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De meningen ge-uit door medewerkers en studenten van de TU Delft en de commentaren die zijn gegeven reflecteren niet perse de mening(en) van de TU Delft. De TU Delft is dan ook niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van hetgeen op de TU Delft weblogs zichtbaar is. Wel vindt de TU Delft het belangrijk - en ook waarde toevoegend - dat medewerkers en studenten op deze, door de TU Delft gefaciliteerde, omgeving hun mening kunnen geven.

Update: Additional measures – until 6 April

This afternoon, the Cabinet announced further additional measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

All current measures at TU Delft remain in force and are extended to 6 April; nonetheless the university remains fully committed to offering as much education as possible online.

In addition, as per the new measures, all on-campus catering will be closed with immediate effect.
At the risk of stating the obvious, on the insistence of the Cabinet, we request that everyone keeps an appropriate distance from one another, with a  distance of 1.5 m as a guideline.

All latest updates and information are regularly published on the TU Delft website.


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