Posts in category General
Links to join the TU Delft Minor Event 23 March
Ga naar beneden voor het Nederlandse bericht
As a 2nd year bachelor student you can join the online minor information event today on Wednesday 23 March from 12:30 to 17:30. Here you will have the opportunity to hear more specific information about the minors and to ask questions. In order to obtain all the information you need during the event, we strongly advise that you first read all the general information on the website regarding your registration and placement for the minor.
What can you expect?
For each minor, an hour is scheduled that is split into two information sessions of half an hour each. At the beginning of the session you will hear a short introduction about the minor. After that, you have time to ask questions. This way you can follow two different minor presentations in one hour. You can easily participate in the information sessions by clicking on the link to the minor of your interest, which are published on the Minor Event page.
Links voor deelname TU Delft Minor Event 23 maart
Als 2e jaars bachelorstudent kun je vandaag, woensdag 23 maart van 12.30 tot 17.30 deelnemen aan het online minor voorlichtings evenement. Hier krijg je de kans om meer specifieke informatie over de minoren te horen en vragen te stellen. Om tijdens het evenement alle informatie te krijgen die je nodig hebt, raden we je aan eerst alle algemene informatie op de website te lezen over je inschrijving en plaatsing voor de minor.
Wat kun je verwachten?
Voor elke minor is een uur ingepland dat wordt opgesplitst in twee informatiesessies van elk een half uur. Aan het begin van de sessie krijg je een korte introductie. Daarna heb je de tijd om vragen te stellen. Op deze manier kun je in één uur twee verschillende minorpresentaties volgen. Je kunt eenvoudig deelnemen aan de informatiesessies door op de link bij de minor van je interesse te klikken. Deze links staan op de pagina van het Minor Event gepubliceerd.

Exams are coming! Have you registered for your exams in MyTUDelft?
Make sure you register on time for your exams. This can be done in or via MyTUDelft app (previously called Osiris). If you do not do this, you will not be able to participate.
Registration closes six calendar days before the day of the exam in question. See the weekly overview below with the registration deadline.
Please note that there are no waiting lists and last minute exam registration is not possible. Remember exam registration will start at the start of each quarter, namely 8 weeks before the exam day.
Exam day | Deadline registration |
Monday | Monday the week before until 23:59 |
Tuesday | Tuesday the week before until 23:59 |
Wednesday | Wednesday the week before until 23:59 |
Thursday | Thursday the week before until 23:59 |
Friday | Friday the week before until 23:59 |
More information here:
TU Delft wishes you good luck preparing for your exams!
Voor een tentamen moet je je aanmelden. Je meld je aan in of via de MyTUDelft app (voorheen Osiris).
Zorg ervoor dat je je op tijd voor je tentamens inschrijft. Doe je dit niet, dan kun je niet deelnemen.
Dit kan tot 6 dagen voor de tentamendag. Zie onderstaand weekoverzicht met de deadline voor inschrijving.
Er zijn geen wachtlijsten en last-minute registratie is niet mogelijk. Om je voldoende tijd te geven wordt de tentamenregistratie aan het begin van elke periode geopend, namelijk 8 weken voor de tentamendag.
Tentamendag | Deadline inschrijving |
Maandag | Maandag de week ervoor tot 23.59 uur |
Dinsdag | Dinsdag de week ervoor tot 23.59 uur |
Woensdag | Woensdag de week ervoor tot 23.59 uur |
Donderdag | Donderdag de week ervoor tot 23.59 uur |
Vrijdag | Vrijdag de week ervoor tot 23.59 uur |
Meer informatie hier:
TU Delft wens je success met je tentamens!

ICT News: Wait a little longer to install Windows 11 on your laptop
Do you use your laptop for your studies at TU Delft? Then wait a little longer before installing Windows 11. At this moment, not all facilities of TU Delft work properly with Windows 11 . Connecting to services such as Eduroam and the printers does not go well. TU Delft does not yet offer support for Windows 11, our manuals are for example made for Windows 10.
Have you already installed Windows 11? Then you can restore it up to 10 days after installation via the System – Recovery option. If the 10 days already have passed, we advise you to use the TU Delft student PCs if you want to print. Any problems with Windows 11 can be reported via the Self Service Portal, so that ICT can work on a solution.
ICT Nieuws: Wacht nog even met installeren van Windows 11 op je laptop
Gebruik je je laptop voor je studie aan de TU Delft? Wacht dan nog even met het installeren van Windows 11. Niet alle voorzieningen van de TU Delft werken op dit moment goed met Windows 11. Denk hierbij aan problemen met het verbinden met eduroam en de printers. TU Delft biedt momenteel nog geen ondersteuning voor Windows 11, onze handleidingen zijn bijvoorbeeld gericht op Windows 10.
Heb je Windows 11 al geïnstalleerd? Dan kun je dit tot 10 dagen na installatie terugdraaien via de optie Systeem – Herstel (System – Recovery). Mochten de 10 dagen al voorbij zijn, dan is het advies om gebruik te maken van de studentenpc’s van de TU Delft als je bijvoorbeeld wilt printen. Eventuele problemen met Windows 11 kun je melden via het SelfService Portal, zodat ICT kan werken aan een oplossing.

