Posts in category General
Meat-Free Week: your vegetarian or vegan recipe in the Food & More range on campus?
From 7 to 13 March it is Meat (&Dairy)-Free Week, a nationwide initiative to promote a more plant-based diet and to show just what delicious dishes can be created without using meat products. After all, eating vegetarian or vegan food has a substantially smaller carbon footprint than an eating pattern with many animal products.
TU Delft is taking part in this week too. For example, throughout the week, all the Food & Beverage Corners and Self-Service Restaurants on campus will be serving a range of tasty vegetarian and vegan snacks and meals, such as a vegan chick’n saté sandwich, a filled roll with vegan smoked sausage and an Italian roll with crispy chick’n burger with sweet onion and fig chutney. On Wednesday 9 March, there will be a fun food tasting session in the Aula Building organised by De Vegetarische Slager. And during the Meat-Free Week, the product range at all the Food Trucks and Local Heroes will be at least 50% vegetarian. For the latest news on all the activities, go to Food and More on Instagram or Facebook.
Could your vegetarian or vegan recipe be added to the Food & More range on campus?
Food and More is eager to see your favourite vegetarian or vegan recipe! Send your recipe with a photo of the finished dish to, then you will receive a sustainable TU Delft cutlery set and your recipe will be added to the TU Delft vegetarian recipe database. Food and More and CIRFOOD (the main catering provider on campus) will choose the winning recipe from all entries. The winning vegetarian or vegan dish will then be included in the CIRFOOD product range!

SR and FSR elections
The electing of members of the Central Student Council (SC) and the Faculty Student Councils (FSC) will take place online via the website on Wednesday 11 May from 8.00 a.m. up to and including Thursday 12 May 2022 until 5.00 p.m.
Consulting the electoral registers
Both the electoral registers for the FSC elections and the SC can be looked into from 7 March 2022 until 14 March 2022 until 5.00 p.m. online via website
Interested parties may lodge objections with the Executive Board via until one week after the names have been announced.
Submission of candidate lists SC and FSC
Candidate lists may be submitted to the Central Student Council (SC) and to the Faculty Student Council (FSC) from 7 March 2022 until 21 March 2022 5.00 p.m.
Every student who is entitled to vote can nominate himself for the Central Student Council (SC) and Faculty Student Council (FSC). The nomination will take place as follows. To take part in the elections you have to hand in a candidate list to the (faculty) election committee. The candidate list must be supported: for the SC by at least 10 eligible voters and for the FSC by at least 5 eligible voters. Every candidate has to fill in a written declaration, in which he/she accepts his/her nomination on the candidate list.
The candidate proposition forms may be obtained as of 7 March 2022 from the relevant central / faculty election committee (see overview below). The deadline for the submission of the candidate list is 21 March 2022 5.00 p.m. To ensure that the checking and processing of the candidate lists goes smoothly the election committee requests that the lists of candidates be handed in preferably before the final date.
The candidate lists (together with the candidates’ declarations of consent) for the SC must be handed in to the Central Election Committee’s via:
The candidate lists (together with the candidates’ declarations of consent) for the FSC must be handed in to the relevant faculty election committee via one of the e-mail addresses below. Dated proof of receipt will be issued to those who submit the lists.
The collecting and submitting of the SC candidate lists:
The collecting and submitting of the FSC candidate lists:
Verkiezingen SR en FSR
De verkiezingen van de leden van de Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR) vinden dit jaar online plaats via de website op woensdag 11 mei 2022 vanaf 8:00 uur doorlopend tot en met donderdag 12 mei 20222 17:00 uur.
Inzage kiesregisters
Het kiesregister kun je dit jaar vanaf 7 maart 2022 tot en met 14 maart 2022 uiterlijk 17.00 uur raadplegen via de website
Belanghebbenden kunnen binnen een week na de bekendmaking bezwaar aantekenen bij het College van Bestuur via:
Indienen kandidatenlijsten SR en FSR
Vanaf 7 maart 2022 tot en met 21 maart 2022 tot 17:00 uur bestaat de mogelijkheid voor het indienen van een kandidatenlijst voor de Centrale Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraden (FSR).
Iedere kiesgerechtigde student kan zich kandidaat stellen voor de Centrale Studentenraad (SR) en de Facultaire Studentenraad (FSR). De kandidaatstelling gaat als volgt. Om deel te kunnen nemen aan de verkiezingen dient een kandidatenlijst met een of meer kandidaten ingediend te worden bij de (facultaire) verkiezingscommissie. Deze kandidatenlijst dient ondersteund te worden: voor de SR door ten minste 10 kiesgerechtigden en voor de FSR door ten minste 5 kiesgerechtigden. Tevens dient iedere kandidaat een bewilligingsverklaring in te vullen, waarop hij/zij zich formeel kandidaat stelt voor de betreffende kandidatenlijst.
De kandidaatstellingsformulieren kan men vanaf 7 maart 2022 opvragen bij de betreffende centrale / facultaire verkiezingscommissie (zie onderstaand overzicht). De deadline voor het indienen van de kandidatenlijsten is 21 maart 2022 om 17:00 uur. Om de controle en de verwerking van de kandidatenlijsten soepel te laten verlopen verzoekt de verkiezingscommissie de kandidatenlijsten eerder in te leveren.
De kandidatenlijsten (+ bewilligingsverklaringen van de kandidaten) voor de SR moeten digitaal worden ingeleverd bij de Centrale Verkiezingscommissie via:
De kandidatenlijsten (+ bewilligingsverklaringen van de kandidaten) voor de FSR moeten worden ingeleverd bij de betreffende facultaire verkiezingscommissie via een van de onderstaande e-mailadressen. Aan degenen die de lijsten indienen wordt een gedagtekend bewijs van ontvangst verstrekt.
Opvragen en indienen kandidatenlijsten SR:
Opvragen en indienen kandidatenlijsten FSR:

