Posts in category Event
Results elections 2022 central student council
In determining the results of the elections for the Central Student Council on 13 May 2022, held on 11 and 12 May 2022, the Central Election Commission declares the following candidates as elected:
Lijst 1, ORAS:
- Sanne Koomans
- Bart van Koeveringe
- Isabel Mens
- Fien de Mol van Otterlo
- Marten Leenders
- Maarten de Jong
Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:
- Abdelkader Karbache
- Amy Zijlmans
- Yashasvi Aggarwal
- Lena Trotereau
The turnout rate for this year’s Central Student Council elections was 28,9%. This rate is higher than in the past two years (27,6% in 2021 and 27,9% in 2020), but lower than in the previous year (35,4% in 2019). A total of 7900 students voted for the Central Student Council in 2022.
Objections concerning the determination of the above results must be submitted, in writing, to the Student Council Election Committee at the latest on 20 May 2022 by e-mail to: or by mail:
TU Delft
Legal Affairs
Student Council Election Committee
Postbus 5
2600 AA Delft
If no objections have been received on or before 20 May 2022, the results will be irreversible on 21 May 2022. After 23 May 2022 the candidates will receive a message from the Student Council Election Committee if they have or have not been elected. Elected students have 1 month to accept their election.
Bij de uitslagbepaling op 13 mei 2022 van de verkiezingen voor de Centrale Studentenraad, gehouden op 11 en 12 mei 2022, heeft de Centrale Verkiezingscommissie de navolgende kandidaten gekozen verklaard:
Lijst 1, ORAS:
- Sanne Koomans
- Bart van Koeveringe
- Isabel Mens
- Fien de Mol van Otterlo
- Marten Leenders
- Maarten de Jong
Lijst 2, Lijst Bèta:
- Abdelkader Karbache
- Amy Zijlmans
- Yashasvi Aggarwal
- Lena Trotereau
Het opkomstpercentage voor de verkiezingen voor de Centrale Studentenraad was dit jaar 28,9%. Dit percentage is hoger dan de afgelopen twee jaren (27,6% in 2021 en 27,9% in 2020), maar lager dan in het jaar daarvoor (35,4% in 2019). In 2022 hebben in totaal 7.900 studenten hun stem uitgebracht voor de Centrale Studentenraad.
Eventuele bezwaarschriften tegen de vaststelling van de uitslag van deze verkiezingen kunnen uiterlijk tot en met 20 mei 2022 schriftelijk worden ingediend bij de verkiezingscommissie via e-mail: of per post:
TU Delft
Legal Affairs|
T.a.v. verkiezingscommissie
Postbus 5
2600 AA Delft
Indien er op of voor 20 mei 2022 geen bezwaarschriften zijn ingediend, zal de uitslag op 21 mei 2022 onaantastbaar zijn. De kandidaten ontvangen na 23 mei 2022 van de verkiezingscommissie een brief met de mededeling of zij wel of niet zijn gekozen. Gekozen studenten hebben vervolgens één maand de tijd om hun verkiezing te aanvaarden.

Theme week about vulnerability – 50 years of psychologist team

This year the psychology team is celebrating their 50th anniversary. They will celebrate this in the week of 4-10 October by organizing different activities around the theme of vulnerability.
Seeing vulnerability as something powerful is an idea that was first explored by Brene Brown. Vulnerability is difficult when it can be associated with shame and fear, but at the same time it is also the source of joy and creativity. Being vulnerable to oneself and others creates more connection which can be a fertile ground for creating and maintaining important relationships.
The student psychologists believe that being vulnerable can contribute to a more positive learning and research climate at our University and hope that this week can give an impetus to and contribute to this.
Look for more information about the activities at:
Delft Student Well-being Symposium (this Friday!)
Coming Friday (19 February) the Delft Student Well-being Symposium takes place. Our mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt opens the evening. Afterwards, Olympic ice skater Mark Tuitert will share his story with his personal setbacks during his career with us. Lastly, two student psychologists from We Care For Students will speak interactively about finding motivating and dealing with setbacks, two relevant topics during this Corona period. You can watch the symposium online via Save the date!
Zit jij wel lekker in je vel? Of heb je tegenwoordig ook steeds vaker te maken met dat herkenbare “corona dipje”? Dat is niet gek wanneer je broeiende studententijd verandert in een periode die veel aanpassing en geduld vraagt. Om deze reden vindt aankomende vrijdag 19 februari het plaats. Na een opening van onze burgermeester Marja van Bijsterveldt, zullen Olympisch schaatser Mark Tuitert en student psychologen van We Care For Students op een luchtige en interactieve manier vertellen over omgaan met tegenslagen en het vinden van motivatie, wat natuurlijk een groot en belangrijk onderwerp is in deze huidige corona tijd! Het symposium zal plaatsvinden in de vorm van een livestream en is te volgen via de volgende link: Kijk jij mee?