Corona update as of 15 March
Zie beneden voor Nederlands
The Dutch government has decided to further relax the Covid-19 measures that are still in force. That means that from now on, everyone is welcome on campus again throughout the week. We advise students to keep an eye on Brightspace to see how this affects educational activities in the various courses.
A number of recommendations remain in place.
- If you are showing symptoms, stay at home and take a self-test. If the result is positive, get tested at municipal health service GGD. Check here when to go into quarantine and when to get tested..
- As of 23 March, the wearing of face masks will no longer be compulsory on public transport. You can still protect yourself and others by wearing a face mask in busy locations, but this is an advice only.
- It is still wise to adhere to the advice that has been shown to limit the spread of Covid-19 (and other viruses): wash your hands regularly, cough and sneeze in your elbow, and ventilate indoor areas well.
- Staff and students can still order self-tests free of charge for the time being. More information can be found at In the coming period, you can also collect up to four self-tests from the Service Desks, while stocks last.
- Follow the travel advice (Dutch only) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when travelling abroad. Be well prepared on your return to the Netherlands by doing a travel check beforehand.
Finally, we ask everyone to continue to show consideration for each other in the coming period. After two years of restrictions, not everyone may feel comfortable with close contact or in crowded spaces. Give each other as much time and space as possible to adjust to the new situation. Students who, for example for health reasons, find it stressful to return to the campus, are advised to discuss this with their student advisor. Students who need help or advice in other cases can of course also turn to their study advisor.
Naturally, we remain alert to developments. If the circumstances call for it, further information will follow via this website and the other usual channels.
Het kabinet heeft besloten om de nog geldende coronamaatregelen verder te versoepelen. Iedereen is voortaan weer de hele week van harte welkom op de campus. We adviseren studenten om Brightspace in de gaten te blijven houden hoe e.e.a. uitwerkt voor het onderwijs in de verschillende vakken.
Een aantal adviezen blijft van kracht.
- Blijf thuis als je klachten hebt en doe een zelftest. Is die positief, laat je dan testen bij de GGD. Kijk hier of je in quarantaine moet en wanneer je je moet laten testen.
- Vanaf 23 maart is het dragen van een mondkapje niet langer verplicht in het openbaar vervoer. Waar het druk is, kun je jezelf en anderen nog beschermen door het dragen van een mondkapje, maar dit is een advies.
- Het blijft verstandig om je te houden aan de adviezen die de verspreiding van het coronavirus (en andere virussen) aantoonbaar beperken: regelmatig handen wassen, hoesten en niezen in de elleboog, en goed ventileren van binnenruimtes.
- Zelftests voor medewerkers en studenten blijven voorlopig gratis te bestellen. Meer informatie kun je vinden op Ook kun je de komende tijd max. vier zelftests ophalen bij de Servicepunten. Hiervoor geldt: op=op.
- Volg het reisadvies van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken bij internationale reizen. Kom goed voorbereid terug naar Nederland: doe vooraf de reischeck.
Tot slot verzoeken we iedereen om ook de komende tijd rekening te blijven houden met elkaar. Na twee jaar van beperkingen voelt misschien niet iedereen zich gelijk weer comfortabel bij nauw contact of in drukke ruimtes. Geef elkaar zoveel mogelijk de tijd en ruimte om aan te passen aan de nieuwe situatie. Studenten die het, bijvoorbeeld om gezondheidsredenen, spannend vinden om terug te keren naar de campus, adviseren we om hierover in gesprek te gaan met hun studieadviseur. Ook in andere gevallen kunnen studenten die hulp of advies nodig hebben altijd terecht bij hun studieadviseur.
Uiteraard blijven we alert op ontwikkelingen. Mochten de omstandigheden daartoe aanleiding geven, dan volgt nadere informatie via deze website en de overige gebruikelijke kanalen.

