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Posts in category General

Deleted Items folder in Outlook

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Starting 1 October 2021, all emails, calendar items, contacts and tasks in the Deleted Items folder in Outlook will be automatically deleted after 60 days. We do this to create space on our servers in the data centres of Delft University of Technology and to keep the size of the mailboxes manageable, both in data and financial terms. This is also the case when you have an online archive.

What does this mean exactly?
Every mailbox has a folder called Deleted Items. This folder contains all mailbox items (emails, calendar items, tasks, contacts) which have been deleted by you or by an automatic mailbox rule.

When you delete these items from the Deleted Items folder they will be moved to the so called ‘Recoverable Items’ folder. There they will stay for another 14 days until they are finally deleted. The ‘Recoverable Items’ folder is not shown in the folder list in Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA).

As long as the items are still in the ‘Recoverable Items’ folder, you can move them back to the Deleted Items/Deleted Items folder and from there to another folder, for example the Inbox/Mailbox folder. You can do this from the Deleted Items/Deleted Items folder by clicking on a button at the top of Outlook (Recover Deleted Items) or a link (Recover items recently removed from this folder), depending on the version of Outlook.

So after you delete an item, you can still recover it for 74 days. After that the item is gone.


Deleted Items folder in Outlook

Vanaf 1 oktober 2021 ​​​​​worden in Outlook alle e-mails, agenda items, contactpersonen en taken die in de Deleted Items/Verwijderde Items folder staan automatisch na 60 dagen verwijderd. Dit doen we om ruimte te creëren op onze servers in de datacenters van de TU Delft en de grootte van de mailboxen, zowel in data als financieel, beheersbaar te houden. Zo staat dit ook al ingesteld wanneer je een online archief hebt. 

Wat houdt dit precies in?
Elke mailbox heeft een folder genaamd Deleted Items/Verwijderde Items. In deze folder staan alle mailbox items (e-mails, agenda items, taken, contactpersonen) die door jou of door een automatisch mailbox regel zijn verwijderd.

Wanneer je deze items ook weer verwijderd uit de Deleted Items/Verwijderde Items folder worden deze verplaatst naar de zogenaamde ‘Recoverable Items’ folder. Daar blijven ze nog 14 dagen staan tot ze definitief worden verwijderd. De ‘Recoverable Items’ folder zie je niet staan in de folderlijst in Outlook of Outlook Web App (OWA).

Zolang de items nog in de ‘Recoverable Items’ folder staan, kun je ze terugzetten naar de Deleted Items/Verwijderde Items folder en van daaruit naar een andere folder verplaatsen, zoals bijvoorbeeld de Inbox/Postvak In folder. Dit kan je doen vanuit de Deleted Items/Verwijderde Items folder door op een knop te klikken bovenin Outlook (Recover Deleted Items) of een link (Recover items recently removed from this folder), afhankelijk van de versie van Outlook.

Dus nadat je een item hebt verwijderd hebt kun je deze nog 74 dagen lang terughalen. Daarna is het item weg.

Essay competition: win a cultural student journey to Boston and Harvard, Massachusetts, USA

Erasmus University of Rotterdam is organizing an essay competition about:

Learning from 400 years of Pilgrim Fathers’ America, what does the future of globalization hold?

This can be viewed from a range of perspectives, and all disciplines play a role in this. That is why Erasmus University of Rotterdam would like to invite you to give your vision on the above question and receive from you a powerful and critical essay of up to 1,000 words in English, with a systematic view of our future challenges. They would like to receive your contribution by, but no later than, 25 October 2021 via email address

The essay competition is open to all students at Leiden, Delft, Erasmus (MC) and of the departments of History and History & Literature at Harvard University.

Voucher for a cultural student journey to Boston and Harvard, Massachusetts, USA – the state where the Pilgrim Fathers ended their journey or Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where the journey started.

The prize awarding and the presentation of the best essay(s) will take place in the Oude or Pelgrimvaderskerk in Delfshaven, Rotterdam on 25 November 2021, Thanksgiving Day.

The essay should:

  • be written in style in English
  • ideally holds original ideas/ be visionary
  • contain critical content
  • be urgent.
  • be inclusive/promotes fellowship

Visit the website of Erasmus University of Rotterdam for more information about the competition.

New elective English courses at the TU!

Do you still have some room in your schedule?
Do you want to improve your English?
Do you need a couple ECTS?

If the answer is ‘yes’ then you should attend the new elective English courses at the TU Delft. The English Unit at ITAV (Universitair Instituut voor Talen en Academische Vaardigheden) has new 7 week courses – and many will be available in Q2, starting the week of 8 November.

Click here to see all courses.

For most courses, you need to take our Placement Test first. If you have not taken the test, there will be one test on 19 October. Please register via Brightspace: Placement Test English 2020-2021.

Small courses, individual attention: Come join us at ITAV!

Theme week about vulnerability – 50 years of psychologist team

This year the psychology team is celebrating their 50th anniversary. They will celebrate this in the week of 4-10 October by organizing different activities around the theme of vulnerability.

