Posted in 2020
Zero tolerance for party in student house
On Friday 14 August at around 19:00, the police and the Permits, Supervision and Enforcement department of the Municipality of Delft put an end to a student party on Coenderstraat in Delft. The around 100 people who were present at the party were not complying with the coronavirus measures and were causing noise nuisance. One of the buildings involved is used by the DSC (Delftsch Studenten Corps). Large fines were issued and Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen and Mayor of Delft Marja van Bijsterveldt demanded that the Senate of the DSC impose a severe sanction on the organisers in question, which has now taken place.
In recent weeks, Mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt and Rector Tim van der Hagen have engaged in a good dialogue with the chairs of all the student associations about the introduction week for new students. The Welcoming Week and the introduction period that follows will take place primarily online in order to prevent infection among students and to avoid danger to themselves and others.
Van der Hagen: “In these times and in the spirit of the agreements made, it is clear that a party of this kind is completely unacceptable and shows a total lack of responsibility. Recent experience has shown that the risk of infection is high, particularly in such a setting.”
Van Bijsterveldt: “We can come up with all kinds of new rules and a consistent approach to tackling coronavirus here in the Netherlands, but we must start by enforcing the existing basic rules. The municipal government and the police will be actively enforcing in the coming time. In the light of the increasing rate of infection in private circumstances, there must be zero tolerance for this kind of gathering, and action will be taken.”
Van der Hagen and Van Bijsterveldt are disappointed and above all angry about the events of Friday evening. Fines have been issued, and following consultation with the Senate of the DSC, the Senate has decided to impose a sanction on the members/organisers of the party, as the DSC also finds this behaviour totally unacceptable. In addition, the Senate has asked the organisers and those present at the party to go into quarantine at home for 14 days, and if they suspect they have symptoms of the virus, to undergo testing, and to report any positive test result to both the organisers of the party and the Senate.
The mayor and the rector greatly appreciate this speedy and appropriate response by the Senate of the DSC. They call upon the other student associations to also take similar action if such circumstances arise, so that it is clear that there is zero tolerance for such behaviour in Delft.
For Dutch please click here;
OSIRIS Student and the MyTUDelft app will be merged into one design, Live from 20 August!
A new version of OSIRIS Student will be launched on 20 August 2020. OSIRIS Student is getting a completely new look and feel, in line with MyTUDelft app. Both the desktop and mobile apps will offer the same functionalities as before.
What is changing?
- Modern look and feel
- More intuitive user experience
Do I have to do something?
You will only need to visit the new URL to access MyTUDelft. The address will be shared on 20 August.
I am a first-year student. What does this mean for me?
In MyTUDelft you will be able to find your study results and register for exams, courses and minors.
Download the mobile version of the MyTUDelft app! For more information click here.
Become study buddy!
Want to help out a fellow student for one hour a week? Become Study Buddy. Check here the info!
Appeal from the mayor / Oproep van de burgemeester
An appeal to students in Delft by mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt: abide by the rules and come up with alternative formats for new students to get to to know your student house during the Owee and the IP.
200730 OWEE Engels geregistreerd
Oproep aan Delftse studenten door burgemeester Marja van Bijsterveldt: houd je aan de regels en bedenk alternatieve vormen voor de kennismaking met je studentenhuis tijdens de Owee en het IP.
Trainings & Workshops Career & Counselling Services August 2020
Here you can find the workshops and trainings from Career & Counselling Services for the month of August, you can find all information and enroll using Brightspace
6 Aug. wekelijkse online lunch chat: Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur
6 Aug. Build a strong mindset for job/internship search during Corona times
12 Aug. Last minute studiekeuze: per september een andere studie? Hoe maak je die keuze?
13 Aug. Interviewing
13 Aug. wekelijkse online lunch chat: Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur
20 Aug. Job search strategy during Corona times
20 Aug. wekelijkse online lunch chat: Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur
27 Aug. wekelijkse online lunch chat: Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur
19 Aug. Last minute studiekeuze: per september een andere studie? Hoe maak je die keuze?
27 Aug. weekly online lunch chat: Ask the study choice advisor workshops Summer flyer 2020
Want to be updated? follow Career & Counselling in Instagram or Facebook
The OWee needs you! Become a mentor and receive up to 80 euros!
The OWee urgently needs mentors to guide prospective students during the OWee this year. Especially now, it is of great importance to welcome the new students properly in order for them to be able to have a great study start. Without enough OWee mentors, a lot of students can’t participate in the OWee. So help these student to enjoy a great start and in addition you will receive a compensation up to 80 euros!
So do you have time during the OWee (the period from 14 to 23 August) to be an OWee mentor (solo or couple)? And do you want to earn up to 80 euros? Read all about the programme of the OWee and what is expected of you as a mentor and register before 9th of August at!
