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Posted in 2020

Internships and research projects abroad are not recommended

Scroll down for Dutch version

Due to the great uncertainty surrounding the development and spread of the COVID-19 virus worldwide, and being no longer able to fall back on government and business travel insurance in the event of repatriation, (graduation) internships and research projects abroad are not recommended until 1 February, 2021. Faculties can allow exceptions for countries with travel advice colour codes at yellow and green, if there is no alternative in The Netherlands and the consequences of cancelling are disproportionate. No permission will be granted to go to countries with colour codes at orange and red. For more information, check your faculty’s Brightspace regarding internships and the guidelines the faculties have drawn up regarding this matter.

NOTE: Travel is at your own risk. Following the modified Dutch government policy to no longer repatriate citizens in the event of a lockdown, any additional costs incurred and/or any further consequences, such as a delay to the study programme, are the student’s own responsibility.

Some rationales explaining why foreign internships may be allowed in exceptional cases, and why foreign minors and exchange programs are not, include:

• For compulsory internship components, there is sometimes no suitable remote alternative or alternative available in The Netherlands, which can lead to far-reaching consequences for study progress. There are often sufficient alternatives available within The Netherlands for minors and exchange programs.

• Internships are (individually) customized, usually on location at the internship provider and on a small scale. In addition, every internship provider must sign a statement that they can guarantee safety. This allows the TU lecturer and the internship supervisor to monitor quality and safety risks better. These measures make it easier to move with the COVID-19 developments in various countries. Exchange programs require months of preparation time and are therefore less flexible with COVID-19 developments.

• As a result of COVID-19, many foreign education programs are online. This largely eliminates the intercultural experience of a foreign minor or an exchange.



Vanwege de grote onzekerheid over de ontwikkeling en verspreiding van het COVID-19 virus, wereldwijd en niet meer kunnen terugvallen op overheids- en zakenreisverzekeringen bij repatriëring, worden (afstudeer) stages en onderzoeksprojecten in het buitenland afgeraden tot 1 februari 2021. Faculteiten kunnen uitzonderingen toestaan voor landkleurcodes geel en groen als er in Nederland geen alternatief is en de gevolgen van het annuleren onevenredig zijn. Landkleurcodes oranje en rood betekent altijd: geen toestemming om te gaan. Kijk voor meer informatie op je faculteitspagina op Brightspace voor stages en de richtlijnen die de faculteiten hieromtrent hebben opgesteld.

OPMERKING: Reizen is op eigen risico. Ingevolge het gewijzigde Nederlandse overheidsbeleid om burgers niet langer te repatriëren bij een lockdown, zijn de gemaakte extra kosten en/of eventuele verdere gevolgen zoals vertraging van de opleiding voor eigen rekening van de student.

Reden waarom buitenlandse stages in uitzonderlijke gevallen wel worden toegestaan, en buitenlandse minors en exchange programma’s niet:

  • Voor verplichte stage onderdelen is er soms geen passend remote alternatief of alternatief in Nederland beschikbaar, wat kan leiden tot verregaande consequenties voor de studievoortgang. Voor minoren en exchange programma’s zijn er vaak voldoende alternatieven in Nederland beschikbaar.
  • Stages zijn (individueel) maatwerk, meestal op locatie bij de stagegever en kleinschalig. Daarnaast moet elke stagegever een verklaring ondertekenen dat ze veiligheid kunnen borgen. Hiermee kunnen de TU docent en de stagegever beter toezien op kwaliteit en veiligheidsrisico’s. Door deze maatregelen wordt makkelijker meebewogen met de Covid-19 ontwikkelingen in diverse landen. Exchange programma’s vragen maanden voorbereidingstijd en kunnen daardoor veel minder meebewegen met de Covid-19 ontwikkelingen.
  • als gevolg van Covid-19 zijn veel buitenlandse onderwijsprogramma’s online. Hiermee vervalt voor een groot deel de interculturele ervaring van een buitenlandse minor of een exchange programma.

Do you want to freshen-up you physics before starting your technology study?

Dear starter of a BSc study in technology,

Next to the online course in calculus, the TU Delft has developed a free online course in physics for the graduated high school students who are about to start a Bachelor study in the field of technology.

This online course aims to (re-)introduce physics from an academic perspective, but foremost in a fun and accessible way. It takes 4 weeks to complete the course with  a weekly time investment of 3 to 5 hours

Starting date: August 3rd

Sign up now at this page

Check the video!