Seeing vulnerability as something powerful is an idea that was first explored by Brene Brown. Vulnerability is difficult when it can be associated with shame and fear, but at the same time it is also the source of joy and creativity. Being vulnerable to oneself and others creates more connection which can be a fertile ground for creating and maintaining important relationships.

The student psychologists believe that being vulnerable can contribute to a more positive learning and research climate at our University and hope that this week can give an impetus to and contribute to this.

Look for more information about the activities at:

ClimateTalks Global Hackathon

Are you interested in climate issues, COP26 and international networking?

In collaboration with the International Universities Climate Allicance the TU Delft invites you to participate in several activities planned in the lead up to COP26. As a student or Student Organisation you can also consider joining as Climate Alliance Student Ambassadors. Also:

  • The 2021 ClimateTalks Global Hackathon will be open to educators and student societies worldwide to register, run their own hackathon, and submit a short video of students’ best entries during October 2021. The shortlist of students with the most innovative concepts will be invited to present their ideas to coincide with COP26, in a dedicated virtual event.
  • During the 21st – 1st October 2021, ClimateTalks Global Festival, will be open to students and the general public alike, providing lots of inspiration and opportunities to ask questions about the hackathon theme during live virtual discussions. Students who register for the entire program will receive a certificate of attendance that educators may elect to use for credit in courses or assignments.

What can we expect from 25 September?

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The government has announced further relaxations for higher education, effective as of 25 September.

What are the relaxations? 

  • The use of face masks is no longer mandatory, so wearing face masks is voluntary;
  • The maximum group size of 75 persons per self-contained room will be dropped; 
  • The 1.5-metre distance rule will be dropped, but it is still sensible to give each other space.  

How do we ensure a safe campus?

  • Stay at home if you have corona-related symptoms;
  • Keep to the basic rules: wash your hands often and thoroughly and sneeze and cough into your elbow;  
  • Do not shake hands;  
  • Do the Quarantine Check and follow the quarantine guidelines;  
  • You are advised to use (voluntary) free self-tests twice a week.  

There will be no new class schedule for the first quarter (Q1). For the second quarter (Q2), we will do everything possible so that your study will take place on campus again as much as possible. We advise you to keep an eye on Brightspace.  

Keep an eye on the website for the latest COVID updates.  


Laatste update 23 september 2021

Het kabinet heeft verdere versoepelingen voor het hoger onderwijs bekend gemaakt die ingaan per 25 september a.s. 

Wat zijn de versoepelingen?

  • Het gebruik van mondkapjes is niet meer verplicht, het dragen van mondkapjes is dus op vrijwillige basis; 
  • Er geldt geen maximum meer voor groepsgroottes van 75 personen per zelfstandige ruimte; 
  • De 1,5 meter afstandsregel vervalt, wel blijft het verstandig om elkaar de ruimte te geven. 

Hoe zorgen we voor een veilige campus? 

  • Blijf thuis bij corona gerelateerde klachten;
  • Blijf de basisregels volgen: was vaak en goed je handen en nies en hoest in je elleboog; 
  • Schud geen handen; 
  • Doe de Quarantaine Check en volg de quarantaine richtlijnen; 
  • Je wordt aangeraden om twee keer per week gebruik te maken van (vrijwillige) gratis zelftesten

Er zal geen nieuw lesrooster gemaakt worden voor het eerste kwartaal (Q1). Voor het tweede kwartaal (Q2) doen we er alles aan zodat jouw studie weer zo veel mogelijk op de campus plaatsvindt. We raden je aan om Brightspace goed in de gaten te houden. 

Houd de website in de gaten voor de meest actuele corona-updates. 

Diversity & Inclusion Week 4-8 October 2021

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TU Delft’s first Diversity & Inclusion Week is held to coincide with Diversity Day on 5 October. We warmly invite everyone in our TU Delft community to join the various online and hybrid events.  

The most interesting conversations and the best ideas are born when people of different backgrounds, with different points of view and opinions, get together. A precondition for this, though, is that everyone can be themselves and feel free and safe enough to express their thoughts. TU Delft strives to be such a safe, inclusive environment, where we cherish diversity and in so doing encourage creativity, well-being and innovation. This ambition requires courage and participation from everyone, including you. It starts with being able to talk to each other about diversity and inclusion freely, and really listening to each other. In this first Diversity & Inclusion Week at TU Delft, we give you the opportunity to do so.

You can find the programme here: On this webpage you can also register for the sessions. Please note: all sessions are in English.

Questions? Contact the Diversity & Inclusion Office via:


Diversity & Inclusion Week 4-8 oktober 2021

Ter ere van Diversity Day op 5 oktober is het dit jaar voor het eerst Diversity & Inclusion Week bij TU Delft. Iedereen binnen de TU Delft-gemeenschap is van harte uitgenodigd om aan te sluiten bij de verschillende online en hybride events.

