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Posts in category General

Coronavirus update: relaxation as of 5 June means big step forward for X

At the press conference of Friday 28 May, it was announced that the third step in the opening plan could be brought forward. This means that as of 5 June, X will be able to expand its offer considerably. This affects our indoor activities more particularly, as much more is now possible: we can finally start up indoor ticket hours again, associations can resume their training sessions inside, and Cafe X will be open fully.

Ticket hours
Let’s go! We are going to start up various indoor ticket hours, ranging from spinning and yoga classes to Thai boxing and MMA. In addition, we are expanding the outdoor ticket hours, in terms of both the schedule and the maximum number of participants. And if the weather is bad, classes will not have to be cancelled but can take place indoors. The new schedule with all ticket hours starts on Monday 7 June, so keep an eye on the website.

1.5-meters social distancing
As of 5 June, 1.5-meters social distancing will cease to apply to team and contact sports, for example soccer, volleyball and dancing. The 1.5-meters measure will, however, remain in force for those sports in which 1.5-meters social distancing can be maintained, such as the ticket hours for BBB, spinning, yoga, etc.

Cafe X
As of 5 June, Cafe X will be open again inside and the closing time will be extended to 22:00! In addition, up to four people will be allowed at a table, both outside on the terrace and inside. Please observe the existing corona measures.

Reserve spaces
Would you like to reserve a space for training or rehearsing as a group? Check out the options on the page Book a space as an X member.

Changing rooms, showers and lockers
The changing rooms, showers and lockers will remain out of use for the time being.

Summer programme
The relaxations will make it possible for X to offer you a fun and vibrant summer! For more information check out this page.

Introduction Programme is looking for Coaches

The Introduction Programme kick-starts the incoming Master, Exchange and Bridging students on their new adventure with an exciting and hybrid programme. The programme gives them the chance to get acquainted with the academic culture and the student life at TU Delft. The programme will be a mixture of online and offline events. As a coach, you will mostly contribute to the on-campus parts of the programme.

So, are you a team player?
Do you have enthusiasm and a strong sense of responsibility?
Are you interested in creating an amazing start for new students?
Then we are looking for YOU!

Check out this movie of last summer’s IP to see what you can take part in!

As a current TU Delft students (Dutch and international) you apply, are selected and trained to become responsible and sociable coaches to guide and support the new students during the Introduction Programme Campus Days.
You have to be flexible and show initiative to help the campus days run smoothly, and stick to the basic COVID prevention measures. We expect you to have a genuine interest in the well-being of new students, to have knowledge of the educational system of TU Delft, and to be enthusiastic about showing off the campus and the opportunities of joining a student association.

The Introduction Programme Campus Days will take place between Tuesday 17 August – Friday 20 August. You must be available for at least two of the four days. To be selected, you need to attend the coach assessment on 17 or 18 June. If you are selected, you must be available to attend trainings on 7-8 July and 16 August just before the start of the programme. Active participation is absolutely mandatory to be accepted as a coach.

You can apply for this position until 13 June via FlexDelft.

Student Council(s) elections 2021!

The elections for the Central Student Council and the Faculty Student Councils are today 2 June 2021 and tomorrow 3 June 2021.

How to vote?

Voting is very easy! Go to and log in with your NedID

The site provides information on how to activate your NetID or reset your password, should it be necessary.


Since today 2 June 2021 8:00 am until tomorrow Thursday 3 June 2021 5:00 pm

How many candidates can I vote?

You can vote to one candidate for the Central Student Council and to one candidate for your Faculty Student Council

Election Rules
We have a code of conduct to ensure that the elections go smoothly. These rules are included in the Electoral Regulations for the TU Delft Central Student Council and Faculty Student Councils: Electoral Regulations. It is important that every voter ensures that he or she votes without being influenced by other voters and that he or she withholds from direct manipulation of other students.

Why voting?

Check here why student council is important.


Vandaag op 2 juni en morgen op 3 juni 2021 vinden de verkiezingen van de Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR) plaats.

Hoe kan ik stemmen?

Stemmen is heel makkelijk! Ga naar en log in met je NedID.

Informatie over het gebruik van je NetID of het resetten van je wachtwoord vind je op de site


Sinds vandaag 2 juni (8 uur ‘s ochtends) tot en met morgen 3 juni 2021 (5 uur ‘s middags).

Op hoeveel kandidaten mag ik stemmen?

Je mag op één kandidaat voor de Centrale Studentenraad en op één kandidaat voor de Facultaire Studentenraad stemmen.


We hebben een aantal omgangsvormen voor een zorgvuldig verloop van de verkiezingen. Deze regels zijn te vinden in het Kiesreglement voor de Centrale Studentenraad en de Facultaire Studentenraden van de TU Delft: Kiesreglement voor de Studentenraad. Belangrijk is dat je je stem zonder beïnvloeding van andere kiesgerechtigden uitbrengt en je onthoudt van directe beïnvloeding van andere studenten.

Waarom stemmen?

Bekijk hier waarom de Studentenraad zo belangrijk voor jou is.

Student Council elections 2&3 June. Did you miss the debate? You can watch it again

Tomorrow June 2 the voting for the student councils starts. Still deciding on who to vote? You can watch the debate from last night here.
Furthermore, watch this video to get to know this year’s candidates.
Good luck voting tomorrow and the day after!

Don’t forget to unenrol after the final part of your study

Have you completed the final part of your study? Please be aware that if you want to terminate your enrolment, you need to send a request through Studielink as it will not be done automatically. You still have to pay tuition fee over July and August. Enrolment termination with retroactive effect is not possible.

