Posts in category General
Tips about (decision)stress, procrastination, career skills and teamwork in new Mini Courses
We all sometimes suffer from stress, having difficulty making choices, or lack motivation. Usually this happens only for a short period of time, because we eventually are able to make the choice, or finish the assignment in time so that we don’t feel stressed anymore. However, sometimes we suffer a lot from (choice) stress or procrastination and is it difficult to deal with it.
To help with this, Career & Counselling Services has developed a series of mini-courses with explanations and tips on five different topics: (decision) stress, procrastination, teamwork and career skills. Check out the videos and hopefully the tips will help you get back on track. Good luck!
Tips over (keuze)stress, uitstelgedrag, career skills en samenwerken in nieuwe Mini Courses
We hebben allemaal wel eens moeite met keuzes maken, last van stress of gebrek aan motivatie. Meestal is dit van korte duur en lukt het om uiteindelijk de keuze te maken of om de opdracht toch op tijd af te maken waardoor de stress weer wegtrekt. Soms vraagt de (keuze)stress of het uitstelgedrag meer aandacht en is het moeilijk hiermee om te gaan.
Om hierbij te helpen heeft Career & Counselling Services een reeks Mini Courses ontwikkeld met uitleg en tips over vijf verschillende onderwerpen. Naast (keuze)stress en uitstelgedrag is er bijvoorbeeld ook een module over samenwerken en een over career skills. Check de video’s en wie weet helpen de tips jou weer op weg. Veel succes!

Create tomorrow!
Are you ready to explore and create tomorrow? Led by Host Diederik Jekel, a large number of future thinkers will be brought together on 28 May. Will you join them and explore new solutions for challenges that the world faces? VPdelta Water Innovation programme of the TU Delft delivers one of the challenges related to the climate adaptive city.
Create Tomorrow offers a full program of high-level keynotes, panel discussions, pitches of new ideas and innovations and lots of time to connect with each other. 28 May is all about ideation and creating powerful solutions during world’s biggest student think tank. Tickets are still available via

Coronavirus update: Cafe X outdoor seating area and fitness open and various indoor facilities can be booked
Update from ‘X’
Yesterday, the caretaker government gave the green light to the second step in the re-opening plan. This means that from Wednesday 19 May, more of our facilities can be re-opened, step by step, and under certain conditions.
From Wednesday 19 May, you are welcome once again from 12:00 to 20:00 to the outdoor seating area of Cafe X! Upon arrival you must register using the online registration form and you must fulfill the requirements of the health check.
On Wednesday 19 May, the fitness will also re-open under strict conditions. This means you must book a time slot in advance. The new time slots will become available today at 13:00 in the webshop. You can book a spot up to one week in advance, and book up to three time slots per week.
Booking indoor facilities
In recent months you have been able to book outdoor courts and fields, but from Wednesday 19 May it is once again possible to book indoor facilities with your X subscription.
Safety first!
We wish to re-emphasise that keeping to the safety rules at all times is of vital importance. Refresh your memory about these rules here: Terms and Conditions.
For more information please look here

Stress Less, Become Better at Stress
C&CS and X teamed up and we’ve invited Gezondeboel to host a workshop on stress. Gezondeboel will explain what stress is, you’ll learn that stress is not by definition bad for you. You don’t need to get rid of it, you just need to become better at stress!
The online interactive workshop consist out of two parts. In the first half, you will examine the effects of stress in your body, different kinds of stressors you may have in your life and symptoms of stress. In the second half, we will examine scientifically proven ways of coping with stress by looking at positive psychology, neuroplasticity and mindfulness.
For more information, and how to enroll click here

Invitation to The Future of Universities: The Digital Campus by Studium Generale TU Delft
What is or should a university be in the 21st century?
That is the underlying question for the Future of Universities series, organised by Studium Generale TU Delft. And we would like to invite you personally to the first event in this series: The Digital Campus, that will take place physically at TU Delft Library on May 19 from 16:00-18:00 in the Central Hall.
Our main question this afternoon is: How can we create/sustain a close community within the university and help our students develop themselves in an increasingly digital world?
This event has a capacity of 30 people. Please register here if you would like to attend. Without registration you cannot attend. You can also watch our event online via this link.
More information available here.
What is or should a university be in the 21st century?
Dat is de hoofdvraag van de debatreeks the Future of Universities georganiseerd door Studium Generale TU Delft. Graag nodigen wij jou uit voor het eerste evenement in deze serie: The Digital Campus, dat plaatsvindt in de Centrale van de Library TU Delft op 19 mei van 16.00-18.00 uur en waarvoor we 30 man publiek mogen ontvangen.
De hoofdvraag deze middag is: How can we create/sustain a close community within the university and help our students develop themselves in an increasingly digital world?
Bij dit evenement mogen wij 30 man publiek ontvangen. Schrijf je alsjeblieft hier in als je erbij wilt zijn. Zonder inschrijving kun je helaas niet naar binnen. Het evenement is ook online te zien via deze link.
Kijk hier voor meer informatie.

