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De meningen ge-uit door medewerkers en studenten van de TU Delft en de commentaren die zijn gegeven reflecteren niet perse de mening(en) van de TU Delft. De TU Delft is dan ook niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van hetgeen op de TU Delft weblogs zichtbaar is. Wel vindt de TU Delft het belangrijk - en ook waarde toevoegend - dat medewerkers en studenten op deze, door de TU Delft gefaciliteerde, omgeving hun mening kunnen geven.

Expand your network at the Night of the Enterprises

Looking for an internship, a job or new connections and are you free next Thursday night? Thursday the 26th of November, TU Delft, the Haagse Hogeschool, Inholland and the municipality of Delft organise ‘the Night of the Enterprises’.

During this event, students can meet local companies in a field of their interest, for example themes like design, ICT, high-tech or biotechnology.  You can sign up for a specific theme  and hop on the bus that brings you to three companies operating in the field. There will be a central kick-off at OGD ICT-diensten (Rotterdamseweg 380), whereafter all students will travel by the bus of their field of interest. Get a taste of the company atmosphere and meet the employees. It is a nice way to orientate on your career, for now or later!

The video shows an overview of last year. Curious? Sign up through aanmelder.

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