Meet Diederik Jekel in the first of 3 TU Delft pop-up lectures!
Next week you can join three special TU Delft pop-up online lectures of Studium Generale. Tune in on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 8-9.30pm.
- Tuesday 2 February: Science journalist Diederik Jekel (1984) will talk about hope in times of lockdown. What does it mean to be an academic in these difficult times and what can we learn from what we have experienced?
- Wednesday 3 February: Philosopher Toske Andreoli (1990) wrote the book ‘De mooiste tijd van je leven?’. A new look at study stress with the intention of not placing all the responsibility on students themselves for once. In her talk (in Dutch), she pleads for a supportive study climate and explains what that looks like.
- Thursday 4 February: Philosopher Miriam Rasch (1979) proposes a revaluation of friction during her lecture. Can humans really be understood as algorithms? What happens to the things that cannot be captured in data? And why is the dataist future presented as inevitable?
UNLOCKING… Educators of TU Delft!
Dutch below:
Do you know your educators well? What drives them? What is their vision on learning, self-development and well-being? And what lessons have they learned so far?
In the “Series of interviews – UNLOCKING…”, TU Delft’s educators share their personal stories with you: from the dreams they once had to their hobbies and passions, and the hurdles they’ve encountered. Get inspired, and get to know the person behind the screen!
Through the 10 open interviews with a diverse group of educators from the TU Delft, Career & Counselling Services want to shed a positive light on well-being. The personal stories and insights shared by those who are often only seen in their position as teacher, scientist or executive show us that the struggles and doubts you may have as a student are an inevitable component of your growth process. The stories provide insight into the various ways you may bounce back, they show where these people get their resilience, what and who has made them stronger. It sometimes takes years before you realize something, and occasionally there is a flash of insight. Examples of experience may help to speed up the learning process, and sometimes make it a little less painful. And there is no path that is better than another; hopefully at least one of the paths resonates with you!
From this week onwards a new video will be released every week. The teaser of the first interview, with the Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education Rob Mudde, can be found on the Instagram page of Career&Counselling Services. Or watch the complete interview here!
Hoe goed ken jij je docenten eigenlijk? Wat hen drijft? Wat hun visie is op leren, zelfontwikkeling en welzijn? En wat zijn de levenslessen die zij geleerd hebben tot nu toe?
In de “Series of interviews – UNLOCKING…” wil Career & Counselling Services op een inspirerende en positieve wijze welzijn onder de aandacht brengen, door middel van 10 interviews met een diverse groep onderwijzers van de TU Delft. Laat je inspireren en leer de persoon achter het scherm beter kennen!
De persoonlijke verhalen en inzichten gedeeld door hen die we meestal enkel als docent, onderzoeker of leidinggevende kennen laten ons zien dat de twijfels en worstelingen die je soms hebt als student een onvermijdelijk onderdeel zijn van ieders groeiproces. En dat ook deze onderwijzers, onderzoekers en leidinggevenden dromen, twijfelen en (nog steeds) leren. Met soms kwetsbare anekdotes delen deze onderwijzers van de TU Delft hun inzichten en ervaringen over hoe zij tegenslagen zijn overkomen, wat hun veerkracht geeft en wat of wie hen sterker heeft gemaakt.
Vanaf deze week verschijnt iedere week een nieuw interview. De teaser van het eerste interview, met Rob Mudde, Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice-President Education, is te vinden op de Instagram pagina van Career & Counselling Services. Of bekijk het volledige interview hier!
‘Plagiarism in education and research’ discussion on 26 January 2021
On Tuesday 26 January from 14:00 to 17:00, the VSNU will be holding an afternoon discussion on plagiarism in education and research.
This session will focus on several questions:
- What are the legal contours of the term ‘plagiarism’ and how do these compare to the relevant requirements imposed with respect to academic integrity?
- From a historical perspective, have there been any developments in the way people view plagiarism (and originality)?
- Which best (or worst) practices can be found in teaching and scientific research methods?
The event will feature two speakers from the UvA: our rector Karen Maex will deliver the opening address, and professor Jonathan Soeharno, who is also the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee, will discuss the question ‘What exactly is a violation of academic integrity?’.
Those interested may attend the session online. View the entire (Dutch spoken) programme and register to attend on
TU Delft Purple Friday 2020
Friday 11 December it will be ‘Purple Friday’ again at TU Delft. On ‘Purple Friday’ people show their solidarity with young people who are gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender by wearing purple.
In 2010 Purple Friday was organized for the first time in the Netherlands. It always takes place at the second Friday of December and is organized by the network of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) of the gay interest organization of the COC. The reason for starting Purple Friday was the outcome of a research that showed that at 50% of the educational institutions it is not safe for young people to come out of the closet and that the rate of suicides amongst young gay people is five times higher than amongst heterosexual youngsters.
