Council Election Committee
Postbus 5
2600 AA Delft
If no objections have been received on or before 20 May 2022, the results will be irreversible on 21 May 2022. After 23 May 2022 the candidates will receive a message from the Student Council Election Committee if they have or have not been elected. Elected students have 1 month to accept their election.
Bij de uitslagbepaling op 13 mei 2022 van de verkiezingen voor de Centrale Studentenraad, gehouden op 11 en 12 mei 2022, heeft de Centrale Verkiezingscommissie de navolgende kandidaten gekozen verklaard:
Lijst 1, ORAS:
- Sanne Koomans
- Bart van Koeveringe
- Isabel Mens
- Fien de Mol van Otterlo
- Marten Leenders
- Maarten de Jong
Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:
- Abdelkader Karbache
- Amy Zijlmans
- Yashasvi Aggarwal
- Lena Trotereau
Het opkomstpercentage voor de verkiezingen voor de Centrale Studentenraad was dit jaar 28,9%. Dit percentage is hoger dan de afgelopen twee jaren (27,6% in 2021 en 27,9% in 2020), maar lager dan in het jaar daarvoor (35,4% in 2019). In 2022 hebben in totaal 7.900 studenten hun stem uitgebracht voor de Centrale Studentenraad.
Eventuele bezwaarschriften tegen de vaststelling van de uitslag van deze verkiezingen kunnen uiterlijk tot en met 20 mei 2022 schriftelijk worden ingediend bij de verkiezingscommissie via e-mail: of per post:
TU Delft
Legal Affairs|
T.a.v. verkiezingscommissie
Postbus 5
2600 AA Delft
Indien er op of voor 20 mei 2022 geen bezwaarschriften zijn ingediend, zal de uitslag op 21 mei 2022 onaantastbaar zijn. De kandidaten ontvangen na 23 mei 2022 van de verkiezingscommissie een brief met de mededeling of zij wel of niet zijn gekozen. Gekozen studenten hebben vervolgens één maand de tijd om hun verkiezing te aanvaarden.

Student Council(s) elections 2022
The elections for the Central Student Council and the Faculty Student Councils are today 11 May 2022 and tomorrow 12 May 2022.
How to vote?
Voting is very easy! Go to and log in with your NedID
The site provides information on how to activate your NetID or reset your password, should it be necessary.
Since today 11 May 2022 8:00 am until tomorrow Thursday 12 May 2022 5:00 pm
How many candidates can I vote?
You can vote to one candidate for the Central Student Council and to one candidate for your Faculty Student Council
Election Rules
We have a code of conduct to ensure that the elections go smoothly. These rules are included in the Electoral Regulations for the TU Delft Central Student Council and Faculty Student Councils: Electoral Regulations. It is important that every voter ensures that he or she votes without being influenced by other voters and that he or she withholds from direct manipulation of other students.
Why voting?
Check here why student council is important.
Vandaag op 11 mei en morgen op 12 mei 2022 vinden de verkiezingen van de Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR) plaats.
Hoe kan ik stemmen?
Stemmen is heel makkelijk! Ga naar en log in met je NedID.
Informatie over het gebruik van je NetID of het resetten van je wachtwoord vind je op de site
Sinds vandaag 11 mei (8 uur ‘s ochtends) tot en met morgen 12 mei 2022 (5 uur ‘s middags).
Op hoeveel kandidaten mag ik stemmen?
Je mag op één kandidaat voor de Centrale Studentenraad en op één kandidaat voor de Facultaire Studentenraad stemmen.
We hebben een aantal omgangsvormen voor een zorgvuldig verloop van de verkiezingen. Deze regels zijn te vinden in het Kiesreglement voor de Centrale Studentenraad en de Facultaire Studentenraden van de TU Delft: Kiesreglement voor de Studentenraad. Belangrijk is dat je je stem zonder beïnvloeding van andere kiesgerechtigden uitbrengt en je onthoudt van directe beïnvloeding van andere studenten.
Waarom stemmen?
Bekijk hier waarom de Studentenraad zo belangrijk voor jou is.

Change in collection periods for tuition fees from 12 to 9 months
Scroll down for Dutch
Starting from academic year 2022/2023, TU Delft will change the collection periods for tuition fees from 12 months to 9 months. If you choose to pay in instalments, you will pay 1/9th of the tuition fees each month from September to May. This means that the collection amount will be higher each month (September to May). In the months of June, July and August there will be no more direct debits.
More information about the payment of tuition fees can be found on the website.
Wijziging incassotermijnen collegegeld van 12 naar 9 maanden
Met ingang van studiejaar 2022/2023 past TU Delft de incassotermijnen voor betaling van het collegegeld aan van 12 maanden naar 9 maanden. Kies je voor incassobetaling in termijnen, dan betaal je in de maanden september t/m mei maandelijks 1/9e deel van het collegegeld. Dit betekent dat het incassobedrag per maand (september t/m mei) hoger wordt. In de maanden juni, juli en augustus zullen er geen incasso’s meer plaatsvinden.
Meer informatie over betaling van het collegegeld vind je op de website.

ICT: maintenance weekend on 7 and 8 May
An ICT maintenance weekend is scheduled on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 May. This whole weekend we are working on several applications, updates on servers and databases, and updates on the network devices. The maintenance starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday evening. We ask for understanding for any inconvenience.
If you’d like us to keep you informed about all maintenance work and possible disruptions, click here.

