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Good morning, Vietnam! – Hanoi Symposium 2016


Five internationally minded TU Delft students are invited to the 7th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS).  Are you one of them?

On the 1st of August, 2016, over 1,000 delegates from more than 60 countries will come together to learn from internationally-renowned humanitarian experts, participate in workshops organized by various United Nations agencies and do fieldwork in Hanoi. This program will give young people the opportunity to develop their international network, expand their worldview and become globally-minded leaders.


You will be joined by internationally-renowned speakers such as the American Nobel Peace Prize finalist Tim Peters, several TED speakers and founders of successful international NGOs.  The USLS speakers will share their knowledge and experience with current world problems and hope inspire delegates to search for solutions.

Interested? Send an e-mail to Ms Francesca Pellegrino at

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