Onbeperkt Studeren Week – Enabled TU Delft
March 14-18 2022
There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more ~ Robert M Hensel
Around 14% of the TU Delft student population have a functional disability or need for support that inhibits their studies to a greater or lesser extent. TU Delft strives to be a safe, inclusive environment, where we cherish diversity and in doing so encourage creativity, well-being, and innovation. This ambition requires courage, creativity, and participation from everyone, including you!
During the Onbeperkt Studeren Week – Enabled TU Delft from 14th/18th of March is organised by Student Onbeperkt and Horizon to raise awareness on studying with a study disability. You can join a special, fun, and informative week with a large variety of events. Listen to people with personal experiences and other specialists on these issues and join in debating various themes within the topic of studying with a disability. The events range from lectures with tools for students, to discussing the way to go forward at the TU Delft, a workshop on how to design your education for these students, and an exciting exhibition on the Teaching Lab where experiences of students are visualized.
We warmly invite everyone within the TU Delft community to join the various online and hybrid events, for the program and subscription to the events see:
Monday 14-03 11:15-12:15: Kick-Off and Panel Discussion Enabled TU Delft (Hybride)
Monday 14-03 15:00-17:00: Design workshop: together towards inclusive education (Hybride)
Monday 14-03 17:00-18:0: Network drinks (Teaching Lab)
Tuesday 15-03 12:45-14:45: Getting Things Done: de kunst van stress-vrije productiviteit (Hybride)
Tuesday 15-03 15:00-17:00: Gebarenworkshop & ervaring (Hybride)
Wednesday 16-03 12:30 – 13:45: Discussing your (dis)ability in a job interview (Hybride)
Wednesday 16-03 16:00-17:00: Real stories: how is it to find a job and work with a disability (Hybride)
Thursday 17-03 10:00-11:00 Universal Designed Learning Workshop for teachers. (Online)
Thursday 17-03 12:30-14:30: Ally Skills Workshop: learn how to step up for others in a safe way (Online)
Friday 18-03 10:15-12:00: How to study without the fear of failure: the art of failure (Hybride)
The whole week 9:00-17:00 Experience exhibition Enabled TU Delft @ Teaching Lab
Belangrijke links
Facebook pagina:
Instagram: @studentonbeperkt

Dutch universities condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine
Dutch below
The Dutch universities are shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and empathise with all those affected by it. What is happening there is horrific, and we are deeply concerned about the ramifications for the Ukrainian universities and the academic community. We wish to express our solidarity with students and staff in Ukraine, and we embrace those in the academic communities in Russia who are speaking out against the invasion while courageously continuing to dedicate themselves to peace, dialogue and open cooperation.
The Dutch universities are committed to supporting staff and students who are directly or indirectly impacted by these events. We recognise that Ukrainian and Russian staff and students in the Netherlands are experiencing uncertainty, and we intend to do everything we can to assist them as effectively as possible. The universities will also explore possibilities for offering help to academics in Ukraine. As universities, we have a responsibility to use our research and education programmes to contribute to a better world and to dedicate ourselves to the goals of peace, respect and liberty, as well as academic freedom.
Do you have any questions?
Students who have questions and/or concerns can turn their academic counsellor.
More information about the situation in Ukraine can be found on