The course is given by the pre-university physics team

1, 2, 3 easy steps to exchange without travel

Don’t miss out on the Virtual Exchange courses after the summer break! Enrich your portfolio, broaden your knowledge and get credits – in 3 easy steps and without the need of an airplane ticket.

Check out the courses now on offer at TU Delft and our world-class partner universities – apply before 1 August.

Why participate?

  • Online, flexible, free
  • Enrich your portfolio
  • Access top expertise
  • Diverse learning experience
  • Gain credits
  • Connect internationally

See what other students say and apply today!

Unemployment benefits or TOFA for students with a part-time job

As a student, have you been laid off, or do you work fewer hours due to the corona measures? If you are an employee, you may be entitled to unemployment benefits. If not, you may be eligible for the temporary bridging scheme (TOFA). See the Rijksoverheid website for more details. Deadline to apply is Sunday 12 July 2020.

WW-uitkering of TOFA voor studenten met bijbaan

Ben je als student ontslagen of werk je minder uren vanwege de coronamaatregelen? Als je in loondienst werkt(e) dan heb je mogelijk recht op een WW-uitkering. Zo niet, dan kom je misschien in aanmerking voor de tijdelijke overbruggingsregeling regeling (TOFA). Meer over deze regeling. Dit kan tot en met zondag 12 juli 2020.

Trainings & Workshops Career & Counselling Services July

Here you can find the workshops and trainings from Career & Counselling Services for the rest of the month of July, you can find all information and enroll using Brightspace

07 July: XL workshop studieherkeuze: hulp bij het keizen van een andere studie (groep B 3 sessies 7, 8 en 10 juli)

09 July: wekelijkse online lunch chat: Vraag het de studiekeuzeadviseur.

09 July: weekly online lunch chat: Ask the study choice advisor.

09 July: Constructief denken bij faalangst en perfectionism.

16 July: Job search strategy during corona times.

16 July: Constructief denken bij faalangst en perfectionisme.

23 July: CV & motivation letter.

23 July: Constructief denken bij faalangst en perfectionism.

30 July: What’s your why? How do you find purpose in your work and career.

Want to be updated? follow Career & Counselling in Instagram or Facebook

Renovated terrace Cafe X open! X can scale up gradually

Step by step, more activities offered by X will be made possible again in the coming period (tentatively until 1 September). As a first step, the recently renovated terrace at Cafe X is open and a takeaway concept launched. Besides the tennis courts, you can also reserve music studios and beach volleyball fields. In the second step, you can take part in ticket hours, which will be moved outdoors. In the third step, you can take part in various activities inside, like the ACTlab.
More information:


‘Reflection is needed in the battle against racism’

For this reason he sees Black Lives Matter as a wake-up call. “It forces us to face the fact that discrimination and racism are closer to home than you think. Our message to the outside world is clear: discrimination is not allowed, this is anchored in our constitution. But the Executive Board’s call for reflection is expressly directed at our internal community, to our staff and students. Let us seize this as an opportunity to talk about how we deal with racism as a university and what problems we encounter in our thinking and our actions.” Prejudices, for example, are something we all hold. “Things you are not familiar with from your own culture can create feelings of insecurity that lead to caution or reserve. We need to be aware that this can easily result in discrimination and racism. It’s not enough to say that this is not allowed, it’s about adjusting our behaviour and becoming aware of our own prejudices.”

So how should we tackle it? “That is something we are struggling with”, admits Mudde. “As executive board members, you can call us to account on this, and we can draw up procedures and appoint confidential advisors. And we do all these things, but that doesn’t eliminate the problem. As an institute we also need to carry out an active policy of equal opportunities, for example using grants or Fellowships. But racism is not just a matter for the governors, it is something we need to fight together as a community. We all need to look in the mirror and reflect on how we intend to do this.”

Begin at the gate
Particularly in the upper echelons, TU Delft is a predominantly white organisation. “I took my degree in the 1970s; back then you hardly saw any people of colour at the university, so it’s hardly surprising that all the governors here now are white. There’s no getting away from that, but looking back in accusation is not productive”, feels Mudde. “To make sure things are different for future generations of university governors we need to act now, beginning at the gate. After all, it’s a bit strange that we are situated between two very multicultural cities yet this is so little reflected in our student intake. We, the executive board, feel that this is a task for us, because we should be here for all students.”

