Posted in 2020
Compulsory facemasks and Corona tests
Nederlands staat onder het Engels bericht
Compulsory wearing of face masks
The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act will enter into force from December 1st. It covers matters such as the compulsory wearing of face masks in indoor public spaces such as shops, museums, restaurants and theatres. The government will say more about this in the near future.
From 1 December 2020 you will be able to get a test if you have no symptoms but are at an increased risk of having been infected. For example, if the CoronaMelder app sends you a notification about an infection risk, or if you have been identified as part of contact tracing efforts. From the moment you are notified you will need to self-isolate. After five days you can be tested. If the result is negative you no longer need to self-isolate.
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Mondkapjes dragen verplicht
Vandaag, 1 december 2020 gaat de tijdelijke wet maatregelen COVID-19 in. Dan gaat onder andere een mondkapjesplicht gelden in publieke binnenruimtes zoals winkels, musea, restaurants en theaters. Het kabinet zal daar binnenkort verder over communiceren.
Corona test
Vanaf vandaag kan iemand ook getest worden als hij of zij geen klachten heeft, maar wel risico heeft gelopen op een besmetting. Dus als de CoronaMelder-app een melding geeft over een besmettingsrisico, of als iemand naar voren komt uit het bron- en contactonderzoek. Vanaf dat moment gaat diegene in quarantaine. Na 5 dagen kan hij of zij zich laten testen en bij een negatieve test kan de quarantaine worden opgeheven.
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Opt-out option for Online Proctored Examination
The ‘TU Delft Online Proctored Examination’ regulation has been updated. In the regulation you will find what responsibilities lecturers and students have in using and participating in this assessment method. You will also find more information about privacy and data security and where you as teacher and/or student can go with questions.
The update consist of an opt-out option from online proctored exams for the mid-term with a deadline of 3 December 2020. If more than 30 students per day request this option, the option is cancelled for everyone.
More information can be found on the TU Delft student portal.
De ‘TU Delft Online Proctored Examination’ regeling is geupdatet. In de regeling staat welke verantwoordelijkheden docenten en studenten hebben in het gebruik van en deelname aan deze toetsmethode. Ook vind je meer informatie over privacy en gegevensbeveiliging en waar je als docent en/of student terecht kunt met vragen.
De update bestaat uit een opt-out-mogelijkheid van online proctor-examens van december 2020. De deadline hiervan is van 3 december 2020. Als meer dan 30 studenten per dag deze optie aanvragen, wordt de optie voor iedereen geannuleerd.
Meer informatie is te vinden op de TU Delft studentenportal.
LAST DAYS! Sign up for one of the Zoom sessions with Vice-Rector Rob Mudde
After the successful Zoom sessions at the beginning of the corona crisis, the Executive Board of Delft University of Technology invites students for new discussions. Vice-rector Magnificus Rob Mudde is happy to talk to students again. During the online sessions, he is curious how you are doing in these challenging times and how this crisis is affecting your studies.
Three sessions
Three sessions will be organised for different target groups:
– First-year bachelor students: Friday 27 November
– First-year master’s students: Friday 11 December
– All students: Friday 15 January
The small-scale, confidential sessions take place from 17.00 – 17.45 via Zoom.
How can you participate? Send an e-mail to, stating your name, e-mail address, study programme, academic year and your preference for Dutch or English. If you have a specific question, you can also mention it in the e-mail. You will then receive a confirmation with the Zoom link.
How are your studies going? Sign up for one of the Zoom sessions with Vice-Rector Rob Mudde
After the successful Zoom sessions at the beginning of the corona crisis, the Executive Board of Delft University of Technology invites students for new discussions. Vice-rector Magnificus Rob Mudde is happy to talk to students again. During the online sessions, he is curious how you are doing in these challenging times and how this crisis is affecting your studies.
Three sessions
Three sessions will be organised for different target groups:
– First-year bachelor students: Friday 27 November
– First-year master’s students: Friday 11 December
– All students: Friday 15 January
The small-scale, confidential sessions take place from 17.00 – 17.45 via Zoom.
