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Posts in category General

Food & More on campus during lockdown and holidays 2021

Due to tightened corona measures, most catering locations on TU Delft campus are closed for the time being as of Monday, December 20, 2021. Only the following catering locations will be open for pickup (subject to change):

  • Coffeecorner 3mE Monday to Friday 10.00-14.00 hrs
  • Coffeecorner BK Sterk Monday to Friday 10.00-14.00 hrs
  • Coffeecorner LIT Espresso CEG Monday to Friday 09.00-14.00 hrs
  • Coffeecorner CoffeeStar Coffee & Bikes Monday to Friday 09.00-15.00 hrs
  • Coffeecorner Coffeestar Library Monday to Sunday 08.00-20.00 hrs
  • At least 1 foodtruck on Freezone C Monday to Friday 11.00-15.00 hrs
  • Aerospace Engineering Monday to Friday 11.00-14.00 hrs
  • Fellowship Maria’s Homemade Monday to Friday 11.00-14.00 hrs
  • Applied Sciences South Monday to Friday 11.00-14.00 hrs

Holiday schedule
Check the schedule below to see the locations and days/times on which you can pickup something to eat or drink, or download the schedule in pdf.  Check the Food and More Instagram or Facebook for the latest information.

Corona update: strict lockdown starting from 19 December

On 18 December, the government decided to implement a strict lockdown as of 05:00 a.m. on 19 December because of the rapid increase in the omikron variant. This means that universities will be largely closed until at least 9 January.

Tests and exams take place as planned. The Library will also remain open daily from 08:00 – 00:00 a.m. Other study places can also remain open. Practicals and laboratory work can also take place (with a maximum of 75 persons per independent room), and support of vulnerable students remains possible. Other educational activities cannot take place on campus. Outdoor facilities for sports can be booked at X involving no more than two people at a distance of 1.5 metres.

Keep an eye on Brightspace for updates. Read the full update here.


Corona update: harde lockdown vanaf 19 december

Op 18 december jl. heeft het kabinet besloten om per 19 december 05:00 uur een harde lockdown in te gaan in verband met de snelle stijging van de omikron-variant. Dit betekent dat universiteiten in ieder geval tot en met 9 januari grotendeels dichtgaan.

Tentamens en examens kunnen wel doorgaan zoals gepland. Ook de Library blijft dagelijks geopend van 08:00 – 00:00 uur. Overige studieplekken kunnen ook openblijven. Practica en laboratoriumwerk kunnen doorgaan (met maximaal 75 personen per zelfstandige ruimte) en er blijft ruimte voor de begeleiding van kwetsbare studenten. Overige onderwijsactiviteiten kunnen niet fysiek plaatsvinden. Bij is het mogelijk om een buitenveld/-baan reserveren om daar met maximaal twee personen op 1,5 meter afstand te sporten.

Houd Brightspace in de gaten voor updates. Lees de volledige update hier.

Stand for election to the Student Council!

The student council parties of the central student council are looking for their succession. The central student council is the highest representative body at the TU Delft and consists of 10 elected students. They represent the TU students towards the Executive Board (CvB) and to the outside world. You can enter the student council by being elected in May during the central student council elections. Being a member of the student council means that you are involved in about everything that happens at the TU for a full-time year!

The student council of the TU Delft currently consists of 2 parties, ORAS and Lijst Bèta, and both parties have their own vision. Do you think it is interesting to be involved with political issues? And do you think it is important to let the student opinion be heard at TU Delft? Start your own party or take a look at the party that suits your vision and get in touch at or!

Go to the website for more information about Student Council.


Stel je verkiesbaar voor de studentenraad!

De studentenraadspartijen van de centrale studentenraad zijn hun opvolging aan het zoeken. De centrale studentenraad is het hoogste medezeggenschapsorgaan van de TU Delft en bestaat uit 10 gekozen studenten. Zij vertegenwoordigen de TU studenten bij overleggen met het College van Bestuur (CvB) en naar de buitenwereld. Je kan in de studentenraad komen door in mei verkozen te worden tijdens de centrale studentenraadsverkiezingen. In de studentenraad zitten houdt in dat je je een fulltime jaar bezig bent met ongeveer alles wat er op de TU gebeurt!

De studentenraad van de TU Delft bestaat momenteel uit 2 partijen, namelijk ORAS en Lijst Bèta. Beide partijen hebben hun eigen visie.

Vind jij het interessant om je met politieke kwesties bezig te houden? En vind jij het belangrijk om de studentenmening te laten horen op de TU? Kijk vooral naar welke partij qua visie goed bij jou past en neem contact op met of! Of begin een eigen partij.

Ga naar de website voor meer informatie over de Studentenraad.


Osiris 18 and 19 December offline due to an upgrade (OSIRIS Student) will not be available this coming weekend (December Saturday 18 from 07:30 until Sunday 19 at 17:00) because of a new upgrade. This means MyTUDelft app and the web browser version of student will not be accessible. More information:

ICT: maintenance weekend on 18 and 19 December

An ICT maintenance weekend is scheduled on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 December. This whole weekend we are working on several applications, updates on servers and databases, and updates on the network devices. The maintenance starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday evening. We ask for understanding for any inconvenience.

If you’d like us to keep you informed about all maintenance work and possible disruptions, click here.

Care for yourself during autumn at TU Delft

Winter is approaching! But as it still is autumn, we want to focus on your well-being. The last two years were tough and probably asked a lot of your adaptability. We want to give you as much tools as possible to keep positive and keep caring for your well-being. Care for your body by participating in one of X’s sports activities, join one of Studium Generale’s events to trigger your mind, meet new people and connect to each other during events of Delft’s associations and try out yoga to focus on a balanced life.