Corona financial compensation / Financiële tegemoetkoming corona
Are you in the final stage of your education and are you suffering a study delay due to the Corona measures? You may be eligible for one of the financial subsidies from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. For more information, visit
Zit je in de afrondende fase van je studie en loop je door de coronamaatregelen studievertraging op? Dan kom je misschien in aanmerking voor één van de financiële tegemoetkomingen van het ministerie van OCW. Kijk voor meer informatie op
New recent phishing: TU Delft asks employees to be on their guard
We request your attention to the following.
There have been phishing emails in circulation over the past few days from seemingly reliable TU Delft email addresses. The action was specifically aimed at students, several accounts have been affected. With their password that has been obtained, e-mails can be sent from TU Delft.
Therefore, be extra alert for e-mail messages coming from within the TU Delft community. Things you can see that an email is not reliable are listed below. A number of examples of phishing emails are attached.
Don’t trust the email, sender or content? Delete the email or forward it to
Never open attachments or links to emails you don’t trust!
Do you suspect that your account is being abused? Change your password immediately and report it to
In general, we are currently seeing an increased number of phishing emails being fired at TU Delft. TU Delft has a mail filter that already captures a considerable number of these emails. Still, there will always be emails that slip past the filter. That is why it is important to always be alert to the e-mails you receive, even as a recipient.
How do I recognize a phishing email?
- The email came from a strange-looking email address. For example “”. The part behind the @ gives insight into the origin of an e-mail. E-mails from TU Delft originate from an address that ends in “”. But beware: even if the e-mail originates from an address, it can also be a phishing e-mail;
- The e-mail often has an impersonal salutation. For example ‘Dear relation’ or ‘Dear customer’. But beware: also when you are addressed by name, you may be dealing with a phishing e-mail;
- There are spelling mistakes in the e-mail; It’s supposed to be urgent. For example, you have to pay quickly or quickly verify your identity to avoid being disconnected or having to pay a fine;
- The links in the email go to web addresses that look strange. Check this by hovering your mouse pointer over a link in the mail, without clicking on it. You will now see the web address in a small message or at the very bottom of the screen.
- Sometimes you will be asked to open programs or documents that were sent with the email. These attachments may contain spyware, a trojan horse or viruses or may automatically take you to an online form
Weer nieuwe phishing aanvallen
Beste student, medewerker van de TU Delft,
We vragen dringend je aandacht voor het volgende.
Er zijn de afgelopen paar dagen phishing e-mails in omloop die afkomstig zijn van ogenschijnlijk betrouwbare TU Delft e-mailadressen. De actie was specifiek gericht op studenten, diverse accounts zijn geraakt. Met hun wachtwoord dat is verkregen kunnen mails vanuit de TU Delft worden verstuurd.
Wees dan ook extra alert op e-mailberichten die afkomstig zijn van binnen de TU Delft gemeenschap. Zaken waar je aan kunt zien dat een e-mail niet betrouwbaar is vind je hieronder.
Vertrouw je de e-mail, afzender of inhoud niet? Verwijder de e-mail of stuur deze door naar
Open nooit bijlages of links van e-mails die je niet vertrouwt!
Heb je het vermoeden dat je account misbruikt wordt? Wijzig direct je wachtwoord en meld het bij
In het algemeen zien we momenteel een verhoogd aantal phishing e-mails afgevuurd worden op TU Delft. TU Delft beschikt over een mailfilter dat al een behoorlijk aantal van deze e-mails afvangt. Toch zullen er altijd e-mails langs het filter glippen, zoals e-mails die verstuurt zijn binnen de TU Delft gemeenschap. Daarom is het belangrijk om ook als ontvanger altijd alert te zijn op de e-mails die je ontvangt.
Waar aan herken ik een phishing e-mail?
- De e-mail is van een vreemd uitziend e-mailadres afkomstig. Bijvoorbeeld “”. Het gedeelte achter de @ geeft inzicht in de afkomst van een e-mail. E-mails afkomstig van TU Delft zijn afkomstig van een adres dat eindigt op “”. Maar let op: ook wanneer de e-mail afkomstig is van een adres kan het een phishing e-mail zijn;
- De e-mail heeft vaak een onpersoonlijke aanhef. Bijvoorbeeld ‘Geachte relatie’ of ‘Beste klant’. Maar let op: ook wanneer je met naam en toenaam wordt aangesproken kun je te maken hebben met een phishing mail;
- Er staan spelfouten in de e-mail;
- Er is zogenaamd haast geboden. Je moet bijvoorbeeld snel betalen of snel je identiteit verifiëren om te voorkomen dat je afgesloten wordt of dat je een boete moet betalen;
- De links in de mail gaan naar webadressen die er vreemd uitzien. Controleer dit door met je muisaanwijzer op een link in de mail te gaan staan, zonder erop te klikken. Je ziet het webadres nu in een kleine melding of helemaal onder in het beeldscherm.
- Soms vraagt men je programma’s of documenten te openen die met de e-mail zijn meegestuurd. Deze bijlages kunnen spyware, een trojan horse of virussen bevatten of je automatisch naar een online formulier brengen.