Daar waar mensen met verschillende achtergronden, perspectieven en meningen samenkomen ontstaan de mooiste gesprekken en beste ideeën. Voorwaarde hiervoor is dat iedereen zichzelf kan zijn en zich vrij en veilig voelt zich uit te spreken. De TU Delft streeft naar zo’n veilige, inclusieve omgeving waar we diversiteit omarmen en zo creativiteit, welzijn en innovatie stimuleren. Deze ambitie vraagt moed en deelname, ook van jou. Het begint met open met elkaar kunnen praten over diversiteit en inclusie, waarbij we echt naar elkaar luisteren. In deze allereerste Diversity & Inclusion Week bij de TU Delft geven we je daar de mogelijkheid voor.

Je vindt het programma hier: Je kunt je daar ook aanmelden voor alle sessies. Let op: alle sessies zijn Engelstalig.

Vragen? Neem contact op met het Diversity & Inclusion Office via:

Study Abroad Week 4-8 October

Are you considering going abroad in September 2022 as part of your study programme? Would you like to experience studying or doing your traineeship in another country?

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions now is the time to inform yourself! Join the Study Abroad Week information sessions between 4-8 October 2021. All the MUST KNOWS from your faculty, partner universities, application processes, scholarships, grants, travelling green and other practical issues will be talked about in this informative week.

And… what will happen in September 2022?
We are all looking forward to assisting you with planning your experience abroad.  Please keep in mind we will always have to take COVID-19 into account. Therefore, we ask you to prepare yourself, so if you apply for an exchange or internship abroad, we strongly advise you to have a backup plan in case you have to stay in the Netherlands and to avoid any study delay.

The final decision regarding study abroad September 2022 will be taken during the month of May 2022.

But.. one thing is for sure, if you are considering to go on exchange in September 2022, now is the time to inform yourself!

All the MUST KNOWS from your faculty, application processes, scholarships, grants and other practical issues will be talked about in this informative week.

Programme 4 – 8 October 2021

There will be a central programme, organized by ESA Mobility Department stated here below, and a faculty programme which you can find below and on the website

Central programme:

Monday 4 October
12:45 – 13:30 | Kick off session ‘Study Abroad September 2021 Information Sessions’

Tuesday 5 October
13:30 – 13:45 | ESN Delft: Erasmus Student Network

Wednesday 6 October
12:45 – 13:00 | NAHSS scholarship: is China your next step?
13:00 – 13:30 | Green TU
13:30 – 14:00 | Global Initiative: fund your research project

Thursday 7 October
12:30 – 13:30 | Ready steady go! Finding an internship abroad
19:00 – 21:00 | Travel Safety Training Session

Friday 8 October
12:45-13:15 | Scholarships
13:15-13:15 | FAST grant offer to TU Delft students

Go to the website for more information about the Study Abroad Information sessions.

Studenten gezocht voor het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus marketingpanel!

Zou je het leuk vinden om kritisch en constructief mee te denken over hoe wij, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, ons het beste kunnen profileren? Hoe onze website en socials eruit moeten zien om jou en je mede-studenten te bereiken met informatie over het gezamenlijk onderwijs?

Kom dan in het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus marketing testpanel! In 3 korte online sessies in september-oktober leggen we je diverse designs en vragen voor. We zoeken studenten van de Universiteit Leiden, TU Delft en Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Je hoeft geen ervaring te hebben met het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus onderwijs en voor je deelname ontvang je een voucher.

Ga hier naartoe om je aan te melden!

Sign up to watch online or attend Techrede 16 September

Technological innovations are essential for a sustainable, safe and resilient future. During Techrede, students of the 4 technical universities present their plan for the future to accelerate transitions.

Last year, they researched what exactly is needed to accelerate this process. In the past year, they have brought together significant parties from government, science, industry and society on five important themes. The result? Interesting insights and a concrete action plan!

Sign up to watch online or attend the Techrede live on 16 September. After the online programme, the live audience will work on the Puzzle of the Future, a substantive issue within one of the five themes (Digital Security, Care, Energy, Circular Economy and Food & Agriculture) and together concrete steps will be taken to accelerate transitions. Register quickly, full = full.
The Techrede program will be broadcasted with English subtitles.
More information:


Technologische innovaties zijn essentieel voor een duurzame, veilige en veerkrachtige toekomst. Studenten van de 4 technische universiteiten presenteren tijdens Techrede hun plan voor de toekomst om transities te versnellen.

Afgelopen jaar hebben zij onderzocht wat er precies nodig is om die versnelling in te zetten. Op vijf belangrijke thema’s hebben zij het afgelopen jaar betekenisvolle partijen uit de overheid, wetenschap, industrie en maatschappij samengebracht. Het resultaat? Interessante inzichten en een concreet actieplan!

Meld je aan om op 16 september online mee te kijken of om de Techrede live bij te wonen. Na het online programma gaat het live publiek aan de slag met de Puzzel van de Toekomst, een inhoudelijk vraagstuk binnen één van de vijf thema’s (Digitale Veiligheid, Zorg, Energie, Circulaire Economie en Voedsel & Landbouw) en worden er samen concrete stappen gemaakt in het versnellen van transities. Meld u snel aan, vol = vol.
Meer informatie:

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