Christmas Holiday Lunch
For example: we offer a Christmas Holiday Lunch where international students can spend their Christmas with a Dutch host and enjoy the holidays together in a Delft (region) home on Dec 26th  through Dec 31st from 12-16 hrs. For the  local hosts: let us show our hospitality! You will enjoy the good company of an international student on Christmas and make it a beautiful day full of joy for everyone. Both international students and Dutch local hosts can sign up as a participant. For more information, check the website We offer many more activities and resources to make this autumn a beautiful one!

How to increase the flexibility of the mind?

Flexibility is the ability to adjust your thoughts, actions, and feelings to the circumstances you find yourself in. Situations change and so it’s important to be able to adjust and behave in the most functional way to achieve your goals.

Challenges, obstacles, and setback vary for each student and what some may consider to be a low point may not be for others. The key is how you choose to respond to these potential setbacks and move forward. Yes, even in times of a pandemic.

Sierd Nutma guides us into the world of resilience. Sierd is a man of extremes and an expert on this topic. As an ex-special forces member Sierd knows the ropes when it comes to performing under pressure. His presentation is compact, interactive and you will leave with practical tips that you can apply the same day!

Curious? Increase your flexibility in this session!

Host: Mara Linssen, Member Student Council
Moderator: Khalid El Haji, Member Student Council
Closure by: Rob Mudde, Vice-President Education


Flexibiliteit is het vermogen om je gedachten, acties en gevoelens aan te passen aan de omstandigheden waarin je je bevindt. Situaties veranderen en daarom is het belangrijk om je op de meest functionele manier aan te kunnen passen en je te gedragen om je doelen te bereiken.

Uitdagingen, tegenslagen en hobbels op de weg verschillen voor elke student en wat sommigen als een dieptepunt beschouwen, is dat misschien niet voor anderen. De sleutel is hoe je ervoor kiest om op deze mogelijke tegenslagen te reageren en verder te gaan. Ja, ook in tijden van een pandemie.

Sierd Nutma neemt je mee in de wereld van veerkracht. Sierd is een man van uitersten en een expert op dit gebied. Als ex-commando weet Sierd wat het is om te presteren onder druk. Zijn presentatie is compact, interactief en je gaat naar huis met praktische tips die je dezelfde dan nog kunt toepassen!

Nieuwsgierig? Leer hoe je je eigen flexibiliteit kunt vergroten in deze sessie

Host: Mara Linssen, Member Student Council
Moderator: Khalid El Haji, Member Student Council
Afsluiting door: Rob Mudde Vice-Rector Magnificus

Purple Friday

Friday 10 December is Purple Friday. On this day, people can show their solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community by wearing a purple garment.

In 2010, Purple Friday was organised for the first time in the Netherlands and always takes place on the second Friday of December. The reason for starting Purple Friday was the outcome of a study that showed that it is not safe for young people to come out of the closet at 50% of the educational institutions and that the number of suicides among LGBTQ+ youth is five times higher than among heterosexual youth. That’s why True-U, DWH and Outsite are organising Purple Friday at TU Delft for the 3rd time this year.

If you care about the LGBTQ+ community and want to join in, put on a purple garment and show your support when you are physically on campus on Friday or online from home!

See this page for more information.


Paarse vrijdag

Op vrijdag 10 december is het Paarse Vrijdag. Op deze dag kunnen mensen hun solidariteit tonen met de LGBTQ+ gemeenschap door een paars kledingstuk te dragen.

In 2010 werd Paarse Vrijdag voor het eerst in Nederland georganiseerd en vindt altijd plaats op de tweede vrijdag van december. Aanleiding voor het starten van Paarse Vrijdag was de uitkomst van een onderzoek waaruit bleek dat het bij 50% van de onderwijsinstellingen niet veilig is voor jongeren om uit de kast te komen en dat het aantal zelfdodingen onder LGBTQ+ jongeren vijf keer zo hoog is als onder heteroseksuele jongeren. Daarom organiseren True-U, DWH en Outsite dit jaar voor de 3e keer Paarse Vrijdag op de TU Delft.

Draag je de LGBTQ+ gemeenschap een warm hart toe en wil je meedoen, trek dan een paars kledingstuk aan en laat je steun zien wanneer je vrijdag fysiek aanwezig bent op de campus of online vanuit huis!

Bekijk deze pagina voor meer informatie.

MoTiv Lunch Christmas Holiday Lunch

MoTiv organizes with churches in Delft and student organizations DISS and Delft United The Christmas Holiday

It is Christmas soon, we all long for joy, connection and peace!
Covid is still among us and is still keeping (PhD) students from connecting to others.

The Christmas Holiday Lunch will help to connect people in Delft (and environment) with international (PhD) students.
You are invited to be a host or be a guest!

For hosts (families, student houses, couples etc):
You will receive 2 international (PhD) students in your house for a lunch on a day that you choose between 26 and 31 December. From 12-16 hrs or so. Host form

For international (PhD) students:
You will visit a host in Delft or environment and enjoy lunch together from 12.-16 hrs or so. You can choose a day of your preference between 26 and 31 December. Guest form

Hosts and guests will be matched by our organization MoTiv Connects and you can signup by one of the forms before Dec. 17, 6 pm.
After the 17th we will connect hosts and guests by sending you an email with name, address and phone number.

Let’s make it happen!
The organization:
Taco Smit (MoTiv)
Renske Oldenboom (MoTiv)
Delft United


Opening hours study places

Did you know that education rooms are open for self study, when there is no lecture? And did you know that you can study on the campus during daytime, evening and in the weekends? Click here for an overview of all the study places at the TU Delft and to see the opening hours.

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