Posts in category Student
Update: campus power cut
De gebouwen op de campus zijn weer van stroom voorzien. Alle gebouwen die ontruimd waren, openen in de loop van de middag weer hun deuren. Je wordt hierover verder geïnformeerd via de communicatiekanalen van je eigen Faculteit/Dienst.
The buildings on the campus affected by the power cut are reconnected to the grid. Buildings that have been evacuated, will be reopening their doors during the course of the afternoon. You will be kept informed of this through the communication channels of your Faculty/Support Service.
Get more out of your summer!
Most of us are happy lectures are over and eager to be lazy for a few weeks. Were you challenged enough in the past year? Or do you want to work on exciting assignments in a multidisciplinary environment, in Delft or abroad?
Make the most of your summer by following one of the summer schools or courses, offered by the TU Delft and its partners! We selected the best for you here. Continue reading
NSE Meeting: Free food and drinks
All students are invited for the yearly National Student Survey (NSE) meeting this Monday, June 15, at the IDE faculty. Everyone at TU Delft is very proud of the increase in student appreciation that this ranking of student satisfaction shows for 2015. As students you know best what the improvements within your own educational programme are. With a slice of pizza in hand, let us know what you think on the 15th! Register at Continue reading
New Free Festival and ‘Day of Wonder’ (formerly ZOMERfestival)
What: New International Festival of Technology
When: 1 to 5 June 2015
Where: Various locations in Delft
It’s time to celebrate what our city is good at: Delft will be combining the best of technology and innovation in a varied programme. Fans of technology, music, and festivals, as well as techno starters, students, and scientists will have the chance to meet for a whole week. Everyone will be challenged to join the debates, to inspire each other, and to create together. Test your knowledge and skills, take a look into the future, and meet the scientists behind the projects.
From June 1 to 5 2015, the city of Delft and the campus will be hosting the brand new International Festival of Technology. During this week, Delft will be the scene of master classes, challenges, debates, art walks and open lab days, as well as special performances like ‘Professors in the Theater Arena’ and ‘The Iceman’.
On the 3rd of June, during the OC&C Ringvaart Regatta, the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute will be showing the latest technological developments, while on Friday there will be a special business programme for entrepreneurs seeking to collaborate. There will also be workshops for children, while TU Delft students will make an attempt to set a new ‘crate bridge’ world record. The programme is not yet complete!
One thing is sure: the festival will be packed with surprises and encounters. And everyone will be able to enjoy it all, because the Inholland University of Applied Sciences ‘Groentestudentenbus’ will be covering the festival via a livestream.
Spectacular festival finale
The grand finale is on Friday 5 June will be ‘A day of Wonder’ – a mix of music, technology, art, stand-up science, and very special food. Get inspired by leading speakers on trends in technology, and enjoy live performances by major artists and music innovators like:
Jett Rebel
Jacqueline Govaert
Typhoon & Friends
Benjamin Herman
Rico & A.R.T.
For more information and updates:
Facebook Event & Festival Site
Demonstration Ampelmann Operations 11&12 March
In collaboration with Delft University of Technology, Ampelmann Operations creates an opportunity for students to experience Ampelmann’s high tech innovations from close by. They are actually bringing an Ampelmann system (the L-type) and their technological experts to TU Delft.
During the day Ampelmann will primarily be demonstrating the L-type and its functionalities. Additionally you will find free bites (poffertjes and suikerspin). And while you are there, do take the opportunity to talk to Ampelmann’s various employees.
Date & place
11/03, TU Delft L&R faculty – parking lot next to Fellowship
12/03, TU Delft EWI faculty – parking lot behind EWI
Eind februari geen treinverkeer Delft CS / Disruption to trains at Delft Central Station in late February
Eind februari geen treinverkeer Delft CS
Reis je regelmatig met de trein richting de TU Delft? Houd er dan rekening mee dat er van zondag 22 februari t/m vrijdag 27 februari geen treinen tussen Den Haag, Delft en Schiedam rijden. Ook goed om te weten: het nieuwe busstation aan de voorkant van het station wordt op 15 februari in gebruik genomen.