You are warmly invited to celebrate Purple Friday on the TU Delft campus on Friday, December 11th. There are several resources available that you can use to show that you support the Purple Friday goal. Check them out here.
TU Delft is committed to diversity and inclusion – anyone who wishes to study or work here deserves to be valued and to feel at home, irrespective of their sexual orientation, gender, age, background or physical disability. This ensures that everyone can perform to the best of their ability.
True U
True U is TU Delft’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) network. As well as colleagues in this group, the network includes “straight allies” – heterosexuals who support an open culture. For more information or to sign up, go here. You can also follow the network on Instagram.
Interactieve livestream Time Out (in Dutch)
Op 2 november 2020 om 20u vindt het Time Out Event plaats in het Internationaal Theater Amsterdam voor maximaal 30 bezoekers. De gratis interactieve livestream is te volgen via
Over Time Out:
Time Out is een rauwe en ongepolijste weerspiegeling van de realiteit waartoe studenten en jongeren zich nu moeten verhouden.
Eerst was er stress door de maatschappelijke verwachting om voortdurend aan te staan, te excelleren en te presteren. Geen ruimte meer om jong te zijn; uit te proberen, te falen, te en fouten te leren maken. Je moet de beste, de leukste, de snelste, de slimste zijn. Wie die norm bedacht had weet niemand meer.
En toen kwam corona.
We zitten in een ongevraagde time out die ironisch genoeg veel stress en paniek oplevert. Daarom is er deze speciale editie van het Time Out event, op 2 november in het ITA. Studenten maken deel uit van de voorstelling waarbij ze zich ongefilterd kunnen laten horen. Live op het podium èn online met een allesbehalve statische livestream gaan de makers van Time Out het gesprek aan met jongeren, bestuurders, beleidsmakers en politici. Live en via de livestream.
“Bijbaan is opgezegd. Hoe betaal ik mijn huur, mijn studie?”
“Zo kan ik niet studeren. Voel me opgesloten.”
“#Ironie, wilde zo graag een time out en nu weet ik niet wat ik er mee moet.”
“Kan die docent iets anders bedenken dan het zoveelste essay”
Uit onderzoek van EenVandaag van september blijkt dat 74% van jongeren kampen met psychische problemen als onzekerheid, eenzaamheid en stress door corona.
We gaan het er over hebben en laten jongeren aan het woord met hun verhalen, ideeën en oplossingen voor een gezond, waardevol en stabiel studentenleven.
Kijk voor meer informatie op
Update: campus power cut
De gebouwen op de campus zijn weer van stroom voorzien. Alle gebouwen die ontruimd waren, openen in de loop van de middag weer hun deuren. Je wordt hierover verder geïnformeerd via de communicatiekanalen van je eigen Faculteit/Dienst.
The buildings on the campus affected by the power cut are reconnected to the grid. Buildings that have been evacuated, will be reopening their doors during the course of the afternoon. You will be kept informed of this through the communication channels of your Faculty/Support Service.
New Free Festival and ‘Day of Wonder’ (formerly ZOMERfestival)
What: New International Festival of Technology
When: 1 to 5 June 2015
Where: Various locations in Delft
It’s time to celebrate what our city is good at: Delft will be combining the best of technology and innovation in a varied programme. Fans of technology, music, and festivals, as well as techno starters, students, and scientists will have the chance to meet for a whole week. Everyone will be challenged to join the debates, to inspire each other, and to create together. Test your knowledge and skills, take a look into the future, and meet the scientists behind the projects.
From June 1 to 5 2015, the city of Delft and the campus will be hosting the brand new International Festival of Technology. During this week, Delft will be the scene of master classes, challenges, debates, art walks and open lab days, as well as special performances like ‘Professors in the Theater Arena’ and ‘The Iceman’.
On the 3rd of June, during the OC&C Ringvaart Regatta, the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute will be showing the latest technological developments, while on Friday there will be a special business programme for entrepreneurs seeking to collaborate. There will also be workshops for children, while TU Delft students will make an attempt to set a new ‘crate bridge’ world record. The programme is not yet complete!
One thing is sure: the festival will be packed with surprises and encounters. And everyone will be able to enjoy it all, because the Inholland University of Applied Sciences ‘Groentestudentenbus’ will be covering the festival via a livestream.
Spectacular festival finale
The grand finale is on Friday 5 June will be ‘A day of Wonder’ – a mix of music, technology, art, stand-up science, and very special food. Get inspired by leading speakers on trends in technology, and enjoy live performances by major artists and music innovators like:
Jett Rebel
Jacqueline Govaert
Typhoon & Friends
Benjamin Herman
Rico & A.R.T.
For more information and updates:
Facebook Event & Festival Site