4TU is looking for the next Elon Musk.
Are you the next Elon Musk? The 4TU Federation is looking for passionate TU Delft students and PhD’s who want to tackle the problem of climate change and who are eager to contribute to reducing CO2. Join the information session on the 20th of May from 17:00 – 20:00.
See the pdf below the image for more information.

Do you have an idea to improve the student community?
This year, TU Delft offers students and employees the opportunity to think about improving well-being. Do you have an idea to improve the situation of students?
The TU Delft will determine whether your idea can be financially supported. The condition is that your idea is innovative and helps a large group of students in the field of well-being. Pitch & Connect!
Fill in this form‼

Spot it! Make new friends and discover Delft.
“Spot it” is an initiative from Delft International Student Society (DISS) and the Board of European Student of Technology (BEST). It is an event created by students, for students.
If you are looking for opportunities to make new friends, to discover hidden spots in the very pretty town of Delft, while having the chance to win an amazing prize, this event is for you!! The event is entirely FREE, and you will receive a goodie bag as participation prize. There is a 3€ fee however, that is used to confirm your registration. It will be fully paid back by us at the end of the event if you participate, and will be used as a no-show fee in case we do not receive notice of cancellation before Wednesday, 12 May.
Use this link to sign up for the event.

Transition from bachelor to master: ‘zachte knip’ rule changes for 2021-2022
Academic year 2021-2022 (for Dutch scroll down)
The Bachelor’s-before-Master’s rule (‘harde knip’ in Dutch) is the legal provision that states that a student must first complete their Bachelor’s or Pre-Master’s programme before they can move on to a Master’s programme. In order to limit possible study delays and related adverse consequences due to COVID-19, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has allowed for another year universities to put temporary measures in place for the transition from a Bachelor’s to a Master’s programme.
It is stipulated that students can make use of the temporary Bachelor’s-before-Master’s rule (‘harde knip’ in Dutch) once and with a maximum duration of 1 year. It is therefore not possible to add up two of these temporary rules.
For bachelor students at a Dutch university
- Bachelor’s students who have a deficit of up 15 EC in their Bachelor’s examination programme on 31 August 2021 may enrol in Master’s subjects in the 2021-2022 academic year and participate in Master’s subjects examinations
- Faculties may designate certain subjects as entry requirements, such as completion of the Bachelor’s final project, for each Master’s programme. Faculties will inform their bachelor students before May 15, 2021.
- The option to enrol in Master’s courses without having completed a Bachelor’s programme expires on 31 August 2022.
For Pre-Master’s students of TU Delft
- Pre-Master’s students who have a deficit of no more than 15 EC in their Pre-Master’s programme on 31 August 2021 may enrol in Master’s courses and participate in Master’s courses examinations in the 2021-2022 academic year
- The option to enrol in Master’s courses without having completed the Pre-Master’s programme expires on 31 August 2022
Registration of TU Delft students
- Students wishing to use the temporary measures for the Bachelor’s-Master’s transition should re-enrol via Studylink in their current Bachelor’s or Pre-Master’s programme. They also should enrol in the Master’s or Pre-Master’s programme. Registration will be on an interim basis until they have completed their Bachelor degree programme. Conditional admission will be reviewed by the dean of the faculty in which the relevant Master’s degree is given.
Check the information here: >> coronavirus >> students >> transition from bachelor to master
Please note: information per faculty will be added shortly
Studiejaar 2021-2022
De zogenaamde harde knip is de wettelijke bepaling die zegt dat een student eerst de bacheloropleiding of het schakelprogramma moet afronden, voordat de student kan doorstromen naar een masteropleiding. Om mogelijke studievertraging met bijbehorende nadelige gevolgen vanwege COVID-19 te beperken, mogen universiteiten van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) een tijdelijke, zogenaamde zachte knip instellen voor de overgang van een bacheloropleiding naar een masteropleiding.
