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Want to visit Denmark for the ‘Green Challenge’ 2016?


Let’s say you have some ideas to make the world more sustainable. And let’s say that Denmark is an awesome country to visit. Well, then the ‘Green Challenge’ (Grøn Dyst) might be something for you.

The Green Challenge is a 3 week course taught at the Denmark University of Technology, followed by a student conference on June 24. Only five TU Delft students will be nominated to participate. In the course you will work innovatively and independently to identify the challenges and develop solutions. This will be done through literature survey, process or product design, experimental study, and evaluation of economy and sustainability.

Though accomodation and meals will be arranged, you will have to pay for them yourself. This will be around 550 euro in total. The course includes a 2 day sightseeing and guided tour of DTU.

You can find more information about the conference at this website. More information about the course is provided here: search for ‘SDC Green Challenge’. Convinced? Send a motivation letter and a transcript of your academic record to Ismail Yetim of the Central International Office before Friday the 1st of April.



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