Live debate Student Council Election 31 May

The elections for the Central Student Council and the Faculty Student Councils will take place on June 2 and 3.

Your vote determines how many of the 10 seats go to Lijst Beta and how many to ORAS. Not sure on who to vote yet? In order to help you decide and find out which party best represents your ideas, there will be a live debate between the central parties ORAS and Lijst Beta from the auditorium.

The debate will be coming monday the 31st of May at 20:00.

You can follow the debate via this link.

Reminder! 31 May deadline for pre-registration non-selection minors

You still have the opportunity to pre-register for a non-selection minor at Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam until 31 May 2021 (23:59).

As a TU Delft student, you can enter up to five preferences. It is not obliged to select five, one is enough to take part in the lottery draw. After the registration period has closed, a lottery draw will take place in June (before the start of the second registration period) based on the preferences you specified.

After the draw, you will either receive an e-mail informing you of the minor on which you have definitively been enrolled or an e-mail informing you that you have not been allocated a place.

Please note: if you are allocated a place as a result of the lottery draw, your other preferences will be cancelled.
For more information, see the website

Deze website is een initiatief van de Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU). Om tijdens de corona periode Op deze site zijn berichten te vinden van de universiteiten over initiatieven van studenten, over pilots, over wetenschappelijke inzichten en meer.


This website is an initiative by the Vereniging van Universiteiten (VSNU), but is only available in Dutch.


*Dutch text below*

The ICT Security & Privacy team of TU Delft has been informed today about a potential cybersecurity threat. In order to address this threat, it has been decided that, effective immediately, access to the TU Delft Citrix environments will only be granted via eduVPN. EduVPN is a service that encrypts the connection between your computer and the Citrix environment.

For Citrix users this means that eduVPN must now be installed on your laptop or desktop and that eduVPN must be turned on before you start Citrix. When you start eduVPN, you will be asked for your username and password and an SMS code will be sent to your cell phone (2-Factor Authentication) which you also have to fill in. The eduVPN connection will then be active for 18 hours.

How do I install eduVPN?
EduVPN can be downloaded from The next steps to install the tool on your Windows computer or your Mac can be found at

What if my mobile number is not yet registered?
For the 2-Factor Authentication that eduVPN uses, your mobile number needs to be registered with TU Delft. You can do this through E-Service: Please note: for security reasons, you can only change your mobile number through E-Service if you are on the TU Delft Campus network. If this is not possible, please call your Service Desk servicepunt.tudelft.nlThe ICT Workplace Services team has a procedure to help you out.

Should I always use eduVPN?
Yes, this is highly recommended. Some TU Delft websites and services can still be accessed without eduVPN, but it is safer to always have eduVPN on. In the coming months we will be adding more and more services to eduVPN, in addition to Citrix.

If you have further questions or need help, please contact your Service Point. If you think your account information may have fallen into the wrong hands (e.g. due to a data breach elsewhere), please send an email to and change your password immediately via

Together we keep the TU Delft safe!



Het ICT Security & Privacy team van de TU Delft is vandaag geïnformeerd over een potentiële cybersecurity dreiging. Om deze dreiging te adresseren, is besloten om per direct de toegang tot de TU Delft Citrix omgevingen nog alleen via eduVPN tot stand te laten komen. EduVPN is een dienst die de verbinding tussen je computer de Citrix omgeving versleutelt.

Voor de gebruikers van Citrix betekent dit dat eduVPN vanaf nu geïnstalleerd moet zijn op je laptop of desktop en dat eduVPN aangezet moet worden, voordat je Citrix opstart. Als je eduVPN start, zal er om je username en password gevraagd worden en een SMS code naar je mobiele telefoon worden gestuurd (2-Factor Authentication) die je ook in moet vullen. De eduVPN-verbinding blijft vervolgens 18 uur actief.

Hoe installeer ik eduVPN?
EduVPN is te downloaden via De vervolgstappen die je moet doen om de tool op je Windows computer of je Mac te installeren, zijn te vinden op

Wat als mijn mobiele nummer nog niet geregistreerd is?
Voor de 2-Factor Authentication waar eduVPN gebruik van maakt, moet je mobiele nummer geregistreerd zijn bij de TU Delft. Dit doe je via E-Service: Let op: om veiligheidsredenen kan je je mobiele nummer alleen aanpassen via E-Service als je op het netwerk van de TU Delft Campus zit. Als dit niet mogelijk is, bel dan aub met je Servicepunt Het ICT Werkplekservices team heeft een procedure om je verder te helpen.

Moet ik eduVPN altijd gebruiken?
Ja, dit wordt ten zeerste aangeraden. Nu is het nog zo dat sommige TU Delft websites en diensten ook zonder eduVPN te benaderen zijn, maar het is veiliger om altijd eduVPN aan te hebben. We zullen dan ook de komende maanden, naast Citrix, steeds meer services achter eduVPN gaan plaatsen.

Mocht je verdere vragen hebben of hulp nodig hebben, neem dan aub contact op met je Servicepunt. Indien je denkt dat jouw accountgegevens mogelijk in verkeerde handen zijn gevallen (bijvoorbeeld door een datalek elders) dan verzoeken wij je om een mail sturen naar en direct je wachtwoord te veranderen via

Samen houden we de TU Delft veilig!

Upgrade to May 27th (OSIRIS Student) will not be available this coming Thursday (May 27th from 18:00 to 22:00) because of a new upgrade. This means MyTUDelft app and the web browser version of student will not be accessible. More information:

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