A sneak peek into the Honours Programme
Always curious as to what the Honours Programme Delft (HPD) has to offer?
We proudly present you the HP Magazine, in which you can have a sneak peek into what the Honours Programme is and all that is has to offer. If you’re curious what your honours friends have been up to, or what the programme could mean for you have a look, click on the following link to find our: http://tu-delft.instantmagazine.com/tu-delft/honours-magazine.
The magazine is online and interactive!
Among others you can read about the value of the programme in an interview with Peter Wieringa, or take a look at several student projects in a poster gallery. Other articles involve video recaps of interfaculty courses, an overview of the study tour and interviews with both a student and alumni.
Are you missing anything and/or would like to add? Please feel free to contact us at honours@tudelft.nl
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