Nederlandse universiteiten veroordelen Russische inval Oekraïne
De Nederlandse universiteiten zijn geschokt door de Russische inval in Oekraïne en leven mee met eenieder die hierdoor getroffen wordt. Het is verschrikkelijk wat daar gebeurt en we maken ons grote zorgen over de gevolgen die het heeft voor de Oekraïense universiteiten en de academische gemeenschap. We zijn solidair met studenten en medewerkers in Oekraïne en we omarmen de academische gemeenschappen in Rusland die zich uitspreken tegen de inval en zich moedig blijven inzetten voor vrede, dialoog en open samenwerking.
De Nederlandse universiteiten zetten zich in om studenten en medewerkers te ondersteunen die hier direct of indirect door geraakt worden. Wij zien dat er onzekerheid is onder Oekraïense en Russische medewerkers en studenten in Nederland. Wij doen ons uiterste best om hen zo goed mogelijk te helpen. Daarnaast gaan de universiteiten kijken welke mogelijkheden er zijn om academici in Oekraïne hulp te bieden. Het is onze verantwoordelijkheid als universiteiten om met onderzoek en onderwijs bij te dragen aan een betere wereld en om ons in te zetten voor vrede, respect en (academische) vrijheid.
Heb je vragen?
Studenten die vragen en/of zorgen hebben, kunnen zich wenden tot hun studieadviseur.
Meer informatie over de situatie lees je op
Special invitation 2nd year bachelors for Minor Event
On Wednesday 23 March from 12.30 to 17.30 we will organize an online minor information meeting for 2nd year bachelor students.
Here you will have the opportunity to hear more specific information about the minors and to ask questions. Have a look at your email for the full invitation, or visit the website for more information about the event and the registration and admission procedure for the thematic and LDE minors 2022-2023.
Speciale uitnodiging 2e jaars bachelors voor Minor Event
Op woensdag 23 maart van 12.30 tot 17.30 uur organiseren we een online minorvoorlichtingsbijeenkomst voor 2e jaars bachelor studenten. Hier krijg je de kans om meer specifieke informatie over de minoren te horen en vragen te stellen. Kijk in je mailbx voor de officiele uitnodiging en kijk op de website voor meer informatie over het evenement en de inschrijf- en toelatingsprocedure voor de thematische en LDE-minoren 2022-2023.

Want to talk together and share emotions about the situation in Ukraine? We are opening our Living Room tonight.
What was feared for months has become reality. We want to offer a safe space for sharing thoughts and emotions about the current situation in Ukraine.
Tonight from 20.00 – 22.00, we open the doors of our Living Room to come together and share. You can just walk in if and when you want. We will make sure there is hot chocolate, to warm you hearts, even just for a moment.
If you would like to talk more about this, know that you can talk to your study advisor or the student physiologist. There will be more staff available this coming week.

International Women’s Day 8 March, sign up for the panel dialogue
8 March is International Women’s Day. On this day, worldwide attention is asked for emancipation and women’s rights. In the Netherlands, and at TU Delft, this day is focused on solidarity with women. On 8 March, together with colleagues and students, we will go into this theme. You can sign up for a Panel dialogue with performance act from 16:00 – 18:00. During this panel dialogue we will examine the importance of solidarity together with the panelists and the audience. What does solidarity mean to you? What are your experiences and ideas on how to show solidarity with women at TU Delft? Discover the challenges and opportunities for achieving gender equality at TU Delft through the lens of solidarity.

ICT: maintenance weekend on 26 and 27 February
An ICT maintenance weekend is scheduled on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 February. This whole weekend we are working on several applications, updates on servers and databases, and updates on the network devices. The maintenance starts on Friday evening and continues until Sunday evening. We ask for understanding for any inconvenience.
If you’d like us to keep you informed about all maintenance work and possible disruptions, click here.

TU Alert: campus to close at 12.30 / campus sluit om 12:30 uur
Due to storm Eunice, the TU Delft campus will close today at 12:30 pm. All on-campus education will be cancelled and buildings will switch to an evening or weekend schedule. This is because of the risk of damage, injury or considerable inconvenience.
Also, with the early closure we want to enable students and staff to travel home safely. Earlier today it was announced that NS will not be running any trains after 2pm.
The safety of our students and staff is paramount. If you live on campus or are required to be on campus, please be alert and careful.
Vanwege storm Eunice sluit de TU Delft-campus vandaag om 12.30 uur. Alle fysieke lessen vervallen en de gebouwen gaan over op een avond- of weekendregime. Dit omdat de kans op schade, letsel of veel overlast aanwezig is.
Ook willen we met de vervroegde sluiting studenten en medewerkers in staat stellen om veilig naar huis te reizen. Eerder vandaag werd al bekend dat de NS na 14.00 uur geen treinen meer laat rijden.
De veiligheid van onze studenten en medewerkers staat voorop. Woon je op de campus of ben je toch genoodzaakt op de campus te zijn, wees dan alert en voorzichtig.
IMAGining Energy transition – Open Photo Competition
Join us in celebrating Open Education Week 2022 and TU Delft’s 180th anniversary by submitting an image to the Open Photo competition of what a sustainable energy transition looks like to you.
To be in with a chance of winning one of five €20 vouchers, submit at least one photograph that captures what a sustainable energy transition looks like to you: the facts, the challenges, the drivers; your fears, your hopes, your inspiration, your research, your contribution!
Your submissions will be uploaded to We Like Sharing, a bank of images created by TU Delft staff and students that is ‘open’: visible to everyone and publicly searchable.
The deadline to submit your photographs is 13 MARCH at 23.55 hours. Submit today!
Competition is open to all TU Delft employees, students and alumni. Winners will be notified w/c 28 March.
If you are one of the winners, you can choose to redeem your €20 voucher at one of the following: Paagman Books, De Nationale Bioscoopbon,, and Suiker en Kaneel Chocolate Chip Cookies.
We look forward to receiving your entry – Good luck!