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Recycle your coffee cup, play your part in sustainability

coffe cups recycling

Starting 4 April 2016, TU Delft will recycle all coffee cups used on campus. And you can play your part! Once you have finished your tea or coffee, please deposit your cup in the appropriate collection container. These containers are located at or near to the coffee machines. The cups from the coffee bars on campus will also be recycled. Please deposit stirrers, used teabags and other waste in the standard rubbish bin.

Recycling coffeecups

In addition to the option of using coffee cups more than once, recycling these cups represents the next step towards a more sustainable campus. The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Education and Student Affairs and Facility Management & Real Estate started recycling in February. In just two months, in excess of 200kg of cups have been collected for recycling.

But why recycle anyway? The used coffee cups are collected by Van Gansewinkel, a waste processing company. The cardboard is then separated from its plastic coating. Burning the plastic releases energy that can subsequently be reused. The cardboard is turned into pulp, which can then be recycled into paper.

For more information on the recycling process, have a look at:


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