Daarbij is wel bepaald dat studenten één maal en met een maximale duur van 1 jaar een zachte knip inschrijving voor een (schakel- of master-)opleiding kunnen hebben. Het stapelen van twee zachte knip- inschrijvingen is dus niet mogelijk.
Voor bachelorstudenten van de TU Delft
- Bachelorstudenten, die op 31 augustus 2021 maximaal 15 EC aan bachelorvakken van hun examenprogramma tekort komen, mogen in studiejaar 2021-2022 mastervakken volgen en deelnemen aan tentamens van mastervakken.
- Faculteiten kunnen per masteropleiding vakken als inhoudelijke ingangseis aanwijzen, bijvoorbeeld afronding van het BEP. Faculteiten informeren studenten van hun bacheloropleidingen vóór 15 mei 2021 welke inhoudelijke eisen dat zijn.
- Deze mogelijkheid om zonder afgeronde bacheloropleiding mastervakken te mogen volgen geldt alleen in studiejaar 2021-2022 en vervalt dus op 31 augustus 2022.
Voor schakelstudenten van de TU Delft
- Schakelstudenten, die op 31 augustus 2021 een tekort van maximaal 15 EC hebben in hun schakelprogramma, mogen in het studiejaar 2021-2022 mastervakken volgen en deelnemen aan tentamens van mastervakken.
- Faculteiten kunnen per masteropleiding vakken als inhoudelijke ingangseis aanwijzen. Bekijk de informatie over de inhoudelijke toelatingseisen in het kader van de zachte knip.
- De mogelijkheid om zonder afgerond schakelprogramma mastervakken te mogen volgen, geldt alleen in studiejaar 2021-2022 en vervalt dus op 31 augustus 2022.
Aanmelden TU Delft studenten
- Studenten die gebruik willen maken van de zachte knip dienen zich via Studielink voor hun huidige bachelor- of schakelopleiding te herinschrijven en een inschrijvingsverzoek te doen voor de gewenste masteropleiding. In studielink wordt vervolgens gevraagd of de student in aanmerking wil komen voor een voorwaardelijke toelating tot de master. Op basis van deze aanvraag zal de voorwaardelijke toelating worden beoordeeld door de decaan van de faculteit, waartoe de betreffende masteropleiding behoort. De inschrijving voor deze opleiding zal een voorlopige inschrijving zijn, totdat de bachelor of het schakelprogramma is afgerond of worden beëindigd als op uiterlijk 31-08-2022 de bachelor of schakelprogramma niet is afgerond.
Bekijk hier alle informatie: >> coronavirus >> studenten >> overgang van bachelor naar master
let op! binnekort aanvullende informatie per faculteit beschikbaar

Getting ready to have fun with Physics! New free online course
A new free online course helps students prepare for their university studies. Watch the video and spread the word.
As you’ve probably realised, Physics, similar to Calculus, is a crucial subject in many engineering studies, applicable across programs and faculties. But although the laws and principles of physics do not change once a student arrives at university, it can be tough to understand a more formal approach and abstract language.
To help high-school students bridge the gap between their knowledge and the way this is presented and used at university, a new online course – Pre-University Physics – is launching on 7 June. Check out the video!
Formal doesn’t mean boring
This new online course makes university level physics approachable and fun. The exercises and examples draw from a variety of real-life situations that students can easily relate to. For example, how the boundary conditions of waves lead to different tones in various musical instruments.

The MOOC consists of three modules: Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, and Waves.
Students get used to the new language but also learn a new way to understand and apply physics: not to take things for granted, but to ask questions about particular situations. “Students come to appreciate that the meaning of a certain symbol – for example m for mass – is not defined globally, but refers to a particular object in a given situation. Asking, “what does m mean?” may at first sound dumb, but it’s often an excellent question”, says Sander Otte, the Professor of Physics at the Faculty of Applied Sciences behind the MOOC.
A winning combo
TU Delft also offers a MOOC on Pre-University Calculus that prepares high-school students for university level mathematics, showing them how it is used in different engineering and science disciplines.
Do you have a friend or know a high-school student who could be interested in these preparatory courses? Tell them to check them out.