The way our education is organised means there are many selection points from a young age. Mudde: “These put children from higher social circles at an enormous advantage. I am looking for students who have talent and interests, full stop. Minority students from Rotterdam-Zuid, for example, have had to surmount so many obstacles along the way before applying at TU Delft that they don’t even make it to the gate.” So the selection process that is meant to ensure pupils and students find the place in our education system where they can develop to the best of their ability, inadvertently reinforces selection along social and ethnic lines. “How can we help these groups? At TU Delft we have not yet found an answer to this, and as a consequence we do not see a reflection of society in our student population. We have a lot of ground to make up here. Our own selection for admission probably suffers just as much from implicit biases: how can we recognise these and what can and must we do about it? We don’t have a ready-made answer to these questions either.”

According to Mudde, the way forward is to be found in dialogue. “A dialogue that begins with looking in the mirror. What prejudices do I hold? Even just acknowledging that these prejudices exist is a step in the right direction. Let us firmly seize this opportunity to help this dialogue progress further.” This is a task for the entire TU Delft community, led by the TU Delft Diversity Office. On 19 June, Mudde will make a start by engaging the African students in a discussion, because the last thing we need is for this to remain a cosy chat between white university governors. “Only by entering into discussion with the entire community can we find out where and how things can and must change.”

Incoming and outgoing exchange programmes cancelled for first semester 2020-2021

The TU Delft Executive Board has made the informed decision to cancel all student exchange programmes in the first semester of the new academic year of 2020-2021. This decision applies to both incoming and outgoing exchange students.

We have made this difficult decision now because there is still a lot of uncertainty about the health situation, travel restrictions and the provision of physical and online education. This means we cannot guarantee that exchange students will have an intercultural experience on our campus or abroad in the first semester of 2020-2021.

We realize that this is a great disappointment for students, partly because all students and parties involved have put so much effort into this and are looking forward to the exchange period. However, the health and safety of all students is paramount and in these unpredictable times this felt like the best decision that could be made in your best interest.

Click here for information about: ‘Next steps: alternatives

Inkomende en uitgaande uitwisselingsprogramma’s geannuleerd voor het eerste semester  2020-2021

Het College van Bestuur van de TU Delft heeft het weloverwogen besluit genomen om alle uitwisselingsprogramma’s voor studenten in het eerste semester van het nieuwe collegejaar 2020-2021 te annuleren. Dit besluit geldt zowel voor inkomende als uitgaande uitwisselingsstudenten.

We hebben deze moeilijke beslissing nu genomen omdat er nog steeds veel onzekerheid bestaat over de gezondheidssituatie, de reisbeperkingen en het aanbod van fysiek en online onderwijs. Dit betekent dat we uitwisselingsstudenten niet kunnen garanderen dat ze een interculturele ervaring op onze campus of in het buitenland kunnen opdoen in het eerste semester van 2020-2021.

We beseffen dat dit een grote teleurstelling is voor studenten, mede omdat alle betrokken studenten en partijen hier zoveel moeite in hebben gestoken en uitkijken naar de uitwisselingsperiode. De gezondheid en veiligheid van alle studenten staan echter voorop en in deze onvoorspelbare tijden voelde dit als de beste beslissing die in jullie belang genomen kon worden.

Klik hier voor informatie over ‘Volgende stappen; alternatieven’

Update on Minors registration periods the coming weeks

Due to Covid-19 the minor administration has decided to change the second minor registration period from direct placement to a lottery draw (starting 15 June). This way all students still have an equal chance in getting a placement if they did not get placement during the first round.

There is also an extra registration period introduced from 5 July till 30 July (first come first served).

As a TU Delft student, you can enter up to five preferences during this (15-30 June) period. After the registration period has closed, a lottery draw will take place in July (before the start of the final registration period) based on the preferences you specified. Note that only TU Delft minors will be available for placement during these periods.

After the draw, you will either receive an e-mail informing you of the minor on which you have definitively been enrolled or an e-mail informing you that you have not been allocated a place. We like to remind you that switching minors is not allowed.

Please note: if you are allocated a place as a result of the lottery draw, your other preferences will be cancelled.

For more information, see the website

Adjustment of MoMi policy in relation to the Corona crisis

Following the agreement made by Dutch universities and the Immigration and Naturalisation Office, the IND has decided to adjust the implementation of the Study Progress Monitoring according to the Modern Migration Policy Act (MoMi), this academic year (2019-2020). Click here for more information.

Aanpassing MoMi-beleid ivm Corona-crisis

Volgend op de afspraak die de Nederlandse universiteiten gemaakt hebben met de IND, heeft de TU Delft besloten om de uitvoering van de regeling voor het Modern Migratiebeleid (MoMi) over academisch jaar 2019-2020 aan te passen. Kijk hier voor meer informatie.



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