Master Market in Aula on 30th of March
Do you have any questions for students who are currently enrolled in a Master’s programme at TU Delft and would you like to speak to them in real life?
Sign up for the Master Market on 30 March and ask all your questions in the Aula at the TU Delft campus. More information and registration:

Give your input to realize affordable student rooms
If you want to get your own room in your student city, you are often dealing with waiting times, high rents and (too) small rooms at locations you would actually prefer not to live. The student housing providers are doing something about this. They will be constructing affordable student rooms at locations where you do want to live and take your housing needs into account.
To realize this they need your input.
Due to COVID-19 you may continue to live in your home country while remotely attending college or
university in the Netherlands. Also in this case your housing preferences are of great importance.
We are conducting a survey to find out how many students will be studying where in the coming years and how these students want to live. This survey is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior, colleges and universities. If you want to contribute to more and better suited student housing, please participate in the survey.
To participate you can click on the following link:
The questionnaire consists of about 40 questions and takes around 10 minutes. You can fill in the
questionnaire using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
To make it even more fun, you have the chance to win great prizes:
■ Airpods Pro with wireless charging case (worth € 225)
■ The North Face Base Camp Duffelbag – Large (worth € 145)
■ 2x pimp your room with the Ikea gift card (worth € 50)
■ 4x gift card (worth € 25
The questionnaire will remain active up to April 22. After the summer the results will become available on
the website

Join various activities between 14 and 18 March to learn more about studying, working, and living with disabilities
From the 14th until the 18th of March, the 2nd edition of the ‘Onbeperkt Studeren Week’: ‘Enabled TU Delft’ will take place. This is an exciting informational week devoted to raising awareness around studying, working, and living with disabilities at the TU Delft. The events include among others: lectures with tools for students, discussing the way to go forward at the TU Delft together with lecturers, a pub quiz and network drink, and an exciting exhibition at the Teaching Lab where experiences of students and employees will be visualized. You can join a special, fun, and informative week with a large variety of events. Listen to people with personal experiences as well as specialists on these issues and join in debating various themes within the topic of studying and working with a disability.
Go to our website to sign up and keep an eye on the social media of Student Onbeperkt!

Join the ‘Nationale Boomfeestdag’ to make a great green campus
Wednesday the 16th of March is the so-called ‘Nationale Boomfeestdag’, a day on which we celebrate nature and its beautiful trees. To honour this day, in collaboration with BAM and the Botanical garden, GreenTU is hosting two moments to plant trees around campus. The 16th, wear some old clothes and activate your green fingers because we need all the help we can get. You can join in the morning (10:00-12:00) or in the afternoon (13:00-15:00), and if you’re feeling super green, you can participate during both timeslots. Sign up here and see you then!

Make use of the English language courses at TU Delft, sign up for the placement tests now
Lectures, meetings, presentations, project groups – A large part of your study is in English! Do you find it difficult to follow lectures in English? Are you having trouble being understood in project groups? Are presentations in English more difficult than in your own language? Do you notice that you cannot say precisely what you mean during meetings?
Take an English course at TU Delft!
The courses are available for all students and PhD candidates at TU Delft and free of charge for BSc and MSc students.
For more information on the courses please visit our website:
Don’t know which course or what level? Don’t worry. Take our Placement Test to find out which course is the best for you! Our next Placement Tests are on: Wednesday 30 March 2022, 17:00 and 18:30, Computer room B at the Faculty of TPM, Jaffalaan 5 (building 31). Enrol in the Brightspace course called Placement Test English 2021-2022 and sign up.
Do you want to take Writing a Master’s Thesis in English? You can just sign up for the course, no Placement Test needed!

Last week to take the National Student Survey 2022
Zie beneden voor Nederlands
The last week of the National Student Survey 2022 starts today. Did you already let us know what you think about your course programme?
By completing the survey you will help TU Delft gain insight into the quality of our education. Your input, together with that of over 270,000 other students, will also be used to inform prospective students on their future study choice.
Filling in the NSE, also means you are eligible to win great prizes! So what are you waiting for? Check your email, fill in the survey and let your voice be heard!
Lost your link to the survey? You can request a new one here.
Laatste week om de Nationale Studenten Enquête 2022 in te vullen
De laatste week van de Nationale Student Enquête 2022 gaat vandaag in. Heb jij al laten weten wat je van jouw opleiding vindt?
Door de enquête in te vullen help je de TU Delft inzicht te krijgen in de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Ook wordt jouw mening samen met die van ruim 270.000 andere studenten gebruikt voor landelijke studiekeuze voorlichting.
Vul je de NSE in, dan maak je kans op mooie prijzen! Waar wacht je nog op? Ga naar je mail, vul de enquête in en laat je stem horen!
Kun je de oproep niet terugvinden in je studentmail? Hier vraag je hem opnieuw op.