Het is de bedoeling dat na deze werkzaamheden, op zaterdag 28 februari 2015, het nieuwe ondergrondse station en de nieuwe stationshal van Delft geopend worden en de eerste reizigerstrein door de nieuwe spoortunnel rijdt.
Pulse: Meer ruimte voor nieuwe onderwijsvormen /Pulse: More room for new teaching formats
De TU Delft gaat een nieuw gebouw realiseren, dat ruimte biedt voor nieuwe onderwijsvormen: Pulse, de afkorting van Practise, Unite, Learn, Share & Explore. Een gebouw waar studenten en docenten van de TU Delft ruimte krijgen om elkaar te ontmoeten en kennis en ervaringen met elkaar te delen.
‘All students count’: Alexandru Iosup Dutch Teacher of the Year!
Alexandru Iosup, lecturer at the faculty of Electronic Engineering, Maths and Computer Sciences (EEMCS), was named Dutch Teacher of the Year on Saturday 17 January. This title is awarded by the Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (Inter-City Student Consultation, or ISO) to a teacher who is known for his or her involvement, passion and innovative teaching methods. This rings true for Alexandru and his motto ‘all students count’, according to the jury.
XXL-openingstijden 9 t/m 29 januari 2015 / XXL opening hours from 9 to 29 January 2015
Van 9 t/m 29 januari 2015is de Library weer extra extra lang open: elke dag van 08:00 tot 02:00.
XXL = elke dag twee uur langer open
Om aan de studiebehoeftes van de TU Delft studenten te voldoen is de Library is tijdens tentamenperiodes twee uur langer open dan normaal. Dit noemen we XXL-openingstijden. Zo kun je dus tijdens jouw hele tentamenvoorbereiding van 08.00 tot 02.00 bij TU Delft Library terecht.
Van alle gemakken voorzien
Ook deze XXL-periode is alles aanwezig om voor een goede tentamenvoorbereiding. Of je nu een stilteplek zoekt of juist liever tussen je medestudenten in zit; de gehele Library staat tot je beschikking. Ook de Wiskunde & Mechanica helpdesk is open.
Wil je even ontspannen? Neem gerust plaats in één van onze massagestoelen, speel samen een potje schaak of drink een kopje koffie bij Coffee-Star.
We proberen altijd om onze dienstverlening zo goed mogelijk af te stemmen op jullie behoeften. Mis je toch iets? Laat het dan gerust weten via onze Facebook-pagina of via
From 9 to 29 January 2015, the Library will once again have extra extra long opening hours: every day from 08:00 to 02:00.
XXL = two hours longer open
To meet the study needs of the TU Delft students, the Library is opened two hours longer than usual during the exam period. We call this the XXL opening hours. This way, you will be able to prepare for your exams every day from 08:00 to 02:00!
The Library, fully equipped
As usual, we have fully equipped the Library for a proper exam preparation during this XXL period. Whether you’re looking for a quiet place to study or prefer to mingle with other students; the entire Library is at your disposal. In addition, the Maths & Mechanics Helpdesk will be open again.
Feel the need to relax? Try out one of our massage chairs, play a game of chess or enjoy your freshly brewed coffee at Coffee-Star.
We strive to meet your study needs as much as possible. But if you think we’re lacking something, please let us know on our Facebook page or through
Maak deel uit van het Human Power Team / Human Power Team is hiring
Word deel van het team en ontwikkel de snelste fiets ter wereld! Op dit moment zijn we op zoek naar zowel fulltimers als parttimers (vanaf 10 uur per week) om een aantal vacatures in te vullen, zowel op technisch niveau als in het management. Lijkt jou dit wat? Meld je dan nu aan door een korte motivatie naar te sturen!