Remembrance Day 4 May 2022
On Wednesday 4 May a brief Remembrance Day ceremony will take place to commemorate the staff and students of the Delft Institute of Technology who lost their lives in the Second World War.
A wreath will be laid at the commemorative plaque in the foyer of the Aula building by The Executive Board, Study Association Council (StudieVerenigingenRaad), Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging (MV) and VereningsRaad (VeRa).
All those who wish to do so can place flowers or wreaths at the commemorative plaque on 4 May from 16:00 to 17:00, or at a time convenient to them later in the week, after 5 May.
Herdenkingsbijeenkomst 4 mei 2022
Op woensdag 4 mei wordt in de Aula een korte herdenkingsbijeenkomst gehouden ter nagedachtenis van alle TH-medewerkers en studenten, die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog het leven lieten.
Het College van Bestuur, StudieVerenigingenRaad (SVR), Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging (MW) en de VerenigingsRaad (VeRa) zullen op woensdag 4 mei om 16.00 uur een krans bij de gedenkplaat in de hal van de Aula leggen.
Voor een ieder, die daar prijs op stelt, wordt gelegenheid geboden om op deze dag in de hal van de Aula van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur of anders direct na 5 mei zelf bloemen of kransen bij de gedenkplaat te leggen.

Don’t forget to terminate your enrolment after the final part of your study
Have you completed the final part of your study? Please be aware that you need to send a request to terminate your enrolment through Studielink as it will not be done automatically. Tuition fees need to be paid up to and including the last month of your enrolment. If you submit your request after 31 May you still have to pay tuition fee over July and August. Enrolment termination with retroactive effect is not possible.
For more information go to TU Delft Unenrolment

In conversation with Kornelis Blok on how to accelerate the energy transition
The Honours Programme Delft would like to invite you to join us in an open, honest, and interactive conversation with Kornelis Blok on how we can accelerate the energy transition.
Kornelis Blok is professor of Energy Systems Analysis at the TU Delft. He has extensive research and consultancy experience in the field of energy efficiency improvement and clean energy production. Kornelis Blok is lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He played an important role in the development of international climate policies. Kornelis Blok was one of the founders of Ecofys, now part of Guidehouse. With Ecofys, he won the Erasmus award for the most innovative company of the Netherlands in 2008.
Curious to learn more on Kornelis Blok’s insights on the energy transition, his contribution on the new 6th Assesment Report by the IPCC, and what it’s like to build your own company? Sign up here
Where: Senaatszaal, Aula.
When: May 3rd, 19.00h-20.00h. (Walk in 18.45h – 19.00h)
There will be drinks afterwards in the Frans van Hasseltzaal (Aula) for some after talk (20.00h –21.00h).

2 May pre-registration non-selection minors open
Are you considering to pre-register for a non-selection minor at Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam you can do so starting 2 May 2022?
There are a limited number of places available for non-selection minors. The non-selection minors have several rounds of registration/de-registration in May. There is also a late-registration period for non-selection minors. It is not possible to de-register from a selection minor during the registration periods of the non-selection minors.
During the first [Q1 and full semester minors] and the second round [Q2 and full semester minors] it does not make any difference when you submit your preferences. After closure of the round, lottery draw takes place for both the first and second round. The third round all non-selection minors will be open for direct registration.
Note that due to ICT maintenance in the weekend of 21-22 May, the opening of the third round will be postponed. The new opening time and date for the third round is; 23 May 2022 (13:00).

For more information, see the website and have a look at the registration procedure flyer.
Join the Energy Challenge Event on 9 June
On 9 June, the TU Delft campus will be all about students and their ideas for the future of the energy transition. This year, almost all students will pay extra attention in their education to the transition to a society where the energy supply is more sustainable. A large number of ideas and prototypes will be on display on 9 June during the Energy Challenge Event, which is part of TU Delft’s anniversary celebrations.
There is plenty to do for students on the event terrain. Find out what other faculties are doing to speed up the energy transition, participate in challenges, network with alumni, attend lunch lectures, cycle your own smoothie and learn more about what you can do to contribute to this year’s lustrum mission. Bring your friends, fellow students or housemates and enjoy a ‘real’ event on campus again! There is also the opportunity to meet fellow students, teachers and alumni while enjoying a snack and a drink to spar about accelerating the energy transition.
And more…
The Energy Club, Greenteams, Energy for Refugees and study associations, among others, will also be showing their solutions for the energy transition. Also, the Dreamteams will also be present with their prototypes. Students from the TU Delft, InHolland and The Hague University of Applied Sciences will be demonstrating their developed ideas together for a problem posed by the municipality of Delft as part of the Energy Challenge and City Deal/WijStad collaboration.
Join us
Are you also curious about the Energy Challenge event, or do you want to know more about what our TU Delft community is doing to accelerate the energy transition? Come to our Energy Challenge event on the 9th of June at the Bouwcampus terrain and enjoy a real TU Delft festival, where energy transition is central.
Stay up to date via this website, which we will update regularly, or follow @tudelftcampuslife on Instagram. Below are some examples of what will take place on 9 June.
See you then!