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Update: teaching and exams 4th quarter

Update 8 April 15.00: teaching and exams 4th quarter

TU Delft has decided that all educational activities in the fourth quarter (Q4) of this academic year will take place online as much as possible; this also applies to the examinations. In concrete terms, this means that until the end of Q4, education will be offered online and that alternative examinations will also be offered remotely. This was already the case until 1 June, and this measure will now be extended to include the entire fourth quarter.

TU Delft feels it is very important to provide clarity on this subject at this point in time, so students can prepare for this, and lecturers can fully focus on the range and quality of (online) alternatives. For (international) students who are currently abroad, this means that an alternative for educational activities and examinations will become available remotely.  We will look for other possibilities for activities that cannot be moved online, such as certain practicals. Students will be kept informed about this via Brightspace.


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