How can you participate? Send an e-mail to, stating your name, e-mail address, study programme, academic year and your preference for Dutch or English. If you have a specific question, you can also mention it in the e-mail. You will then receive a confirmation with the Zoom link.
Maintenance weekend Mytudelft 21 and 22 November (OSIRIS Student) will not be available this coming weekend (November Saturday 21 from 7:30 until Sunday 22 at 17:00) because of a new upgrade. This means MyTUDelft app and the web browser version of student will not be accessible.
More information:
Master Event Thursday 19 November
On the 19th of November from 5 PM to 9 PM (CET) you are welcome on our online master event, watch presentations and chat with students and staff about the different programmes, application and admission, bridging programmes students with a Dutch bachelor and student life.
Best graduate award ceremony 17 November
Each year, TU Delft’s eight faculties nominate their Best Graduate. During the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony, TU Delft together with Delft University Fund will proudly present eight brand-new engineers who can call themselves Best Graduate 2020 of their faculty. One of these eight nominees will receive the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2020.
The ceremony will take place Tuesday 17 November 2020 | 16:00 – 17:30, register here
Curious to read more about previous Best Graduates? You can find them here.
Information sessions Exchange 2021-2022: 9-13 November
We are aware of the current uncertainty regarding going abroad, and we cannot predict what the situation will be September 2021 regarding COVID-19. But.. one thing is for sure, if you are considering to go on exchange in September 2021, now is the time to inform yourself!
Information sessions 9-13 November 2020
There will be a central programme, organized by ESA Mobility Department, and faculty prorammes, which you can find by clicking on your own faculty block in the same page.
Don’t forget to unenrol after the final part of your study
Have you completed the final part of your study? Please be aware that you need to send a request to terminate your enrolment through Studielink as it will not be done automatically. Tuition fees need to be paid up to and including the last month of your enrolment. Enrolment termination with retroactive effect is not possible.
Update coronavirus: Library stays open
The government has decided to introduce a temporary reinforcement for the next two weeks, on top of the current partial lockdown. Fortunately, there are no new measures for education. Unfortunately, libraries do have to close their doors. The good news is that this does not apply to our Library, because it is rightly considered a study environment.
The university will therefore continue to provide limited physical education on campus as planned, and actively seek more good study places, such as in the Library and at various organisations. We’re also applying the same measures we’ve had in place since the last press conference, namely:
- take responsibility, both for yourself and for others
- abide by the RIVM measures
- wear a face mask if you move around the campus and inside buildings
- follow the walking routes on campus.
The temporary aggravation mainly affects our leisure time. With our e-Health tool you can follow free, anonymous and independent programmes to get a better balance on your (study) life and to improve your mental health.
Dutch version
Het kabinet heeft besloten om voor de komende 2 weken, bovenop de huidige gedeeltelijke lockdown, een tijdelijke verzwaring in te stellen.
Voor het onderwijs zijn er gelukkig geen nieuwe maatregelen. De bibliotheken moeten helaas wel hun deuren sluiten, maar dit geldt niet voor onze Library, omdat die terecht als studieomgeving wordt gezien. We blijven dus beperkt fysiek onderwijs geven op de campus zoals gepland en zoeken actief mee naar meer goede studieplekken, zoals in de Library en bij verschillende organisaties. We hanteren verder dezelfde maatregelen sinds de vorige persconferentie, namelijk:
- neem je verantwoordelijkheid, voor jezelf en voor anderen
- houd je aan de RIVM-maatregelen
- draag een mondkapje als je je door de gebouwen heen verplaatst
- volg de looproutes in de gebouwen
De tijdelijke verzwaring heeft vooral invloed op onze vrije tijd. Met onze e-Health tool kun je kosteloos, anoniem en zelfstandig programma’s volgen om meer grip op je (studie)leven te krijgen en om je mentale gezondheid te verbeteren.